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Everything posted by MisterIceTeaPeach

  1. ^ thanks for this answer I will do fine with 500 GB for sure then. As I said I won't play that many games because of time issues.
  2. 500 GB and 1 TB are offered from what I've seen. I think 500 GB should be really enough. I don't want to do the same mistake I did with my PS3 by buying a way too "big" console and wasting lots of money.
  3. I got Catherine for 1.99 € on last year's Halloween special. For that price I didn't expect all that much tbh. The only thing I knew about this game what this infamous cutscene in the beginning. It was a puzzlegame which was quite challenging and fun, sometimes a bit frustrating. However I didn't get all blcok mechanics. I could beat the maingame but not Rapunzel. As for the plot, well, it's... questionable to say that in this way. This games teaches the consequences of unloyality in a drastic way, but it also gives the player a lesson in alcohol. The VA cast is pretty popular, some of them are in Persona games (Akihiko's VA). There's also original music used from SMT and Persona. The music might either attract or daunt people who like classical music. If you don't care for the plot at all, it's nice brain training. As for a sequel I didn't expect it, and I'm not interested it because this series doesn't need one imo.
  4. Oh, I have a similar question in this regard. Since I have no idea how much space PS4 games need, I don't know how much memory the PS4 should have. To give a few information: I don't plan to have more than like 15 games and most of them will be JRPGs (Sen no Kiseki III + IV, Tales of Berseria + Vesperia...) If I can save a bit money, it would be cool.
  5. Despite its already mentioned issues I find FE8 a solid game overall. It features a balanced cast, at least average map design and some new things like chosing between two routes and classes for promotion. Hard mode has a few challenging chapters at least, even if Seth could trivialize the game. But without him it's not an easy cakewalk. Maybe it could be a bit longer in terms of chapters. I also like most of the villains. Caellach and Valter play their role really good imo. In general I have no complaints with the character cast at all. I find most them memorable. The story isn't impressing, but that's not the reason why I play FE. The soundtrack is definitely my favorite of the GBA series for sure.
  6. 7.5 Trails in the Sky FC - Challenger Invited
  7. I'm not in FE Discard either, and never will be.
  8. The main difference in chapter 16 is a moving purge and sleep bishop in Ephraim's route which lowers down the advance a lot. There's also one more range magic user in Ephraim's route, but we're talking about three eclipses. In Eirika's route there's a purge bishop and a bolting sage in the throne room. This also gives me the question why the layout of this map is changed based on route?
  9. Since I saw CSI and II announced for PS4, is there a realistic chance of seeing non western released parts like the Crossbell series for the PS4?
  10. Uh... I don't have Holy Water from what I've seen yet. Also how is exactly the world bulding? I did the third section. After beating a (mini)boss it brought me back to the first section. Are these just optional bosses to get some experience or am I supposed to beat them to return to earlier discovered areas?
  11. Latest BHB was really easy surprisingly. Did lunatic with cav and infernal with armor team (LHector, BHector, Hardin and BK). I think it was the first time I've beaten this kind of challenge with only knights. Ishtar was eaten by LHector in first EP and Reinhardt by BHector in second EP. BK killed the green mage knight and archer and Hardin the red mage.
  12. The community seems to be less chat-active nowadays as myself. I can only assume that Discord and still the latest forum version are the reasons.
  13. At least in Ephraim's route the map design and difficulty is decent overall. Defend chapters are actual defend chapters whilst in Eirika's route Aias can be taken down by Lute or any other powerful sage in the second turn. You will never deal with the real threat in this chapter, the purge bishop. In general it makes a huge difference to me which route to play.
  14. Richard Epcar as Walhart, Patrick Seitz (all Hectors), Alexis Tipton as Lucina and Griffin Burns as Julius are my favorites. The game is on is the most hilarious line in the game for me and always causes smile from me.
  15. I have found the first savepoints and beat the first boss (doing Gallery atm). Using all the attacks is quite hard for me to learn due to the complicated button combos. Also I got confused by the gained hearts by destroying the candles, which stand for the durability of the weapon and not for the healthbar. The throwing hammers (or whatever it was) against the first boss was really helpful. I think if I could get used to the controls, it could become a fun game for me.
  16. After almost one year I'm trying to get back into Castlevania, more precisely Symphony of the Night. People told good things about this game and the plot and atmosphere interest me, especially since characters made it into Smash. Since I'm not experienced with platformers at all nowadays I was already feared that this game would cause me some trouble. However I didn't expect to die that early all the time to force me to play this game from the beginning all over again including that intro bossfight. The movement speed is extremly slowish which complicates things for me. I've noticed that Castlevania isn't only a platformer, but also features some RPG elements like equipment management and leveling. I'd like to know some tips how to survive earlygame and reach the first savepoint (if they exist).
  17. In Feathers and Daughters I'll pick the unit who comes my name the closest.
  18. Wow, FE5 will become already 20 years old next year. Despite its age I consider this game as supermodern regarding game mechanics. I love the idea of capturing, new mission objectives, staff chains or fatigue even if latter needs a better execution. Most of the mechanics are either loved or hated, I love them just for the try. Thracia 776 is the basis for FE of today, and this deserves to be honored! It's a masterpiece for its time and definitely deserves a remake to get some mechanics fixed.
  19. I've completed FC. Gameplaywise I preferred CS because of their quartz system and more freedom in the party, but storywise it was excellent. Estelle is one of the best written characters I've seen in videogames yet. She feels authentic to me in every regard which makes her just great. The ending was bittersweet - typical Falcom - and makes me want to play the sequels. Unfortunately I have to wait a bit till I have a new laptop because mine has no space thanks to pointless Windows 10 updates which take more than the half of my entire rom's space. I can recommend this game!
  20. After like 30 attempts and more than hour I could finally manage infernal with Xander, MageReinhardt, LALilina and Veronica. The biggest problem was honestly the thief for me who could ORKO everyone of my (damaged) team. Once again this LHB shows how broken Veronica is and that I picked the correct character. Her appearance has given me more than 20 orbs already (chain challenges and Hero Battles).
  21. Pulled Katharina the wrong focus unit She's +spd / -res which isn't bad, just requires a total different build (different C and special skill). She'll become my fastest red mage, so that's nice. Still I would like to have a good red mage knight sometime... Edit: Freepulled Julia, with the same IVs as Katharina. Merged into my +spd / -HP version.
  22. Zelgius, Karla (or Ayra), HorseEirika, Myrrh, MGrima, FlyingNino
  23. Eight blue orbs gave me four Jagens including a hattrick (The last one was LHector, lol). With 9% I pulled Micaiah, the only blue unit I didn't need and want. At least I got a focus unit. I can save for Muspell now.
  24. Honestly this banner is so uninteresting for me (I only need and want Karla) that I'm considering to invest all my orbs for a FlyingNino or HorseEirika from the Swift Sparrow Banner.
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