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Everything posted by MisterIceTeaPeach

  1. Too bad they're pretty much dead... referring to their music of course.
  2. Alright. I have to admit she looks quite good. But these Veronicas are way more gorgeous:
  3. Who? Also play Tales of Berseria to enjoy the tits.
  4. Berseria for PS3 costs as much as the PS4 version (what I saw last week). However you still should have a bit knowledge about the gameplay from different parts to enjoy the battle system. Newcomers will be overwhelmed. alright
  5. Yeah, Berseria for PS3 is JP only, but it doesn't mean that it's not playable even without understanding this language, if you have a bit pre-knowledge at least.
  6. This is a great argument... lol. No PS3, PS4 or PC?
  7. this lately Which music song would you like to be played on your marriage?
  8. Actually he's not allowed to use shitty images of good characters from good games he hasn't even played yet.
  9. Would kinda screw up my profile. I see. I kinda screw up in the battles. I often attack from the wrong positions. If I could attack two enemies, I place my ally on the wrong spot so she can attack only one. Or it even happened that one girl blocked the only attack spot of the other one. I mainly have problems to recognize the movement and attack range of my team and enemies. I was surprised quite often from which distance several bosses could attack me. I have to get used to it. I'll have completed SMTIV the next days, then I'll come back to MK2. Shitting the bed is one thing... but urining the outlet and causing an electricity cut is an other thing. It really happened to me.
  10. I was thinking to give Vika some bexp. levels, but it wouldn't change her performance. Since strength is one of her worst growths, she would not get it anyways. Her awful attack power would stuck. The only way how to raise her somehow would be to bossabuse 1-7 a / o 1-E to rise her strike level....... but seriously it was way too timeconsuming for me to do it. Her level ups were pathetic (worst of all the laguz), so I was tired of her very fast. Lyre turned into a trueblade with limitied usage (gauge) and no range weapon. She had 48 attack power at the end, basically the same as a trueblade with Alondite would have.
  11. Wait... you like (huge) tits, right? Seres has some nice images with them. Seres
  12. Velvet with her face (only referring to avi since the theme is nice)
  13. Camilla Her appearance and personality are the only real reason why I sympathize with Hoshido.
  14. Meh... if you play FE13 on hard as a newcomer it's understandable if you get problems. I don't find the earlygame so easy in HM when you can't grind yet.
  15. ... This almost happen to me because of smell. Btw I forgot to mention it happend on my blanket. Had to threw it through the window immediately to stop spreading the stench (was too late anyways). Was an exciting night.
  16. This might go off of topic, but seriously I thought about a complete different reason that Emile never started a FE LP: The gameplay might overrestimate his intelligence. I know him from a few LPs of the RunawayGuys, and I can remember that he's really not the smartest person of the world (just watch the Wheel of Fortune videos). Sure, he LPed some RPGs (Mother 3...) but these games didn't require mathematical knowledge unlike FE does. I think he was afraid to disgrace himself (again) by getting overwhelmed by the mechanics. I'm absolute honest: I really believe he uses the argument in the OP only as an excuse. Sry, if it sounds odd and a bit insulting but this is what I'm seriously thinking... and not only since I read this topic.
  17. I guess I have answered it like five times here already, but I'm going to answer this question a sixth time: gameplay (best mechanics besides FE5) map design (large variety of different mission objectives) most regular story maps of all FE parts decent enough story Dumbest thread you have read in SF yet?
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