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Everything posted by Toa

  1. I think this is the biggest turnout I've been a part of :O Long live the splice comp! omg my body looks even worse next to everyone else's mugs
  2. Maybe try a different bandanna? I think the bandana alone is pretty tall. For the arm, move it to our right a pixel or two and maybe down another. The shoulder should be one smooth arc. For the eyes, I think you should just take some normal eyes and if those aren't what you want make some small edits to those. I think the markings suffer from a bit of bad color choice, your browns are all pretty close to each other and are pretty goopy. I'd reference some of the browns they use in official mugs. You also have an FE8 outline, I'm not sure if you want that. Back to the markings, you have the benefit of the skintones being close to browns, so you could use those to blend the markings into the face better, maybe reference how spiky hair that covers parts of the face is shaded in official mugs.
  3. The bandana is pretty high up, making her head look really tall, you should lower it to eyebrowish level. The arm closest to us doesn't look like its connected, I'd lower it a few pixels and get rid of the tear(?) in her clothing so it goes around the arm better. The eyes are pretty strange too.
  4. Toa

    Toa's Sprites

    Apparently I didn't update throughout the entire month of November, whoops lol. Tis the season, so i gave Hanbei a hat for my icon I made some changes on these, I don't entirely remember what they were because I did them a while ago. I know I fixed Blue's headband and armor and mad Green's cape cover his shoulder more. Here's a new thing, his head is too big, but I don't really want to fix it right now. I don't really like his body as I designed it on the fly and it isn't really what I wanted. Based on a friend's character, a splice with customish hair. And now the WIP dump Fixing this guy even more The other gender?! She's eventually going to be a nobleish cleric, not sure what to do for a body. Pretty much just a base at this point This guy's head and hair are finished except for his lack of eyebrows. More problems with no inspiration for a body. The parts I liked about my splice comp entry, the body I made was rushed and I still had no body inspiration so I was pretty unhappy with it. I might try to give him a full custom body at some point.
  5. These are pretty basic, I'd suggest branching out and doing more than 1 or 2 little edits to an existing mug, so your characters look more unique. There's some good tutorials in the pinned spriter's resource. I'd suggest that you figure out how to do pretty proficient splices before adding your own custom additions.
  6. Ugh, really couldn't come up with anything for a body. I just like my super fluffy hair :3 Great turnout guys!
  7. Toa

    Elibean Nights

    My theory is that he's waiting for the page 100 release.
  8. Toa

    Toa's Sprites

    A pair of full customs! They're both hilariously under the color limit... I'm not quite happy with the right's hair, spikes are hard.
  9. I'd consider lining all the numbers up on the left edge, like the strength looks like it should be scootched over to the right a bit. It'd look a bit more organized, and I think the supports and final stat totals would benefit from uniformity as well. (It also seems odd that he only has 8 attack with 14 strength) I think I'd also make the weapon screen the same height as the other two, as you have some uniformity going on with the other 2 .
  10. I can't sprite trim

  11. Toa

    Halloween Event?

    I'd be interested, competitions are fun.
  12. Edition refers to a version of something, like the paper back edition of a book. I guess it could make sense if you said Personwhomadeedit's edition, meaning it's their version of the sheet. The word you're probably looking for is addition, or something that's been added on. Homophones can be confusing.
  13. Toa

    Toa's Sprites

    I updated the original post so now all my sprites are available to see in one convenient place! How nice! My entry for splice 109, probably my most complex splice to date. I tried to fix his derpface and slimmed his shoulders a bit I also tried to make a map
  14. [spoiler=guesses] Pursuit, Bargain, Not sure, Steal, Pass or Cancel, Not sure, Not sure Renewal, Miracle, Charge, Dance/sing, Not sure Critical 5-25 Not sure, Great Shield, Wrath, Nihil, Continue Sol, Astra, Paragon, Luna, Vantage I like them, but a couple weren't really clear until zoomed in(bargain and the music note come to mind). I think anyone who's played genealogy would be able to place most of them.
  15. I think they might be meant to be the same character, but IDK, they do look the same.
  16. Wow, even unfinished that's cool :O Sometimes I'm amazed by people's creativity when they splice.
  17. Might make some more edits to the armor later.
  18. Toa

    a gallery(?)

    Might just be because it's a WIP, but that's a pretty heavy jaw for a girl. Also, just noticed, the neck goes way too close to the edge of her face, I'd make the neck a bit thinner.
  19. Toa

    a gallery(?)

    His face looks a bit squished, and I think his eye is too close to his nose. His upper lip looks really strange jutting out the way it does. Here's a gif:
  20. Toa

    Toa's Sprites

    Made some small edits here Going past the hackbox is fun :3 Still working on the body(The whole thing, not just the unfinished looking part). The head and hair are pretty much done and I really like how they turned out. The style might be a bit different, but I like it. I'd like some help on the body, I'm not great at them... [spoiler=Super WIP] LE TIP
  21. Even if you didn't draw it still looks weird, and I'd still put a new one on. I'd like to know where you think it came from. For the white I'd just use darker shades, maybe the darkest and then the second or third darkest.
  22. The colors on his shirt aren't great because white usually gets 3-4 colors and you only have 2, I'd either add another color or change the color. I'd grab the smile from a pre existing mug as opposed to drawing your own, it looks a bit weird. @Ana: Sain's hair already has a headband lol. Not that much of a coincidence.
  23. Toa

    Toa's Sprites

    I think I fixed up the shoulder trim, I think it looks a bit smoother now. I messed with the hair a bit and that's what I ended up with, not sure if that's what you were suggesting to do.
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