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Everything posted by Toa

  1. Toa

    a gallery(?)

    It looks like you're just adding highlights in the middle of each armor segment, which isn't really what you want to do. It's hard to explain how to do it, so here's a reference I made. Circular/round things have highlights that appear near the edges, and adding those makes it look shiny ish. When I was working on that, I noticed that your current WIP lost the slightly smoother outline that Lenh made, you might want to add that back in.
  2. Not sure what those numbers mean, the one I posted is at 1/10 second per frame. If the numbers are referencing thousandths of a second then 100 sounds good.
  3. The blur frame is really unnecessary and looks kinda bad. It makes it look like the hand lags in place for a second. Not sure why you didn't listen to Ghast when he told you you didn't need one. The gif is painfully slow right now, you'll need to speed it up to really get a good impression of the motion. Her pose seems off for what she's doing, she looks like she's leaning back after just shooting off a fire ball or something, not like she's bracing to catch a huge falling spear. I like the concept, but the execution needs some work.
  4. I am having trouble voting, I get an error that says I need to answer every question on the poll, even though I do :/ Could just be me?
  5. In round 104, this was lenh's mug that won was: Mine has more votes now, but Lenh's was in the lead when the winner was declared, silly late voters :P Thanks for doing that, really cool to see them all in one place :O
  6. Toa

    Toa's Sprites

    Lol, Errant, did you decide to reply to every thread on page 1 or something? not that I'm complaining about activity around here Thanks for the suggestions, and now: Edits, Edits everywhere! rebecca got slimmed up a bit Here's some Eliwoods. The far left is the original, the middle he has one hand on the sword and the other out in front and long hair while in the last one he has both hands on the sword and a ponytail. I'm partial to the last one. Trying to redux an old dreadfighter sprite(new<-old), but it's not going great. Poses are hard.
  7. I think forcing us to use a base is a horrible idea, there isn't as much space as in a mug and it's a pretty big constraint. No one likes working with a bunch of constraints, and that combined with the theme is a bit much.
  8. Yay! I was wondering when the 25th was going to start :P EDIT: The download isn't a UPS..? Got it working but I had to manually add the .ups extension. Can't imagine that was intentional.
  9. Toa

    Toa's Sprites

    A pony tail would be pretty cool! I wasn't sure what to do with his hair so I just left it normal. I'll look into fixing Eliwood up a bit, proportions get screwed up pretty easy with these poses.(at least when I do them)
  10. Toa

    Toa's Sprites

    Moar battle sprites, they're lots of fun! Rebecca is for our very own battle spriting competition. The other two are nation bent Lyn and Eliwood, Western!Lyn and Eastern!Eliwood. They're for a comp over on dA it's become my personal goal to enter and win everything. I can only pick one to submit, so which one do you guys like more?
  11. Aren't you supposed to PM them in not post them?
  12. level 5s are so rare you can't even find them on the spreadsheet
  13. Toa

    My sprites

    The peg is Thany/Shanna, the middle sister is Tate.
  14. The true final bosses will obviously be Jake and Anna
  15. Toa

    Toa's Sprites

    Jumping on board the battle sprite hype train WIP animation, I think I might've added too much blur to his sword in places. Still working on Max a bit, but it's slow. @ Nih, I use my trackpad for 90% of my spriting lol :P
  16. The wings looks like they've lost a lot of detail from the vanilla sprites. I think the head might look a bit better with a little ear like the peg knight pegasus has.
  17. I'd be interested, I like to do the occasional battle sprite. I don't have any new theme ideas, but I like all the ones that have been submitted, making a sprite for my avatar sounds especially fun
  18. Toa

    My sprites

    The sister's shoulders seem pretty slim, and her cowl doesn't seem quite big enough to fit an entire head, I'd poof it up a bit more. The other one looks pretty good, but the bangs on our left are a bit weird and the headband is pretty flat. I'd try to get a bit more contrast in the armor shades as well.
  19. Toa

    Lenh's Locker

    His neck is that thin in the game, lol. It doesn't make it look less weird, I feel like he could use a shoulder and neck buff, but it's pretty good justification. His body is pretty hard to make out in the screenshots, and looks pretty funky on analysis. I think the darkest part with the clasp might be meant to be a cape? The rest looks like spandex with weird patterns drawn on. I like it, at the current rate IS will need to release more trailers so we can sprite more :P
  20. Toa

    My sprites

    [spoiler=Gif] the eyes are different and it does make a difference. The hair is way too high up as well, move it down some.
  21. Xenos' neck is really short, and there's some weird angling going on with his face, like his nose is a bit crooked. I like his body, though his arm looks pretty scrawny, I'd give him a bit more shoulder muscle. Ohonen's face seems pretty tall and skinny, and his ear looks pretty high up. His pose is strange, his head should probably be moved back a couple pixels.
  22. trim.png Might do some more clean up later but I literally never follow up when I say that
  23. Toa

    Toa's Sprites

    Yeah, traced pretty hard. Once we get some better reference material I might re-sprite him in a different pose. I like Max more since we already have too many Marks :P His design is totally awesome! Definitely my favorite thing from the trailer, he might become my favorite character from appearance alone, lol. I worked a bit more on his face and I think it looks better now(definitely expression wise), but I'm not sure about his eyes :/ Maybe it's just me.
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