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Everything posted by CyberNinja

  1. The way Edelgard's rout is handled is either you agree with her and join or see her as misguided and ultimately will be forced to kill one another. For this reason if you side with her you're as lacking in information as she is and can only conclude the Rhea is insane and essentially enslaved humanity (note: this is incorrect) and thus this will color your perspective on Edelgard who does rely less on the Agarthians in this route (which is the only conclusion I can come to unless the knights are really that much of a force multiplier) You the player are thus not going to see more of the questionable things she does but the game doesn't portray the others (barring Rhea) as any less heroic than normal, Dimitry is arguably his most sane and heroic, Claude is in over his head, and the church switches between trying to make you see reason and seeing you as the antichrist. We don't learn about the truth of nemisis so we simply seem him as a tragic freedom fighter and Edelgard as taking up his mantle, in truth we simply finish the genocide he started. Ultimately I think it fits, Edelgard doesn't see herself as a villain, Dimitry doesn't care and simply wants revenge, Claude is just desperate to survive the world burning around him (Edelgard: your death is not in vain, Claude: we're all desperate, aren't we? Dimitry: Kill every last one of them!) These stances influence how they take their loss, Edelgard sees a total failure and just wants death/suicide by cop, Dimitry wants to fight to the last and gets his gruesome end, Claude just cuts his losses and flees if he can. For this reason I consider Edelgard justified, she wants to restore an empire that she believes was split to weaken humanity to be slaves to the dragons, she thinks she is saving humanity from its greatest threat and that the lesser threat (or longer term, if you wish) can be removed after. However I don't consider her actions correct, as her ultimate goals are based on misinformation, in this sense she is simply wrong, her actions and goal horrid. It's why I get annoyed when people lie or misinform on the forums in arguments pro or against her. Basically Edelgard thinks she's the protagonist of this:
  2. I mean that's basically the crest stones? Well, in this case its their heart but magical stone turning people in dragons and other creatures they basically fit the bill if they didn't cause immediate berserker insanity.
  3. Because the Church is in a significantly worse position in all routes that you don't side with her, she likely had time to loot the artifact. While in Edelgard's own route, Rhea armored up and left to Faerghus with her knights.
  4. You know, except all the movie cutscenes showing the contrary I have at my fingertips in the extras, have you considered that its poor form to be openly dishonest when we have every unlocked conversation and cutscene on tap in our switches? She literally begs the protag to execute her so that no one will have a banner to fight under so that everyone will stop killing each other. She absolutely hates the slaughter but is willing to take this path regardless, compared to Dimitry who won't deny enjoying starting a massacre in Felix's C support. I'll finish my BL route before reaching judgement, but Edelgard haters seem like dishonest Hypocrites to say the least. I can say I wouldn't, since when I only had as much information as Edelgard I found her position quite justified, its only post GD that I've come to see that while justified, she is incorrect in her response.
  5. Most people have expectations of others that they themselves would never do, regardless of what they say. Doubly so for fictional characters, of which we tend to expect better.
  6. I have a overwhelming desire to murder all my former students with either Byleth, my lord, or their close friends to gather up those delicious special dialogues so it turned out Casper was very much in the "fort is taken" zone.
  7. Odd, I had him run away on turn two so killing him was pretty easy.
  8. ch. 12, you've moved on I assume, no further issues or do you require any assistance?
  9. Still gunning for that level or have you moved on?
  10. I don't recall it ever being said that happens, you get a cutscene of Rhea reading a letter from Seteth and its never mentioned again. I think it might just be some misinformation that people keep spreading without checking, or I forgot. It's been a while since I played the route and I'm usually pretty busy otherwise.
  11. It's the paralogue that comes literally after you conquer the alliance, Nader or Nardel the undefeated comes with a huge army and dies to Empire forces. Alois and Shamir didn't fight Almyrans, they were fakes and Hilda's has nothing to do with Nardel/Nader. As for the argument on judicial system, its been shown that many of the students have a problem with Rhea's actions I.E. they see her response as out of the ordinary, we the viewer with no context will then take her actions as unjustified, the only ones who back her are basically those that appeal to authority (she's the archbishop I guess she knows best) or explicitly devotedly religious/fanatics and anything Rhea does is automatically just. Byleth as a character was sheltered form most of this and thus may not find these sufficient and the player would as mentioned find it reinforcing the negative view implanted in them from Jeralt's suspicions and question how justified her actions are in universe. The game plays with player expectations as Rhea fits both the bill for the friendly Manakete guide as well as the insane dark dragon final boss, taking one or the other depending on route. Thus those playing Edelgard's route first are unlikely to ever come to a form of agreement with those that didn't. Its like how having done GD and CF with Felix recruited both times, I find it increasingly difficult not to see Dimitry as actively malevolent, never mind a Japanese trailer showing him with one hell of a slasher smile.
