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Everything posted by MisterIceTeaPeach

  1. Pulled Lance Scathach. I thought the droprate shall be extremly low in this game. In each second summoning session I pulled a 5* which seems to be ridiculous high to me. Amyways hopefully I'll be able to do in the Chirstmas Event. Messed up recently due to lack of time playing this game.
  2. Reply came in before I added one important thing to my former comment.
  3. As for Black week I hope to find a laptop and / or Switch on sale because I need / want both.
  4. My original question was: When will we have an interesting banner again? My new question: When will we have a themed banner with entire new characters of a regular Fire Emblem game again? I reduced my expectations A LOT in the past weeks. The current content is absolutely unexcusable!
  5. So, my dark past still got me after all, heh? As for the answer it was Mitsuru Kirijou. Not only rotten posts were revived, but also people who I haven't seen posting here for ages.
  6. Sigh... Youmu always ruins my runs. First she owned me, and then I could beat her with five lives left, but the game crashed after that. Was she really that pissed to do this to me!?
  7. 31. What would be your favorite Job? 32. What's your favorite drink? 33. Do you do any Sports in your freetime? 34. What's your favorite Sports to watch? 35. In which country do you live? 36. What's your favorite attraction in a theme park? 37. Do you prefer driving or being driven? 38. What's your Opinion of the public Transport System in the area you live in? 39. What has been the furthest place away from your home yet? 40. Do you think you would be a good ruler? 41. What's your favorite board game? 42. Any weird combo of food you like? (for example Chili and chocolate) 43. What do you wish from Santa Claus? 44. What has been the weirdest Situation if your life yet? 45. How would you define a "good" person? 46. What do you think about the speech clothes make the man? 47. What has been the highest place (geographical) you have entered / climbed yet? 48. Can you play a Musical Instrument? 49. What's your favorite Musical Instrument? 50. What's your favorite Poem? 51. How would you define a "good" Party? 52. Are you rather an Optimist or a Pessimist? 53. Do you have pets? 54. How would you react to a bad joke? 55. Is there any period or event in history you would have liked to witness with your own eyes? 56. Do you enjoy puzzling? 57. What's your favorite Windows version? 58. Do you read / watch the news? 59. Which three things do you consider as cute? 60. Which three things do you consider as annoying?
  8. From the last two banners I pulled two Subakis for free. I'm never sad of seeing QR, the more it's been a quite while since I have pulled him the last time.
  9. Easiest BHB so far. Beaten infernal in my very first try what I think hasn't happened before. LRobin with QR-seal and fliers support ate everything.
  10. I think Soul brought some colour in the forest. Not that I find the majority of his threads necessary or offer good quality, but his weird topics are still amusing. Without him the forum would have been less entertaining.
  11. Someone told me he was banned (once more), but Idk for what. From his latest posts I couldn't really say anything which justifies a punishment. Honestly I wanted to make a thread for his tenth year membership in SerenesForest which happened last week. Can't believe this guy spams this forum for more than a decade already.
  12. I'm feeling almost bad for watching his FE10 LTC run. It had been before I knew about his obnoxiousity. Also I kinda miss Soul...
  13. Karimlan Since there was no reinterview last week, I suspect it may still be voted for one. Soledai
  14. Protonjon's channel still exists!? BLASPHEMY!!! These guys mainly do co-ops of Party and Platformer games. I have to admit their best time is gone quite a while ago. I think I haven't really followed them since 2013 after the LP of Kirby's Return to Dreamland. Only still watching some Super Smash Bros tournaments and Wheel of Fortune videos just to make fun of ChuggaConroy.
  15. I'm using the shitty browser again which adds some capitals for some reason and "corrects" words, so I apologize for all my erorrs. But I'm too lazy to fix them all right now.
  16. In Central Europe I don't have to deal with blizzards and hurricans, but 2018 was extreme. There was a drought period with one entire month without rain and temperatures >30°C at midday and tropical nights. The agriculture had to suffer extremly. Tons of farmers are threatened in their existence. Also snow more or less vanished. In the christmas time the temperatures often have been in the two digit area. The coldest months seem to be January and February with temperatures about zero. Bittercold days have been passed.
  17. 16. How would you spend the day when the weather is great? 17. Do you have an opinion about Germany's summer 2018? 18. Do you like cooking? 19. Do you prefer driving or being driven? 20. How did you find your interview overall?
  18. Why giving bosskills to Titania? She's already promoted, your "Jeigan". Also little spoiler Shinon and Gatrie won't stay for too long in the group, so give the exp to someone who's neither one of these two, nor Titania. As for Marcia it's luckbased in the first playthrough. She appears, if you crossed a certain line in the map. If you place Titania or Shinon on the border, and in the next turn press forward with them, they can endanger the situation. Marcia definitely survives one enemy phase.
  19. I think it deserves to be revived once more. After more than ten months I finally came back to Touhou. Started to play PCB because it features lots of characters I like. For my very first attempt (icecold) it turned out respectively by facing stage 5's boss. Unfortunately the majority of my life and bomb losses were caused by pressing wrong buttons. I think it wasn't even impossible to face the final boss... PCB seems fun and not too hard , but I don't quite get the ressource system so far.
  20. My luck of (amazing) free 5* units has been just insane lately: And like her regular version she was for free and she has perfect IVs (+spd / - HP). Regluar version is (+atk / -HP) Thankfully I got my freebies only in the "good" banners.
  21. Western hard mode is basically normal mode due to mistranslation. It's absolutely managable for a first playthrough since I consider FE9's hard mode as the easiest hard mode in Fire Emblem. The lord is great overall, mounted units are OP and the enemies are rather weak overall. Earlygame is probably the hardest part, especially chapter 5 and 6. For any transfer bonuses for FE10 you have to cap the unit's level and stat(s). Also reaching several A supports will affect a few conversations in the sequel as a normal playthrough will do. That said it's one of very few FE parts where everyone is usable without too much effort thanks to the low difficulty.
  22. She still exists in SF, but not in HHH. She's rather active on Discord. Maybe a ping would help.
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