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Everything posted by MisterIceTeaPeach

  1. I can understand someone having issues with FE10's story and gameplay, buuuuuut disliking the soundtrack!? It feels like the first time I've ever seen someone complaining about this... but then again... nothing is impossible. I mean I'm not the biggest fan of FE9's soundtrack because it has a low variety of map themes imo (desert theme is like the most dull map theme in the series), but FE10 does it way better imo. FE13's soundtrack is ok overall, it had a few very good themes. Most is average, not bad. Weakest soundtrack has FE6 for me. Except for the enemy phase theme in lategame and Idoun's battle theme nothing could really catch my ears.
  2. Discord isn't buggy laggy shit unlike Skype was.
  3. making a complete new list Probably I forgot the one or other...
  4. I can join this club now. I have no real knowledge about this game because I haven't played a game of this series yet. I only know that battle system is a bit weird and new for me by pressing the right buttons in the right time. It's neither a traditional roundbased, nor a action RPG. Since I'm not experienced with this battle system I'm prepared for trouble. And I heared the tutorials aren't really kind to newcomers either since they vanish once you saw them once. The graphics look amazing so far. Hopefully Rex won't disappoint me...
  5. I know since 3DS that the price of Nintendo games doesn't drop as much and fast as for Sony consolen - if ever. There are only like a handful of 3DS games whose price were halved like Ocarina of Time, A Link Between Worlds or Kirby Robot. Some publishers or certain seasonal events offer a sale, but it's not like seeing a game for 75% dropped. 50% is the absolute best. Something in 30% is standard. On *black week* sale I bought Xenoblade Chronicles 2 as my first Switch game with a 1/3 discount. I was shocked when I saw the Wii U version of Smash 4 cost 70 €. It's an outdated game for a outdated console. Also I really wouldn't mind seeing Tellius for virtual console.
  6. It's been the first time for at least two months that I have spent more than 50 orbs for a banner. I had all of them, but Ishtar and Mia had bad IVs, so I tried to get one of the two. Pulled a perfect Mia (+spd / -HP), furthermore my first Libra and my first +spd male Morgan. Good fodder in terms of moonbow, luna, axe- and swordbreaker concluded my summoning session. I don't expect to see Lewyn or BraveCelica in the next Legendary Banner, so I can save again. I think it has happened to me three times yet, and two of these misclicks gave me a 5*. Pulled a Julia earlier by the same accident. I'm good in misclicking in general because I'm a totally dork with touchscreen devices. Prefer the good old keyboard.
  7. Couldn't be Wii games bought digitally in the e-shop as well (or was it only virtual console games digitally)? If so, then I don't understand why the Tellius wasn't offered there as Xenoblade Chronicles 1. At least latter had good sales from what I know. They are not out for a nostalgic console like PS1 or SNES, and the Wii was still the latest console generation in early 2010s.
  8. Which goodies on sale did you buy in "Black Week" / "Black Deal" / "Black Friday" or however you want to call this...? My investments (early christmas shopping)
  9. I have a final question: Is there a possibility that games could become extremly expensive due to rarity (like FE Tellius series)? And if so, which games could it be? I think to see Ys8 is suffering on this fate already. Its prices are absurdly high.
  10. I waited for so long to get XC1 for a decent price on Wii - vainly. I love Shulk in Smash, so I'm excited to play one of his games.
  11. I saw Xenoblade Chronicles 2 for 40 € what would be alright for me. Could I play it without having played 1?
  12. I saw Xenoblade Chronicles 2 for 40 € what would be alright for me. Could I play it without having played 1?
  13. Huh... which game(s)? Most PS4 new games cost between 50 and 60 €. Very few cost 70, but they offer special content. I'd say 55 € is the average. As for Switch the majority starts with 60 € with very few outliers (70 € for Smash). But still I'd say new Switch games cost about 10-15% more overall. Ys8 for PS4 is obtainable for 39.99 whilst for Switch it's doubled (sold out maybe?). I also have to admit I can see why some older games which were (re)released for the Switch cost more because they're still new for this console. I could accept if the price of the Switch was buffed for cartridges thing, but if you buy many games, you will have burnt money for nothing, you could have invested for other games. I don't consider it as fair overall.
