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Everything posted by MisterIceTeaPeach

  1. @Nobody @Trisitei @Soledai Alright then 1. How have you been? 2. Are you looking forward to tomorrow? 3. What's the best way to start a day? 4. What's the best way to end a day? 5. What has been the happiest moment of your life? 6. What is the perfect breakfast for you? 7. Are you left or right handed? 8. Do you care for politics? 9. Is there any country or countries you admire for their economy, society, enviroment or politics? 10. Have you ever elected? 11. How did you get introduced in videogaming? 12. How did you get introduced in Fire Emblem? 13. Any videogames / series you haven't played, but you are interested in? 14. Imagine you're playing a roundbased RPG with a team of four. With which four characters from different RPGs would you like to play with? 15. What's your favorite genre? 16. Which has been the longest videogame for you (only normal playthrough without any DLCs or other bonus stuff)? 17. Which has been the hardest videogame for you? 18. How long is your videogame backlog list? 19. Has gaming ever frustrated you? 20. What's your favorite videogame? 21. How should other people behave to you to get along with them? 22. Have you been to a musical concert? 23. Who's your favorite musical artist? 24. What genre of movies do you favor? 25. What's your favorite museum? 26. What has been your favor school subject? 27. Any self set targets you could reach? 28. Any self set targets you haven't reached but want? 29. How do you think you could be in 30 years later? 30. Have you ever been afraid of the future?
  2. With my only left summon ticket I pulled saber Lancelot. I think not a bad pull at all. However a bit conflicting it's another saber. I also have Elisabeth. I guess it's more wise to try covering all classes before investing in multiple units of the same class.
  3. 11. Is there anything you would like to change on yourself if you could? 12. Any videogame which surprised you in a positive way? 13. Do you enjoy videogaming on travels? 14. What's your opinion of Germany as a whole (politics, society, economy...)? 15. How would you describe yourself in three words?
  4. Yeah, I wanted to post this in the interview thread. Technically I clicked on the right thread, but HHH popped up because my phone wasn't done with loading the FttF site. Anyways thanks for sharing a bit infomation of your life.
  5. I farmed to grab all these dragon orbs. Fifth Elisabeth can wait until next year, I guess. Overall it was a superenjoyable event. I also learned quite a lot about strategy by this. Thankfully I can relax a bit more now and focus back on main story. This Halloween event consumed quite a lot of my time. Also I saw a summoning event with Aldrina Pendragon. I definitely would like to get her.
  6. 11. Is there anything you would like to change on yourself if you could? 12. Any videogame which surprised you in a positive way? 13. Do you enjoy videogaming on travels? 14. What's your opinion of Germany as a whole (politics, society, economy...)? 15. How would you describe yourself in three words?
  7. 6. What would be your Tales of party of choice (four characters)? 7. What's your favorite dungeon in the Tales of series? 8. Are you going to get the remake of Tales of Vesperia? 9. What's your favorite line in a videogame? 10. What's your opinion of SerenesForest?
  8. You meant the guide I used? HDorcas, Elise (replaced Lissa), Olivia and BLyn with their default skillset and the skills Phoenixmaster used. The bow knight and axe knight switched places, so the bow knight didn't move towards Lyn. Instead he attacks HDorcas from the middle right wall.
  9. Nice, nice, autumn depression continues I think I will have ~300 orbs till the FE10 banner which would be perfect.
  10. 1. How did you get introduced into Fire Emblem? 2. Any RPG series you haven't started, but you're interested in? 3. What has been the happiest day in your life yet? 4. Any interesting sights and places near to the area you live in? 5. Have you an opinion about the passed state election in Hessen from two weeks ago?
  11. Yes, top stratum I have done different armor teams, but still no progress at all. The other three class quests worked. It bothers me even more that only I have this issue apparently.
  12. Apparently I have to bother with a glitch. The armor quest on top of the tower doesn't count. I have done ten battles with BK, LHector, Hardin and HDorcas - who all survived - BUT it's still 0 / 15.
  13. Got 4/5 Elisabeths and three dragon orns from the Halloween quests. I'm quite pleased with the results.
  14. It will become the first time I won't get all orbs from a Hero Battle. After like 200 failed attempts and watching Phoenixmaster's guide (which did NOT work for me because of a different enemy AI) I'll let the four orbs die peacefully. It really stinks, but on the other hand I kinda lost the focus and motivation in Heroes since I started with Fate / Grand Order, so the result isn't totally unexpected.
  15. Aww... I forgot to ask for favorite final Smash... damn
  16. What was your first Smash Bros game? Which Smash games have you played so far? What's your favorite Smash game? Who's your favorite character in the parts you have played? Who's your least favorite character in each part you have played? What's your favorite stage in each part you have played? What's your least favorite stage in each part you have played? What's your favorite music theme in each part you have played? What's your favorite mode in Smash overall? What's your favorite item? What's your favorite taunt? Do you rather play alone or with friends? What's your favorite free for one mode (time, stocks or coins)? What's the perfect Smash battle for you? (stage, characters, items (?) ) Do you usually play with items? What has been the hardest challenge (events, all star mode...) for you? Are you excited for Smash Ultimate? If so, in what are you the most exicted for? In which new character are you the most excited for? In which returning character (character who wasn't constantly in the cast since Melee) are you the most excited for? In which classic character are you the most exicted for? What's your opinion about the Echo character? Any character you want to see in Smash, but hasn't made it into the cast yet? In which videogame series did Super Smash Bros introduce you? Have you ever built a stage? Could you imagine that Smash Ultimate that could become the final part of this series? Have you ever played competitive? With whom can you go under Final Destination? How much do you care for tierlists? How would you describe your experience with the Smash Bros series in three words?
  17. Beaten Halloween story and got my (first) Brave Elisabeth. The final battle was tough, but could somehow beat it without reviving with only Vlad left only. Cleopatra was taken down in the very first turn by Nitokris, but the other two were problematic to me, especially Tristan. His sure hit special skill could oneshot my evade Nitokris unfortunately, so I thought I was doomed. But thankfully untrained Vlad for havind class advantage could manage him and saved the day. Now I have to get more copies of her although I don't know the requirements. The "only females" quests sound tough. Still have to beat all the ones in demonic difficulty. This game really keeps me busy!
  18. Will know that I thought that Mario Party 1 was localized in terms of voiceacting (to clarify his latest response).
  19. I guess this map cries for poison strike turtling with some healer and a physical wall. Honestly a strategy I haven't used yet. Usually I play these maps aggressively by killing as many enemies as possible. However these tactic drills (I totally suck btw) show me that some unorthodox moves can be the key to success. I think Veronica, Walhart, Fjorm and a dancer could help.
  20. Will know I know, and that my ears didn't betray me in my young childhood when I heared So ein Mist. Wario has a German VA, so that's the reason.
  21. 8 Fate Grand Order - Battle Theme Halloween Event
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