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Everything posted by MisterIceTeaPeach

  1. Favorite videogame LP? gameplay, story, music, characters (because they're (somewhat) human) but mainly the gameplay The battles aren't completly random because you're responsible for dealing the damage and dodging, and not the RNG. The main reason why I prefer action RPGs over classic turnbased RPGs.
  2. I still have a bit Xenoblade feeling by playing Project X Zone 2 although Shulk isn't in. Were the other games besides XC which only were made for the N3DS? Strangely I havent heared of any other games aside of Xenoblade for this console.
  3. Restarted to play Zestiria, with JP audio this time. I forgot that you can't disable the tutorial...
  4. Also I'd have sold my precious FE10 already if Dolphin worked. Also it's a bit sad that that remake only could come out for a special 3DS, but it has technical reasons. The game is too large to be made for a regular 3DS. Still looking for a XC copy for the Wii as long I own the Wii (which won't change in near future).
  5. Yeah, I tried already. But it shares the same fate with FE10. It's superrare and so superexpensive. In FE10's case I was lucky to find a copy for a low price by accident... unfortunately not so lucky with finding XC yet.
  6. Will know I only watch it because of its atmosphere, less because of this sports itself.
  7. Will know it's one of very VERY few sports I follow on TV.
  8. From the country where the new Dart World Champion is from.
  9. If someone could explain me FE10's A.I., I would really appreciate it, because it's the only one of the parts I've played yet I really don't understand. I thought to see a pattern: attacking unit who can be oneshotted / onerounded (shade can't cover it) > attacking unit who can't counterattack > attacking unit with provoke > attacking the most fragile unit who doesn't have shade But so many expectations happened: In the prolog hurt Leonardo could be killed by a bandit, but he went for Micaiah who had lower defense but wasn't hurt. In 1-6-2 the steel lance soldier close to your starting team attacked first my unequipped unit, Tauroneo. And in my second run (had to restart) he attacked my unit with the worst defense, Micaiah. In both runs I played the exact same.
  10. [spoiler=1-6] Base buying an iron dagger and bronze knife for Sothe giving Tauroneo's resolve skill to Micaiah Sothe takes the renewal skill you get from one of the base conversations. 1-6-1 This chapter is really difficult, if you want to lowman this part, lowmanning with only really good unit (Sothe), because it has so many reinforcements. Pegasus knights from everywhere will appear later on and break your frontline. Keeping Micaiah and Laura safe is a really hard task. Tauroneo is forced. He'll be unarmed for the two parts of course since he doesn't belong to the worst FE10 units. He shall just block the enemies and resuce Micaiah or Laura if necessary. Same goes for Volug with only difference that he can't be used as wall at all (except against enemies with range weapons). Yeah... this chapter won't be fun at all. Turn 1 Meg attracts the two steel axe fighters. She can barely survive them Sothe attracts the hand axe fighter who gets onerounded in enemy phase. Turn 2 Three armorknights and and an archer from the north-east and two peggies from the south appear. And more is on the way to me. You can get easily surrounded. Micaiah and Meg kill the two weaken steel axe fighters. Sothe kills an archer. A steel lance soldier hits Micaiah. Thanks to resolve she can oneround him. Meg takes a bit damage by a thunder mage. Two peggies are coming to me. Turn 3 Two more peggies from the west Sothe kills one of them. I let the other one come to me - same goes for the knight reinforcements. Micaiah onerounds the mage with resolve. Laura heals her after that. She’s going to attract a couple of knights. Turn 4 Two more peggies from the east – dircetly next to my units – disgusting! This chapter is fricking hard to play with only three combat units. Micaiah oneshots one of the sword knights. Sothe and Meg kill the knight with the hammer. Laura heals Meg. Volug rescues Micaiah and Tauro rescues Laura. Meg gets attacked by the other sword knight and steel lance peg. knight. She takes some damage. The javelin peg. knight attacks Volug. She hits him and he answered with howl. Turn 5 Sothe killst he javelin peg. knight. What a stupid move, because she would be still paralyzed in the next enemy phase. Volug and Tauroneo escape to the south-east corner. Laura is dropped. Meg uses a vulnerary and is placed in a forest. She'll be fine Two peg. knights and the remaining sword knight attack her. The peggies get