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Everything posted by MisterIceTeaPeach

  1. We live 20 km away from each other, so, despite we are from different countries.
  2. I can't even count to ten. And that comes by someone who even thought to study maths. Jeez... I'm sort of relieved now. Anyways hi! It's been a while... Edit: I have the mystical skill to silence this thread.
  3. Thanks for your suggestions! I'll make my thoughts over this weekend. I'm in a conflicted situation: On the one hand I work in a company with traditon. Smoking inside the building is probably one of them, and I'm probably one of the very first non smokers who works in this company. And I don't want to destroy the long time established harmony. The company trusted me by convincing with my test work to hire me, and it would be the wrong way to pay it back by lowering the working atmosphere. But on the other hand the company has to understand that people can't only work best at best physical and psychical condition. I'll talk to the people (not only boss) and ask them nicely not to smoke when they attend me. I can't enforce an absolute non smoking zone, even if it's technically possible based on law. However it's really not a good style to pay trust back. The people are still nice to me. I don't want to denounce them.
  4. Thanks! And lol... never really noticed it and no one has mentioned it yet... but true! It's the first time ever I made selfies with three people in it. It was the best picture of like a half dozen attempts, but still not perfect. Poor Hattu just made it barely in...
  5. Since last month I'm working on a fulltime job (40h per week) in an office besides my study which I have suspended for now (again). It's a nice job and I feel appreciated, seriously the first time ever at a job. However my main issue is that smoking is tolerated in the office. Technically it's illegal but everyone (including boss) doesn't care. Even worse: Although they know that I don't smoke, they even start to sit next to me with a cigarette in their hand. It's not only gross to me, but also harmful because I have asthma (probably caused thanks to second hand smoking). I have, breathing trouble, headaches and sickness frequently and after a time my brain doesn't work as good anymore as I wished to be. The thing is that I'm feared to tell the boss directly that the smoke disgusts and harms me because of the consequences. I'm quite new at this job, so I don't want to give a bad impression in the beginning, even more since I'm still in testing phase and may be fired at any time without reason. I like this job and I need the money, but Idk how long I will stay strong against the smoke. Maybe someone here has been in a similar situation here and could give me a bit help here. Thanks in advance!
  6. Gameboy: Tetris SNES: Super Mario World N64: Super Smash Bros PS2: Persona 3 FES Gamecube (playing via Wii): Fire Emblem Path of Radiance Wii: Fire Emblem Radiant Dawn 3DS: Devil Survivor 2 PS3: Trails of Cold Steel 2
  7. The banner I was looking forward the most has turned into the most disappointing one so far. 30 pulls full of garbage. C'est la vie
  8. My presence killed this thread... cool ._. It vanished from page 1... RIP FE4 Thread (2008-2017) At least it got its 10th birthday just in time.
  9. SSBB was a masterpiece mainly because of Subspace Emissary. I actually rebought it since SSB3DS disappointed me in multiple ways. However I mainly play it just for fun; not doing any tournaments. Still an outstanding game for me overall.
  10. Oh... interviewed person has a kitty avatar... so it makes it easy for me. 1. Do you own cats? 2. Favorite cat bread? 3. Favorite fictional cat? 4. Favorite cat in FE? 5. Favorite cat picture?
  11. A bad group selfie with Hattusili I (aka Marcus Aurelius), Natalie and my humble self while a trip to a park in Nijmegen, Netherlands.
  12. Good way to start the day. Azura is +res / -atk which isn't great obviously while Camilla is +spd/-HP which is probably the best combo (?).
  13. Woah... didn't expect to get messages after almost two years. Anyways I don't live there anymore unfortunately. However all the kitties are still here whenever I come back to my parents, even if it doesn't go for the horse. I'll share more cat pictures soon enough.
  14. Not really my favored genre, but not the worst I've heared yet. 5 Gary Numan - Cars
  15. Quite alright 6.5 Persona 5 - Life will change
  16. Haven't played a fighter game yet, but I'll definitely try out 15.5. Really looking forward to it, especially playable Doremy. About the controls I'll let me surprise.
  17. I was very sceptical about Heroes as well, but now I really enjoy it. Unlike Pokemon GO it's a neverending game. It doesn't run out of challenges and characters. It's not without reason rewarded as the best mobile game in google play.
  18. I posted in this chat before I even have finished the first shooter. And still not the gameplay attracts me the most in Touhou but the characters and soundtrack.
  19. Got three 3* Barsts in a row in one pull. That's what I call a hattrick! However got another Elise I could fuse in my trained one. Still 2018 hasn't started all that great.
  20. She's my least favorite FE character in terms of design. A half naked manakete in the multiple thousands is just gross to me. Even worse than Tharja's and Camilla's design. As for her character she seems be joyful, but I can't say much about her supports.
  21. What's your opinion of Scathach, the demon from the Shin Megami Tensei series? I hardly consider anyone overrated in FE. If someone comes in mind who somewhat matches this term, then it's FE10 Ike.
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