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Everything posted by MisterIceTeaPeach

  1. I haven't checked out this thread yet, so I might do it later. How does / did your hair-colour theme run work for you?
  2. They were ok. Are you going to do an eye-colour theme run of a FE game next?
  3. for forging If you give a coin to Jeorge after forging, you have access to a card shuffle to get a boost for the forged weapon in might, accuracy or crit or even multiple parameters or more coins. You can also get a blanket card. It doesn't matter which card you pick. The result will be always the same.
  4. In my current FE10 run Meg is really good. She easily capped res. and speed in first tier. She'd be more appreciated, if hard mode didn't exist. On the other hand Fiona is just a worse Aran with more resistance and being on a horse. Not special at all.
  5. Just noted: Will a box return with the five latest topics? I found this feature quite nice to be updated.
  6. If we're talking about just one single hair color, then no. Do you do this?
  7. If I want to bring up an older quote just to clarify something, but there's no point to address the quoted person. It'd just cause an unnecessary notification for them. I find it annoying, when I find any notifications in my message box by quote-copying like copying the suggested names for the interview. I check out the thread for nothing, because the post wasn't addressed to me. That's the reason, why I would like to know how to remove the UN in quotes by not using source text.
  8. Also please don't overrate my comment. I only tried to make clear that Sanaki's growths aren't as bad as Levant mentioned. Of course her base HP and defense are bad, but it's not correct to say that her strength and defense growth are low. Also I trained Fiona just for fun... and I have to say her strength, skill and defense at level 19 are comparable to a level 10 Aran. She maxes out her resistance (what will become pointless in part 3) and her speed is also comparable to if he reaches this level. So she's nothing special except she's mounted and requires much more babying. Meg, on the other hand, is pretty good. Excellent speed, defense and resistance. Only her strength is a bit low, but it's her only little issue. I have to say, if you really can train her in 1-4 and give her at least three levels to bring her speed to ~10 at least (not to get doubled in the next chapter), she can have more potential than Aran in the long run due to her better speed. If she had just one more base speed point and so enough not to get doubled by the tigers in 1-4, I'd give her a total different ranking. (~5) ... Probably even a better one than Aran. Anyways some vote changes: Tanith: from 7 to 6.5 Oliver: from 2 to 1.5 Astrid: from 3 to 2.5 Sothe: from 7 to 7.5 (weighted part 1 higher than I did previously) Rolf: from 6 to 6.5 Shinon: from 8.5 to 8 Mist: from 5.5 to 5 Pelleas: from 4 to 3.5 Heather: from 6 to 5 Brom: from 5.5 to 5 https://drive.google.com/open?id=0By3VdhdU6OlxclplZ1M1RmNWS1k
  9. level ups and turncount level ups in 1-8 level ups in 1-E first impression about the "worst" units:
  10. blue A theme of a not owning videogame you really like?
  11. I have a question about quoting: How can remove the UN of a quote? Before the update I always did it by using source text and removing the name, but since it's gone Idk how to do it right now.
  12. You deny that 40% strength and 30% defense as good growths for a tiny mage? That's Ilyana-likish who only beats Sanaki in strength by 5%. Oh, yeah... forgot about Tormod's 55% strength growth for nothing. /index.php?/profile/10-florete/" rel="">@Florete Since I can't switch to source text anymore, and Idk how to copypaste quote boxes, I can only copypaste my comment: Sothe He's amazing in part 1. Not more to say. He should be able to double everyone except Jarod and some myrms. Also he'll take two hits in the entire part 1. 9 Weight 50% In part 3 you will see already that he's going to fall behind the others. He's great with the beastkiller in 3-6 and 3-13, but he's very squishy so you have to equip him to a weaker weapon for enemy phase. He's only good in 3-12, if he has 24 speed. 7 Weight 20% In part 4 and especially endgame he becomes almost useless with his awful growths and caps. In 4-P he can do some stuff, but in 4-3 he'll fall behind levelwise due to the awkward terrain. In the endgame he only really serves for shoving people and maybe onerounding bishops. I wished he wasn't forced for the endgame and could bring Volke instead. 4 Weight 30% 0.5 * 9 + 0.2 * 7 + 0.3* 4 = 7.1 => 7
  13. It seems to be fixed thankfully. Now I can finally backreading and replying.
  14. I haven't said that she's better than other mages. She got the second highest rate besides Calill by me, a 5, a very average rating. Yeah, mages are pretty mediocre-bad in FE10. I have to admit her deployment for the endgame is the only reason why I gave her this rating. If she wasn't forced, I'd give her the same rating as Pelleas. Sanaki is a growth unit. Her bases in certain stats are really low, but her growths aside of speed are really good. She needs paragon to benefit from them. After checking the average stats of both, I have to say that Sanaki requires less than I expected to have the stats to double Ashera's auras (which is her main purpose for the end). She needs one speed wing and 1x bloodtide. If you want to 1-2 turn Ashera, it's no issue if she requires bloodtide. Calill is technically the better fire mage at the end (because she can double more), but since you're forced to bring an other fire user to the tower already, and you don't want to bring another mediocre class to the endgame, I don't see a real point for Calill tbh. That's why I justify to give both the exact same rating. crappy bases and crappy growths (strength, speed, defense <= 40%) In terms of usage, yes. However they still represent the same class, and you actually don't want to bring two units to the endgame who share a SS weapon, especially it's a mediocre class, like the arch sage class is. Fiona As for part 1 she only needs a forged iron lance to have power, accuracy and no speed penalty. Unfortunately you can't give her any other skills since her capacity is only 5 for some reason. You could give her an angelic robe so she could take two steel lances and bows, but I normally would wait for a few levels first. In E-1 you can forge steel lances for her. Of course forge her a lance whose weight is matching to her strength not to have any speed reduction. Also support her with earth. Volug is the easiest choice because he's forced in part 1 anyways. In 3-6 she should start with paragon to catch up the others. After that you can give her resolve to make her become a dodgetank when she has a high support with an earth-unit. Since her exp. gain is much better than Lyre's, it's much easier to make her a usable unit in the longrun. Sothe He shouldn't be lower, because in part 1 he's really the lifesaver in HM. It's the toughest part of the DB. However his perfomance in part 4 doesn't convince me to give him a >=8. Unlike Sanaki he's harder to train due to his belayed promotion and the limited movement in 4-3.
  15. Umm... so much I'd like to quote any replies, unfortunately I can't read any posts from previous pages because they don't load. As long this forum hasn't been finally fixed, I can't go further with any discussions here.
  16. Also scrolling / clicking on pages still doesn't work (for me). I don't even know if someone answered me because I can't click back to page 1+2. Same I can't follow any other threads and possible replies to me. This is not nice at all!
  17. Does anyone else have the problem not being able to read the posts on the latest page of certain threads. It'll be lead to the second latest page. However when I click on the latest page, the site is empty.
  18. Apparently doesn't have the issue not to read the latest page when logged in.
  19. It's just fate... yep Okay, had to log out to read the latest page, because online I can't click on it for some goddamn reason.
  20. A poster I can't see. Because I can't click on the latest page.
  21. Depends on the food. I can eat expired bother or yoghurt... or maybe 1-2 days expired milk. I can sense it on their taste if the food is still eatable. long hair with red or blue tone (purple would be optimal) like ponytails no face details semi-large breasts low weight Idc for seize Any other videogame forums you're a member?
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