  12. I never denied Edelgard's culpability, I just disagreed on how much control and willingness she had in her part, a number of people on this site have been giving very good inaccurate information on plot threads, on both sides.
  13. Think you're all taken this a bit far. Last I recall the turning to beasts is just an extension of the remire experiment. Jerald's death is less an assassination and more the whim of kronya who is shown not to be mentally stable. Edelgard is shown to have nothing but disgust following these events from the sole point we get to see the flame emperor straight up threaten twsitd, information that We get to know out of character so we have no reason to doubt the validity of the event. Twsitd interest is in Byleth, they have little care for Jerald as they did for any other knight. Edelgard is shown that given opportunity she'll kill or disrupt the plans of twsitd but is generally under their thumb and unable to act. It's also clear she'll tend to slip up around Byleth and let on more than she intended or shoul i.e. Implicitly revealing her identity as the flame emperor after remire, alluding to the plans of twsitd such that even Hubert is having a double take. When analyzing Edelgard you can't consider her a rational actor or one with all the information especially in regards to Byleth or twsitd but for different reasons. In all routes that Byleth doesn't join her she relies more on twsitd to achieve her goals, this enables greater success but offers her less opportunity to break free. Despite this she consistently shows that she'd rather have Byleth as an ally than an enemy so there is little reason to believe she'd be willingly party to attempts to kill Byleth except immediately following his merging with Sorhis, for obvious reasons I hope.
  14. Edelgard can't read Byleth and has severe trust issues. She assumed he was lying if you chose to ally and will confront you later as Edelgard. If you say you were telling the truth she will use her surprised/sweatfrop sprite. This shows that she was surprised and misread you completely, even unhappy at the realization that she effectively threw away her chance at an alliance with her professor which was a major goal. She essentially implies she's the emperor and promises a reveal soon as a way to salvage this but then Jerald and the rest happens.
  15. Wind sweep in later levels if you can't survive retaliation or enemy phase after.
  16. I just don't have enough information to work with, his second encounter is about when you should have the tools to consistently beat him barring severe bad luck/rolls. If its simply poor rolls I'd say just retreat and start the battle again, get a new set of rolls to work with. That or bunch up a lot of units around his threat range so his hit rate drops right down.
  17. They don't want the seal, they want the one swordmaster and monk that spawns if you kill him in the (presumably?) Gareg Mach defense map. In short they're getting frustrated over nothing, because the reinforcements will die in one or two turns anyway, or be so far from an enemy you haven't already killed you won't get any use of them from this map. That said, they're fucked if they can't kill the Death Knight at this point in the game, either they got stat screwed or are severely underleveled. Hey OP, what are the stats/levels and strongest equipment on your units? Give us some information so we can give you a strategy.
  18. Windsweep is your friend for Byleth boss duels. Stride Warped Byleth into Edelgard's throne and ORKO her with a windsweep Sword of the Creator, it really does't need that bonus crit. Beat Nemesis with Hilda's relic art and Byleth followup. Surprisingly easy for the intimidating statline (he'd slaughter claude in counter) Nice that the cutscene more or less followed my reality.
  19. Nah, I tried again and they kinda folded like a house of cards, I think I just rolled bad because half my team didn't get immediately wiped on turn two, and I don't really think I modified my strategy THAT much. Even my 26-mid 30s could do something.
  20. Hard Mode Classic I got a bit tired and started skipping months some time after the second battle of the three houses and just started one turning later chapters with Byleth and others. Unit Stats Rest of the units aren't worth mentioning as they fell off and I stopped using them. Can't really find an area to put my units without having them all get dogpiled by relic bearing units and haven't had much luck not losing a unit once the entire map charges. I have two saves, I can go as far back as the attack on the fortress held by the deathknight or the assault on Shambala. Nevermind, think I got it.
  21. I personally think spells shouldn't be limited to being added as a class skill but rather each character and class having a set list if spells per skill rank. That way all dark bishops would have say Luna or death rather than the freeby fiendish blow that most mages would have already.
  22. The ironic thing is that the paper thin excuse is distressingly believable. The three are all strong personalities and likely unable to budge on their strictest interpretation or trust anyone else to lead that future. Since we only have as much information as we do on a route to route basis, conflict is inevitable. Too bad Byleth can't support the lords and bodyguards of other houses, they have an excuse to shut them all down.
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