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Everything posted by MisterIceTeaPeach

  1. Ah crap, I see. I guess I fell into the trap by clicking on the info about the CYL banner at botton which directed me to the circle with the four units.
  2. Wait... how can you do that? I couldn't summon before I picked one of the four.
  3. I burnt everything for trying to get Kimono Micky... but ended with Eli. Now the CYL is out and I have literally nothing! But life continues!
  4. For some reason I thought this event would take place in early September. I don't want to know which dark spirits went through my head to make me think that. Anyways I'm out of orbs because I burnt all for trying to get Micaiah. Ended with Elincia instead. Maybe I can do 3-4 full circles from this banner because it still lasts for three weeks, but I dunno to earn much. If I pulled one focus at least with whatever natures, I'd be absolutely happy.
  5. Pulled Elincia. At least one Tellius character although I would have preferred the other one. On the other hand I have regular Micaiah but not regular Elincia, so it's definitely more than a good deal.
  6. Seriously I don't understand, why Marisa was become from a walking papercut in FE8 into a bulk in Heroes with one of the highest HPs of infantry units combined with a really decent defense. That means Marisa is pretty good, also with wrath - despite I can't stand her. Though I only would sacrifice a Neph, if mine had bad natures, or I had multiple copies of her. There's an own thread for questions like this:
  7. I mean if you check out weapons next time, like not placing Haar in any range of thunder magic, you should be absolutely fine. The GM's chapters aren't hard because you have tons of units same or higher level than the opponent. However favorism can make things a bit more challenging. Ilyana and especially Rolf look great. Rolf with silencer can oneround everyone aside of swordmasters. Next chapters are straight forward, so not too hard to beat without any losses. If you need a good healer, you could promote Ilyana with a mastercrown once she has reached level 10 and slap blossom on her. If weapon triangle existed, Titania wouldn't have only a higher evasion, but she would also survive a hit (-3 damage for weapon advantage means 34 damage and 2 HP left).
  8. Wow, Rolf is amazing! Already more strength than Shinon and same speed. Ilyana looks good too. Nephenee is a "bit" strengthscrewed. Not a fan of her in general. Who cares about Titania when you have other tons of godly units...
  9. Oh, I watched this already, but thanks nevertheless! It's more than hour, so I could watch it again. Still it would be great if someone could do a LP of the latest version. FEE3 isn't far away, so maybe there will be a chance for it...
  10. May I ask if a LP of FE Redux exists? I've seen footage of 1-P or 1-E, but is there a LP with complete part 1 at least? I'm unable to play this hack, so it would be really great to watch it for an impression. It sounds really great.
  11. 3-1 is the hardest GM chapter by far because of the high amount of enemies in a small area. The darkness mechanic isn't that much of an issue to me tbh. Gatrie with the killer axe can easily solo the generals next to the bottom house. Seeing Oscar die is an absolute novum. He's literally the only unit who never ever died in any of my runs. Rhys's and Oscar's loss shouldn't that much of an issue.
  12. You really question him? Look at his stats! 24 speed and 20 (!!!) Defense. Sure, he's 12 levels higher than Rolf, and it's not that Rolf can't have Shinon's bases when he reaches his level, but FE10 Shinon is the best archer in FE imo because of his bases. Crossbow + Provoke is a fun combo especially with crit boost by letting stand Gatrie and Rolf next to him. Rolf will turn out amazing too, just needs more investment in form of experience. Sry for adding clickbaits, but I think it makes more clear what I tried to say.
  13. No personal criticism to OP, but take a bit more attention to the names. There were some mistakes in. It looks a bit misinformed to me. I know how hard it is to spell Micaiah correctly, but there are characters who are way easier spelt and still are wrong. To the topic the only units who should be dropped from 5* to 4* are Luke, Taillte, L'Arachel and Sumia. Reinhardt and Blue Olwen should be switched in rarity tbh. Edit: Is Fellica supposed to be FallenCelica? I was thinking about Felicia at first moment... but she's not 5*, so. Lol
  14. In my first FE4 run I really cared for best possible skill inheritance to have an easier time with Gen. 2. In FE13 + 14 it's a mix of fitting relationships and good skill inheritance. Like two units of the same class never came together.
  15. @Humanoid Thanks! Yeah, deathblow works too for PP. He's definitely better PP than EP unit. Also axe breaker was pretty much first instict because I wasn't aware of his sick refinement at this point. I ran out of sword breakers. Gave SB3 to Lilina.
  16. Huh... skills lower weapon / strike level gain? Never ever heared of it, but good to know. Volug is definitely the easiest to train because of his availibility and the fact that he gets more experience for fighting Laguz. Mordecai can get some experience too by letting him attack untransformed. In part 2 he can survive four physical hits and in part he can take three. It's a good way to give him some exp. Ranulf can easily get strike level by double attacks. In 3-4 in hard mode he normally can't ORKO the warriors and halberdiers, so he could feed kills to Lethe, Lyre or Kyze. The other ones Lethe, Lyre and Kyze can't do anything untransformed. When they join in part 3 they need 7-8 kills to get a level up. Nealuchi can barely do anything with A strike in part 4.
  17. How to build Alm without refined Falchion? (Having no dews right now) Is fury + axe breaker a good skill combo?
  18. Freepulled Ares wrong 5* red focus Nah... no need to complain at all. Merge him to +2. These daily banners were really successful. Three free 5* units (two focus ones) including a +atk Hinoka. Before that I freepulled only one unit: Delthea from the Miracle banner. The only little issue was that I got like no greens. If there were any, I got a Minerva and Kana instead of a Hinoka and Ares.
  19. I left Discord chat after like two weeks because there were way too many people in. It didn't have the familarity HHH had.
  20. I don't know if she's exactly lowtier, but I wanted to build my Clair with Berkut's Lance, Reposition / Draw Back, Glacies, Distant Counter, Guard and Goat Fliers. However I'm still lacking on a (unused) Hector. Also working on a Klein merge, but I don't consider him as bad at all. Barst is on my to build list as well.
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