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Everything posted by MisterIceTeaPeach

  1. Nice lyrics 8 Touhou Perfect Cherry Blossom - Border Of Life
  2. For some reason I do better progress in lunatic than in normal probably because the faster speed and higher amount of projectiles makes it easier for me how to stream and to understand the pattern of the spells. Came to stage 4 in Touhou 7...till my laptop decided to crash again. That said I still have a looooooong way to go to fulfill the spellcard requirement. Also have to do extra what I have not started yet.
  3. When I played chapter 22 in FE5 for the first time I needed about 80 turns and more than four hours. In my second attempt I needed ten minutes. Just warped Asvel next to the boss to kill him and make Saias leave the map. Then warped Olwen next to Reinhardt to get the barrier sword. Then used barrier on Tina and Lara to steal Reinhardt's two weapons. Then warped Leif to the seizing point. So many things done in just one turn and no matter of time. ;)
  4. Every playable character in Fire Emblem deserves to be in since it is the actual purpose of Heroes.
  5. Favorite Lord: Leif Avatar: ugh...FE13's Villager / trainee: Mozu Cavalier: Titania Knight: Gatrie Myrmidon: Mia Mercenary: Dieck Fighter: Othin Pirate bandit: Marty Soldier: Nephenee Archer: Shinon Bow knight: Midale Anima mage: Asvel Dark Mage / shaman: Canas Light Mage / monk: Linoan Cleric: Nanna (FE5) Troubadour: L'Arachel Thief / ninja / maid: Julian Pegasus Knight: Marcia Wyvern Knight: Jill Manakete: Myrrh Beast / Laguz: Tibarn Dancer / bard: Reyson
  6. Got 13 orbs together to try sniping more from red and green. I ended up with three 5*, but all non focus (Kana, regular Ike, Dorcas). It is funny that I never ever had that many pitybreakers in any banner before (four now) before getting a focus unit. For comparison in both Valentine's banners of my eight 5* pulls seven were focus units. I would like to know if I would have pulled a golden circle with 20 orbs. Too bad I never will find it out...
  7. An attack like this does not shock me, neither the brutality, nor even the filming part. But the area where it happened, does actually. NZ is known for a peaceful society and politics. It never ever had to deal with insurgencies, much less terror attacks...until yesterday. This happening will make a deep cut in this country. This attack was perfect food for Erdogan to make more mouthpropagana against anti-islamic people aka the west.
  8. 6. I do not own a New 3DS. It is not justified to buy a console just for one game. Since I have a Wii I still try to get a copy for that. 7. 80s 8. Owner of a lonely heart was a good song, but unfortunately it is the only one I know of them. 9. My target is that the public identifies the character I am playing. The more authentic, the better. But still there is no way and wish to be 100% accurate. Just feeling comfortable in the new role and having fun are the only things which matter. 10. You seem nice and intellectucal which are definitely good traits.
  9. Oooh, right. It has been 3.5 years ago, so I kinda forgot. xd 1. TearsForFears 2. Ooh, I think I get it. You're hinting about Morrisey's band which has the same name of the last name of the singer of The Cure!? Never really made my thoughts about it, but it is kinda funny. I rather choose Robert Smith's side in terms of music. 3. My parents had an album of last named band, but I cannot remember their music. 4. I learned to play piano when I had one in my parent's house. Unfortunately since I moved out, not anymore. 6. Revisiting in the cinema? No, only on TV. (assuming it is a question referred to former interview as well!? ) 7. I played 6, but quitted against the third or fourth boss. I try to finish Octopath Traveler at least if this counts as FF. 8. Unfortunately no. That said I just have settled my own life because the past three years were not easy for me at all. Visiting the US is my first anticipated target because I promised it some online friends. 9. I completed 2 and loved it. Will play Torna later this year and hopefully find a favorable copy of 1 for the Wii. 10. Touhou is a shoot 'em up series which also has fangames of different genres (fighting games, Pokémon-likish, action platformers). The main things which make this series interesting are the artstyle of the (only) female characters and the soundtrack. I only play this series for the soundtrack. 1. Nothing since law is the purpose of justice or what it should be at for me at least. 2. He acts inresponsibly, but he is a type of character, who is unique in FE, so a welcome addition. He makes Marcia looking great by his hilarious dialogues with her. xd 3. If we are talking about politics, then six. 4. A bar of chocolate since it is the food I think I could get along the rest of my life. 5. That means I need to get a WiiU which is not a console I am considering to buy due to the lack on interesting games for me aside of that. Still hoping she will get an own adventure for the Switch.
