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Everything posted by CyberNinja

  1. So I have completed the three big routes (Crimson Flower, Azure Moon, Verdant Wind) and I hear that the Silver Snow Route is primarily like the Verdant wind route. So my big question: Can I finally look inside the Three Houses Art book without getting spoiled?
  2. Ignatz support is her getting irritated due to a misinterpretation, namely that she thought that Ignatz was talking down to her and treating her as a kid with his "accepting help form others speech" what follows is an emotional outburst (she's 15 and going to die soon) with her projecting her own insecurities on him (everything she said applies to her) It doesn't excuse her behavior, but its understandable, namely because her supports imply that many others treat her this way or otherwise seemingly belittle her hard work by attributing all her achievements to her crest(s) that she hates (and are the cause of her early death.) Given the trauma she has gone through, I actually consider her well adjusted and while her behavior isn't good, it is understandable (and she didn't cause a continental wide war over it.)
  3. ? The alliance would be split between Daphnel and Gloucester, it only thanks to house Riegen that the alliance allowed for a semblance of unity during the war phase, otherwise it'd likely have split in the same way as Faerghus.
  4. Personally I think Edelgard would have lost something if she were pure white. (heh)
  5. Don't know, I agree but Dorothea/Bernie's C support was the first support I got in the game and it gave me the impression there was something severely wrong in her past, its part of why I'm trying to find how others found her supports comedic, at all.
  6. As a first route Edelgard player, I'm surprised that her intent to murder them was even in question.
  7. I avoided spoilers so from what I got from trailers was the church was probably evil and it was 50/50 Edelgard goes against the church or ends up working for them. I figured that Byleth was gonna be from a reviled bloodline rather than a holy one but there were theories Edelgard was the Flame Emperor because they were both shown wielding a silver axe. So that last tidbit in mind there were a few things that stood out: 1. Her constant implications of future conflict or war 2. Hubert's dialogue with the Death Knight (2nd fight) is really odd unless they're allies, about here I was thoroughly convinced 3. Edelgard's dialogue with the Death Knight (3rd fight) effectively spoils it. 4. Edelgard will basically tell you right out after Remire if you agree to an alliance and mean it.
  8. Pretty sure if we had Shambala's Thales appear during that mission to headcap our father, no amount of divine pulses are saving that green unit.
  9. Color me impressed, she's only two levels above but somehow has almost the same strength as my wyvern rider Byleth, so far they're only getting stat boosts in luck and charm, the irony.
  10. Not for Timon and I want to make sure they read and understand that, but in general I wonder how many of the supports many posters have actually gone through. I've found they work best building off one another or working through a specific character as a foil rather than taken as self contained events. That said, the convenience/coincidence involved in some supports post timeskip ARE eyerolling.
  11. They're better the higher the natural strength of the character but. Ecause they add almost no might of their own they rapidly fall to uselessness or godliness compared to how they compare to the oponants defense
  12. Advanced classes, something everyone ends on. Most of them aren't all that op or even good. He specifically works well in an otherwise unnotable class.
  13. Her reveal then is her actually being completely honest with Byleth. She's out of time and making her move if you promised to ally the flame emperor she says they'll be a time when they'll reveal them self to you. She'll only reveal herself if you join her in enbarr (actually haven't tested on els route) otherwise she'll consider you an enemy only and come as the flame emperor. However she can't change her schedule because this is her only opportunity to take the crest stones. She comes in with her army drops her mask and says to stand aside if your not her enemy. If you did it the way I did this was a the confrontation she'd been hinting towards for months. The moment of truth as it were. This is her literally doing your second paragraph.
  14. If the new content is going to be about people who have nothing to do with the setting, I would consider it pretty limpdick as they'd be going for pure fanservice or shilling for corporate merchandising rather than giving menainful content. I would enjoy the content but likely consider it worthless fluff, that's a pretty consistent opinion I'd think.
  15. So they then add nothing to three houses? Great limpdick DLC. Nah I'd prefer I bit more effort but if that's what we get it's what we get.
  16. Problem for Edelgard killing Byleth dad is her specific motivation not to make an enemy of Byleth until she feels it's inevitable when Byleth ascends and his father is killed by her allies.
  17. 1. It could be that all humans of the old society were agarthans, part of this could lead into their perception of being both saviors and the only true humans, essentially fire emblem enclave. 2. Actually underground would explain pupiless eyes as they are implied to be living in a near lightless environment and their ravaged bodies is explained by the toxic environment they live in created by poor ventilation and their technology having lots of waste. They also overuse and abuse dark magic which fire emblem consistently has as mutagenic or adverse to sanity. In sort they're blind or near blind toxic ravage subterranean mutant humans. 3. Simply dragontech and magic that greedy humans repurposed for their own ends creating dark and evil weapons. Rhea would likely prefer to keep such events from happening again and thus work to limit tech growth by humanity. Thus while fodlan might have been the most tech advanced they are now behind and thus reliant on artifacts and crests when at war with outsiders.
  18. It would be bad yes, but doing so to save the world (her perspective) would make her misguided rather than evil and yet strengthen Edelgards own motivations playing into gray and gray morality that the rest of the story has.
  19. One could argue they don't need to be, since Edelgard is the real antagonist of the story. Arguably there should be more interaction with her outside her own rout (which should have been hidden or harder to get) to explain more the relationship between the two (since she obviously cares regardless of route you choose which is odd since the very best she's got is "your strong")
  20. Well yea, emphasis on different ways. I just think it kinda funny to give everyone Ferdinand's combat art, axe edition.
  21. 1. Subterranean humans 2. The neet life is harsh 3. Stolen dragon-tech Fodlan is a post MAD event world.
  22. Basically I would make the weaker units effectively copies of stronger units because that is ideal balancing.
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