  14. Well yes, I have seen a few PS4 games for 69,99on Amazons, but most of these seem to be special editions. Also with the price difference I was referring to one on the same game released for multiple consoles. Tales of Vesperia will cost 39,99 for PS4 and XBOXone, but 49,99 for Switch. That's what bothered me, but I know now the reason, if it doesn't really justify anything imo.
  15. 61. What do you think is the word you have said the most in your life yet? 62. What was the last thing you bought? 63. What's your opinion about the world politics lately? 64. Have you ever met a V.I.P.? 65. Does your name exist in Fire Emblem? 66. What's your favorite colour? 67. What's the average length of your sleep in hours? 68. What's your opinion of online shopping? 69. What is the most valuable thing for you in terms of price? 70. What is the most valuable thing for you in terms of personal worth? 71. Is the glass half full or half empty? 72. How many videogames do you think you have played in total? 73. How would be your life, if videogames weren't a thing? 74. Do you prefer going out to a restaurant, or ordering the dishes home? 75. Who's your favorite historic person? 76. What's your favorite book? 77. When have you started feeling like an adult (if so)? 78. What's your biggest strength? 79. What's your biggest weakness? 80. Are 80 questions enough, or do you want to force me doing the 100 questions?
  16. I bought a Switch today because I'm excited for new the Fire Emblem game and playing Tales of Vesperia outside. ... Then I noticed to my horror that most games are super expensive, cost more than 50 € (Smash will cost 70 €). Is there a reason for that? Is it because it's "Nintendo"? I mean PS4 games cost 10-20 € less in average, so I don't quite get it. This also gives me the question, if it's recommended to wait some time till a possible price drop (if it will ever happen)?
  17. Got a Switch on Black Friday's sale for under 300 € what is the lowest possible price for now. But Idk which game to buy because most of them are very expensive. Is there any decent RPG game out for less than 50 € / $ ?
  18. Idk which part you were responding to. As for FFVI I disliked one certain bossfight which had a gimmick I did not understand at all. Furthermore I dislike random encounters. It's a mechanic which daunts me to play JRPGs from the 90s like Dragon Quest or early Tales of games. As for the luck part I've been stupidly lucky lately. Actually "transferred" is the wrong word; "traded" would be more fitting. When I see my family's braking apart (mainly my father (who does not deserve this title)), I really wished for something better.
  19. Final Fantasy VI has been my least favorite game I've played in the like past three years. Also I wished Heroes's luck could be transferred to my real life's...
  20. When I started the game and the latest banner was shown up, my finger slipped on the summoning button by accident. Choosed a green orb...... and pulled another Surtr. +atk / -res, even better than my first version. The game even rewards me now for being stupid... I'm feeling a bit bad for the people who don't have but want him actually.
  21. Using spreadsheets for videogaming is way too effortful and timeconsuming for me since I'm not a fan of reading walls of text. It's what I actually do at work, and the purpose of videogaming shall be the exact opposite, relaxing. I'd rather watching a LP instead as I did with Tales of Vesperia, and it worked well. Nevertheless I wouldn't buy a new console just for one single or two games in JP. There's also the hope that these game could make it for Switch one day.
  22. Literally each new console generation is on sale right now except for the Switch. But yeah, it's Nintendo, so I don't expect any kindness to the customers. :/ I would have bought a PS4 already...... if I finally had known a release date for ToCS III. I'm still in a deciding process...
  23. I needed more circles for getting the right orb colour (two) than getting the right unit from that colour (one). Surtr is +atk / -def which is pretty controversial. Boon and bane in the two most important stats. I think even the opposite would be better for him since he shall work as megatank. Idk what to do with him yet. It's an unit I care zero, but he seems pretty good...
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