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Everything posted by Toa

  1. 1 EXP away from a level sucks, but 1 away from the level cap is the worst... RIP in pizza Erk
  2. Toa

    Elibean Nights

    No, but he said something about a later patch being released new years. I edited my comment because I realized that was badly phrased, but you were too quick!
  3. Toa

    Elibean Nights

    Do you guys listen to this song a lot? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hEvGKUXW0iI Looking forward to the release, even if it does get delayed a bit. Thanks for all the work you're putting in! :)
  4. Oh darn, I'll miss the crap fest, but Elibian Nights and Chaos mode will probably be way better. Also dang, what happened to those Falco Knight caps? Strength looks like one of their best stats and skill looks like it caps at ~20.
  5. Toa

    Toa's Sprites

    Snow Miser says hello! Still a bit of a WIP since I can probably make his hair and body a bit better. I need some help there. For those of you who don't him: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dPrbccEdI5o
  6. Toa

    Lenh's Locker

    I like his head so far, but his shoulders seem pretty small.
  7. Toa

    Toa's Sprites

    @Shepard: The color distribution seems pretty even to me, and isn't the lightest shade normally dominant anyway? And here's a shorter neck.
  8. Toa

    Toa's Sprites

    Hey, my thread is "hot" now! Is that better?
  9. I think his head is too close to his shoulders, I would move it up a bit. I think you might be able to make a better angle with the space that would provide, and you could make his shoulders slope up into his neck a bit earlier as well.
  10. Toa

    Toa's Sprites

    Is that hair better? It's had three shades the whole time, but I used the middle one a bit more here. I want his hair to be spiky like it is, but I couldn't find any really good refs for that. I think it looks a bit less blocky now though.
  11. Toa

    Toa's Sprites

    If the problem is just the armor, I think that might be because I had originally drawn and shaded the body horizontally flipped, so when I put it in the current view the light came from the wrong side. Is this any better? I'll look into hair, and with the stuff you guys are talking about, are you talking about everything or just this one?
  12. Toa

    Toa's Sprites

    Unconventional in a good way or a bad way?
  13. Toa

    Toa's Sprites

    Took another stab at the heroic pose and ended up with much better results! I'm pretty happy with how this one turned out.
  14. For the portraits: Sandy is a Karla recolor with Lyn's ponytail, Craft looks like Geese with different eyes and some changes to his jacket. Star is Farina's face and upperbody with Lucius' cape and Ursula's body. Donovan is Zeiss' hair, Lance's face, and Lloyd's body. The map sprite is the beta sprite for female mercs, I think it comes from FE6
  15. Toa

    Toa's Sprites

    Made use of Aeo's refs and fixed these two up. Their faces look a lot better now, and red coat's body fits his pose way better. Thank you for the advice!
  16. Toa

    Toa's Sprites

    Ah, yeah I can see my noses making a bit too much empty face space. I'll make sure to watch out for that I'll take a look at that, looks like his jawline is a lot more defined. The new angling for that body looks waaaay better. Will definitely be taking a look at that. I'm also seeing how the shortened nose looks better. Thank you for the references! Will definitely be taking a look at those!
  17. I think her eye needs to go down a pixel, but the real problem there is that her eyes don't match. One is long and flat topped and the other looks a lot more circular. Did you splice those eyes a pair or try and draw your own? She also has a 1 pixel hole in her face to the south east of the eye you're moving. The green haired girl is ok, the body needs work to say the least, it looks pretty pillowy and the lines seem jagged and they don't flow well. I think you should stick to splicing for now. The orange hair guy looks pretty good, but it looks like the trim on his shoulder pad somehow lost its shading. I might also go for a different set of whites, try for a bit more contrast.
  18. Toa

    Toa's Sprites

    Eyebrows... Dx I'm pretty bad at them so I looked at some official ones and made some changes I made changes to blue hair's jawline, I noticed one side was straighter than the other so I rounded it out. Assuming that's what uneven jawline meant. I tried to fix his chin a bit, but I wasn't entirely sure what to do. I also made some changes to his nose. I fixed the second's chin, and coupled with his new eyebrows he has a look of determination that I like more than his old blandish expression. I also broadened his shoulders a bit. For some reason I keep drawing them pretty slim. Thanks for the feedback, Mew! C:
  19. Toa

    Toa's Sprites

    -> A lot of changes between this guy's first draft and the latest version! (which I'm sufficiently happy with) I think he looks way better now, I'm especially fond of the shoulder trim, I think it's my best trim to date. Also got a body onto this guy
  20. I think that actually is the sniper... Maybe Flo can still be saved by the power of RNG?
  21. Hey Chast, I'm Toaomr on Reddit, you might've seen me around (I know I've seen you). Nice to see you in the forest!
  22. I like that you cut out the fluff, but I agree with eclipse that you might've cut out too much to the point where it's hard to tell what's happening. I think you're pretty funny though, certainly entertaining :D
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