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Everything posted by CyberNinja

  1. Nah, Eliwood inherited the "surviving parenthood" genes from his mother. Prediction: The Avatar character will also be the Jeigen (I almost kinda hope, I mean come on we're the Mentor)
  2. Damn... considering mine would be. Procrastination: Temporary +1 to all stats after wait command, stacks. Bonus only procs on player phase. Lose bonus if engaged in combat. The most useless of personal skills, only useful if I actively avoid combat for several turns and only works if I initiate combat meaning my bonus will be completely lost by any sneaky archer or mage, yay. Kinda representative of my school life... the longer I wait to do something, the less time I have, yet the pressure somehow makes me work better... unless I wait until its absolutely too late and my chance passes me by.
  3. Give everyone in Nohr a goatee... even the women, especially the women.
  4. For those wondering, I'm pretty sure it's mentioned in Owain and Ophelia's supports that the mark of the Exalt was stealthed before they came to Nohr. Nice theory btw.
  5. ... I really can't agree with the bolded. With the time travel you'd at least have the excuse as only seeing them as they are as adults and it's still weird as hell. Here your character has explicitly been the cool uncle/parent's best friend that occasionally watches over the kids (part of why M!kamuiXShara is really messed up) so your char raising them since they were a little kid and thinking "ahh yes, this'll be a fine wife indeed" is waaaaaaaayyyyyy more awkward than time travel. You really can't compare the two.
  6. People did, then other people made several threads decrying the treatment or complained that others were not talked about. So people moved on... and now we're back, yay.
  7. Both Morgans win out in a mix of first bias, outfit bias, and hair bias. I don't know too much about Kanna's character but I like how the Morgans are genius idiots.
  8. You know I'm kinda disappointed about that after we all wrote up such an amazing motivation for him to do so.
  9. [spoilers]You know they could have sold Shenmei and Aversa being siblings easier than her and Mikoto.[/spoilers] Maybe it's just me... but that pose, the fashion sense. Seriously it's all I could think when I first saw the pic.
  10. If easy bake child incubators then how else would they explain the bad guys never running out of generics?
  11. Fomortiis: Demon skin Negates criticals and ranged attacks of non-sacred weapons. Halves dmg,10% hp returned each round. Lyon: Dark thoughts Vs. Erika -15 hit +15 evade and critical evade Vs. Ephraim +5 dmg and def Valter: Bloodlust 10% of dmg returned as hp Effect is double when enemy below half hp.
  12. I wouldn't let Tharja be reborn even if non kamui-sexual women weren't in short supply in this game... and Nohr has Flora so I don't even need to worry there. Edit: btw thought just came to mind, does foleo use the butler or maid model? Edit2: Don't post while dead
  13. I always figured Garon skimped on Kamui's footwear to pay off some gambling debts... or something.
  14. My castle battles? I think you get affection points with that but no exp, course that's just hearsay.
  15. Let's be honest, we'd all do it for the Garon romance....
  16. Do so many people need to be vindicated in their like/dislike of a character? How many threads have popped up with people complaining about people saying certain characters are bad, or asking "how could you possibly hate these chars?" The only reason people make threads like these is not to "find out why the chars are hated" but instead for people to drown the thread with "you crazy? I LOVE those characters!" Look if you like the characters you like them, if people dislike them then so what? If you feel the need to be vindicated in your like/dislike of a character then maybe you should sit down and really think about whether you actually like the character and why. If this is really about seeing some "Hoshido love" you could have simply made a Hoshido support thread where everyone talks everything Hoshido... it'd attract Hoshido fans a lot more than this thread and you'd even get bonus points for originality.
  17. Technically speaking... you could consider Zero's personal skill adoption.
  18. It's on site already isn't it? Just check the fate page.
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