  10. 1. In or around of NY live the most US people I am aware of, but I would also travel to one other state at least to meet people who do not live close to NY. However I do not know exactly which state. Preferred not the south because I would have a hard time to deal with the tropical conditions. 2. Whiskey cola 3. Shoot 'em ups and Zelda 4. ... I am afraid to say that I do not know this game since I never owned a PS1. I only played a few platformers for the SNES, Rogue Squadron and Podracer for the N64. 5. How did you know that I am a DeMo fan? I never really mentioned really it. I agree with Violator but A Broken Frame would be my top favorite because my parents listened to this all the time in my childhood. All I wanna to do is..... Seeee you is still stuck in my ears. Golden 80s.
  11. Are you referring to my username? If so: 1. Hmm... Yukari Yakumo from Touhou Project, Alisa Reinford from the Trails of Cold Steel series and Lucina are high in my personal ranking. Yuri Lowell from Tales of Vesperia for the male part would appeal me as well. 2. Nah, no anime fan aside of videogames 3. If she was playable - what I do not know if she is - then maaaybeeee. I am terrible in platformers, especially 3D. Mario 64 was the last and only one of this sort I played. I would be up for a game like Super Princess Rosalina though. 4. The chance to get to know and meet lots of good people here, even if a few have left unfortunately. 5. Six, before you came. I could count the total of questions of my last interview, if I was less busy and lazy.
  12. With the automatic installed software I had about 24 GB left. Definitely not 32 GB because there was not enough space for two games of a size Xenoblade Chronicles 2 had which was about 14 or 15 GB.
  13. @Emperor_Siegfried 1. Yes 2. Idk, I can dance crazy when I am drunk, but that happens unintendedly. 3. I would probably sell it since it would take too much cost to let check the jet and organize staff unless I would make a flyer's license what I would not intend to do. In general I am not too much fond into flying even if takes less time to fly with a jet than with an airplane. 4. McDonalds 5. Hypothetical: I would make my mum healthy, but even good sense and all the money cannot fix it. Non hypothetical: Building an own (dream) house in a quiet area, favored next to a park or forest.
  14. The Switch has space of about 20 GB. A highly developed RPG or adventure game will take 12-15 GB.
  15. I would be interested in the old games from what I am reading. I could play the ones which came out for 3DS virtual console. I do not know if the Shining Resonance characters are drawn by Tony Taka, but I find its artstyle gorgeous.
  16. I have bought Shining Resonance Refrain for a 50% discount. From watching a video the battle gameplay looked very similar to the Tales of series. Since I am a fan of this series and Action RPGs in general, and unfortunately the amount of games of this genre is rather low, SRR got all my interest. And my first impressions after two hours gameplay proved me this buy was justified. It plays similar to Tales of with slightly more complexity, for example by letting the protagonist turning into a dragon for a short time which grants him superpowers. The issue might be that higher leveled enemies turn into a solo fight because the other party members are too underleveled and will most likely die. The characters are very well represented and likable so far. It is nice that certain answers can affect the relationship to a co-partymember. It is even cooler that a few questions are based on time which makes it kinda hard to go for the right answer. I only have seen it in Tales of Xillia 2 yet (unfortunately) and was positive surprised to see it in SRR. That said I figured out it is an entire series. Since SRR is my first part, I would approve recommendations or discussions of the other parts like a discussion just about SRR. I am fairly sure that I am going to get stuck sometime later and going to use this thread for the one or other question.
  17. My wanted changes: adding weapon triangle in hard mode not giving the final blow to Ike making the chapters of the Crimean Knights and Greil's Mercenaries harder either by giving the enemies higher level or nerfing the levels of high leveled units like Elincia, Haar, Geoffrey, Titania and Ike autoleveling for characters who are absent for a longer time like Tormod, Vika and Geoffrey (if third point is executed) (optional) adding movement range in hard mode Support system is fine as it is. I love the flexible system m. It cannot be made like the GBA triology or FE9 due to the multiple thousands of support possibilities overall. I still have to calculate the total of support possibilities for myself when I have the time.
  18. Ok, I must... And will do it! Otherwise my name would be blasphemy. On easy I still need to capture only like a half dozen more, mainly Yuyuko's.
  19. So I do not to have to clear a run for the spellcard capturing? It would make things a bit easier, but since there are about 25 spellcards in this game I have to do 100% on easy and normal and capture a few on hard or extra. That also said I never have beaten an extra mode yet.
  20. I have beaten PCB which was my first Touhou part after about 1.5 years. I still can Touhou. Now I just have to beat all higher difficulties and capture enough spells besides that and beat extra mode to fulfill a dream of mine: Facing Yukari and so my own ego. Child's play!
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