onerounded. One of them attacks unequipped Tauroneo. The worst is over for now! Turn 6 Sothe kills the remaining peg. knight. Meg stands still and uses another vulnerary. Volug drops Micky and Laura heals her. Turn 7 Two more peggies from the south with javelins. Sothe will give them a warm welcome. Meg finishes the armor knight off and gets a mediocre level. Sothe attracts the javelin knight and the myrm in the center of the map. The myrm dodges once. Turn 8 Micaiah kills the myrm and Sothe kills the javelin knight. Sothe weakens the steel sword knight in enemy phase Turn 9 Micaiah finishes him off and will attract the elthunder mage. She weakens him in enemy phase.Turn 10 Meg finishes him off. An archer and another thunder mage moved in the previous enemy phase. Sothe kills the archer. The mage hits Meg. Turn 11 Micaiah and Meg kill the mage while Sothe will drag out the two armor knights and the killind edge myrm.Turn 12 Final reinforcements: two soldiers from the exist and three more pegasus knights from the north. Sothe will handle the soldiers and knights while Meg and Meg will deal with the peggies. Sothe kills the hand axe knight. Sothe kills all the reinforcements in enemy phase. Meg onerounds the steel lance peggy. The other two with the javelin don’t do any damage to her. Turn 13 Sothe kills the priest. Micaiah and Meg kill one of the two remaining peg. Knights. Turn 14 They kill the last one.Chapter is done! This was tedious. Time to do part 2! 1-6-2 Turn 1 Micaiah and Meg kill the steel axe fighter, so the way is open to kill the ballista archer with Sothe. Tauroneo and Volug block the cavaliers. If Volug gets attacked… then sorry fort hat. I disarmed Tauro… so they shall go after him. Enemy phase Sothe onerounds the two cavaliers next to river. The cavaliers from the west attacks Tauroneo as I wished. The steel axe fighter misses Micaiah who almost oneshots him. The soldier misses Tauroneo. Theoretically Micaiah could die, if the soldier and fighter attacked and hit her. But I thought the AI worked that the opponent would prioritize the disarmed unit and not the most fragile one. I was right! Turn 2 Tauroneo and Sothe block the cavs. from the west. Volugs buzz off The steel lance soldier is still alive. Soldier attacks Micaiah. She kills him with resolve. Turn 3 Everyone retreats I lose some NPCs and civilians. Meg can oneround one of the cavs. Turn 4 Fiona is in trouble because the NPCs weren’t able to kill the solider who guards the bridge. Sothe will be sent to them... hopefully in time. Micaiah oneshots one of the cavs. More green people die. Turn 5 Sothe kills the soldier. The way for Fiona is free to escape. Meg pokes a cav. and gets a good level up. Fiona is fucking bitch and doesn’t escape by crossing the river! Turn 6 Thani kills a cav. And so does Meg. Fiona dies! Oh… wait… I’m on normal mode. I forgot that battle saves are an actual thing there… lol! I have to replay 1-6-2 all over again... which means I will lose the gained level ups. PS: The shown level ups are the level ups of my successful attempt. I played a different strategy. Tauroneo and Meg block all the cavs. Micaiah can take out one by another each turn. Meg gets a bit exp. by poking. But most of the cavaliers attack disarmed Tauroneo of course. Meanwhile Sothe is sent towards north to kill the soldier next to the river and solo all the other enemies in this area. It takes me tons of turn to defeat the large number of cavaliers, and more reinforcement cavaliers slow me down a lot. Furthermore Sothe will be out of range weapons later on. His bronze knife as his forged bronze knife will break which will be bad because he can't counterattack against the javelin / hand axe cavaliers (including Laverton) and fire mages anymore. It takes me about 15 turns till Sothe can reunite with the others because Micaiah and Meg just need so long to take out all the cavaliers. Tauroneo finds the masterseal and Micaiah oneshots Laverton. All enemies are defeated, although it was only a defeat boss mission. But it took me 18 turns therefore. Also most of the level ups in the restarted run were disgusting. I'm glad this chapter is over. The next chapter will be much easier to play, plus I have another party member who may be used in combat. level ups and turncount
  11. For someone like me who doesn't really play multiplayer games nowadays, of course I prefer Nintendo's handheld consoles. GBA,(3)DS and even the Gameboy had tons of good games. Regionfree wouldn't really affect me positively unless Bamco decides for whatever reason to let their Tales games release only in Japan, and for data transfering of games of course. I'm still disappointed that I couldn't send my FE14's My Castle to NA people.
