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Everything posted by MisterIceTeaPeach

  1. @YotsuMaboroshi @DehNutCase Thanks for the advices! I used the free battles to grind my team by trading bags into exp. cards. Now I just have to do a few free battles on highest mode and the final battle of the Halloween story. Honestly I'm really worried. Mash and Elisabeth are level 30 now, but I doubt it'll be enough. My other units are completly untrained due to lack of exp. cards. Edit: Made Eli become level 40 to give her a dragon orb. I should be fine now.
  2. I Hate This Map! Idk how often I tried it already, haven't could beat infernal yet. The "best" is if you manage to kill three enemies till first enemy phase, you'll be "rewarded" with more reinforcements in turn two! Flyer team (FGrima, NYAzura, Cordelia and FlyingOlivia) was the closest, but Eirika did two too much damage to FGrima with her special.
  3. Unlike Eirika's battle, this one was easy. The quests weren't hard although none of my Askr units is higher than 4*. Anna with TA could actually ORKO Nowi.

    1. MisterIceTeaPeach


      Also happy 10th anniversary!

      (If you will ever read it.......)

    2. Nic


      Hello, I'm a messenger from our beloved Soul.
      He wanted to let you know he is actually banned in this moment.

  5. Eh... I will Switch to Delthea because I don't like supporting the unit with the absolute majority. I want to get as many multipliers as possible. Plus I have a way better Delthea than Ishtar... and I don't like hurting Olwen.
  6. My guesses red: LegendaryRyoma, SummerTiki, BraveRoy blue: LegendaryLucina, SummerCordelia, BraveHector green: Gunthráa, FlyingNino, SummerInnes colourless: LegendarySothe (my guess), SummerNoire, BraveVeronica
  7. Sigh... when I have the stamina to have access to a full party? I'm doing the quest where Robin Hood joins. He's useless for the most part because of class disadvantage. I have no class advantage against axes which ruins me everything in the second battle of the quest. I had to feed experience to (my usafe) Elisabeth already to have a chance beating the first battle. Edit: I could beat it by spending almost all my experience cards in Elisabeth. Hopefully I won't regret it...
  8. Beaten chapter one. Now I have access to the Halloween story - perfect timing! I have no idea what to expect except to know (some of) the rewards.
  9. Freepulled chill attack (aka Ninian). It fightens me how many free 5* pulls I've got recently... Anyways no further interest in this banner. Giga-Nino is my main target for now.
  10. Dragonflames I count only three votes for vi-astra. Edit: Because I messed up with my private settings by ignoring one voter by accident. I guess that's the reason why I came to different totals in former interview nominations.
  11. Whoops... I thought Sanaki was a dancer too. Rip my previous post.
  12. Yeah, I've been lucky recently. Still rather unlucky in game and lucky in life than the opposite.
  13. FE6 banner in 2018 - RIP At least the developers didn't forget about the existence of this game...
  14. Terrible cast overall, no joking. Almost the half is fliers including three flying dancers. That's what I call variety! I didn't expect and want to see Eirika, rather expected BowAlm or Hrid. Also she shares appearence in this banner with her brother which is an also absolute innovative choice. I have none of the greens yet but the rest it totally underwhelming. One full circle, that's it!
  15. I'm sorry for all Brazilian people here... at least the ones who did not elect this chump.
  16. No Giga-Nino, but... Now I have all CYL2 units together - AWESOME!!! Green had been so kind to me lately. Three of my last five green Orbs gave me 5* units - even amazing ones. If Next Legendary doesn't convince me, I'll go all in for Nino.
  17. First banner gave me no blues - rip. Second gave me a Reinhardt... but with the wrong rarity (4*). Still happy about that. Only three more till my first 5*+10 project is done.
  18. It was a great reward system for fulfilling sidequests, so it definitely should come back. Though it doesn't have to return in a way only to level up units. It could also be used for weapon or skill experience (if sth. like SP should make it in the regular series).
  19. Was so excited when I pulled my first five star unit yesterday (Orion). But this joy stopped when I saw that I couldn't add her to my team. So stamina also exists for my party formation. I don't know what to think about it...
  20. Reinhardt would be too cheap, so I pick Ishtar. Still cheap enough.
  21. When you did you start to play your first gacha? Which game was your first gacha? How many gachas have you played / started yet? What's your favorite gacha? How many hours do you play gachas per day in average? Have you spent money in gachas yet? If you did spend it, was it a good pay off? What's your opinon about the the price for summoning material (orbs, quartz etc...)? How would you consider your general luck in summonings? What has been your best summoning / summoning session personally for you yet? What's your opinion of the droprates in general? Do you try to beat as many of these daily quests everyday, or do you rather only focus on quests with less time pressure? What do you like about gachas the most? What do you dislike about gachas the most? Any mechanics you would like to see introduced in the future? Any mechanics you would like to see dropped in the future? Any mechanics you would like to see transferred in the real series (like certain mechanics from Heroes in a future FE part)? Do you think gachas could endanger the videogame industry for being free? Any TV / videogame series you would like to see as a gacha? How you would describe your experience with gachas in three words?
  22. I just finished the prologue and was a bit surprised as sad about the ending.
  23. I never ever hit 4.25%, and I've played this game for more than a year now. Seeing people with 5%+ makes me think how lucky I must be apparently.
  24. Ooh, I didn't expect to see a FE10 LP by reading this thread because it has its own section . Anyways I'm open to each kind of FE10 LP, even easy mode except that I haven't touched this for more than three years. Thanks to elite mode everyone is easy to use, even the ones with like no availibility.
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