  12. Pumped for exactly what? ... Wait ... you mentioned sth. about a new translation, right? Anyways I would be pumped, if I could play it for myself, what I can't unfortunately. Bamco should bring out a remake for PS3 or PS2 for the west. Pumped for Berseria?
  13. The Wii was good because of FE10. Ok, Smash Bros Brawl and Xenoblade Chronicles were great too although couldn't play latter yet. I've heared the Switch is region free unlike previous consoles by Nintendo. It's good that this company learned from its mistakes from the past. Furthermore it won't be a as childish and partyish console as the Wii and Wii U which gives me serious hope. Anyways I'll buy (if ever) the Switch two years after the release at earliest because of its price.
  14. It's winter wonderland outside. 5 cm snow on the ground. And I even expected to see no more lying snow outside. It's been a while since that happened. (~7-8 years ago) Thankfully it's weekend. Hopefully it'll be gone till monday...
  15. Best earlygame unit in Gen. 2 unless you have Forseti Arthur. And amazing till the end of the game. That he's a foot unit doesn't matter at all. 9 / 10
  16. Added. Tierlist and table are updated. This is my tierlist. Edit: Removed Lucia's 0.5 and changed my vote from 3.5 to 4. untrasformed only Transformed he won't get doubled except for swordmasters and cats in part 4.
  17. I won't count Ana's vote for this reason, because she apparently doesn't know the purpose of herons. Herons aren't made for combat. They just exist for strageical purposes by giving you more moves in a turn. This explains it pretty well: It'd distort the tierlist, if an unit gets a wrong rating by someome who just doesn't know how to use it properly. No offense against Anacybele. I tried to make her clear what the purpose of Herons and dancers in general is in FE, but she refused to accept the explanations unfortunately.
  18. Posted one of the longest facts I've seen for a while.
  19. Favorite cartoon series / anime related to a videogame series? You meant a wanted video game series with a second generation? Eh... I'm not a big fan of this. Only FE4 did it right. I'd say a second generation would work in a sequel in pretty much any RPG, but not really in the exact same game.
  20. Hi! ... Probably too late... I've one, but it can't be connected with the laptop for unknown reason. Installing the disc isn't the thing, but the laptop doesn't recognize the controller.
  21. Lehran Bases (level 20) HP: 50 Strength: 11 Magic: 40 Skill: 40 Magic: 40 Speed: 40 Luck: 40 Defense: 23 Resistance: 40 Skill: mantle Affinity: light The exclusive character in the second playthrough. He comes up with the Ashera stave which is quite nice, and potentially the best user of Belberith but it requires Pelleas's deployment. Thanks to mantle he can attack the auras for free and his hitrate isn't too shabby (~80%) Lehran serves as panic button, if you have trouble to beat Ashera quickly (< 3 turns). Otherwise Micaiah with fortify can do the exact same thing as him. Since he's only available in the second playthrough and only for one single map... no rating
  22. Sry for the late replies. That happens if you disable any quote notifications. Also try to get back to sleep. A snowstorm outside awoke me. It doesn't look too good outside. Thankfully nothing to do this weekend... I see. The Gameboy is a good memory object, and I'm happy still to own one. Tales of Phantasia, Tales of Innocence, Final Fantasy VI (maybe I'll come back to this one sometime), Chrono Trigger (DS version), Mother 3 As for the latter three it doesn't / didn't really matter. But as for Tales it's problematic since these are action RPGs. They're awkward to play on a keyboard.
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