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Everything posted by MisterIceTeaPeach

  1. I saw him really raised in only one LP by bossabusing him against Deghinsea. He became powerful and accurate... but with his speed cap he couldn't double the auras and only Ashera by whitepool. Tbh the dragons only exist for their status boost. As for combat all of them except for Nasir are pretty bad.
  2. Johan is mounted and has much better speedgrowth. Well, latter doesn't matter all that much because lacking of pursuit and using the heaviest weapon type. Despite using axes he's actually a good contender for using a pursuit ring with his good speedgrowth. With the brave axe he's pretty good quite good. He can oneshot mages with that. Unfortunately he doesn't grow as fast as Lex because of lacking of paragon. He's not bad, but still probably the worst or second worst cavalier after Delmud, though. 5.5 / 10 Never ever recruited Johalva because he's not mounted and has the worse skill actually. Charge is absolute suicide on the slowest class in the game. However she seems to be the more accurate axe user of the two, but it doesn't say anything for me. 3 / 10
  3. ... Whoops... Fixed! He's somewhat baselord too. Can't do more than five polls. He should be able to use resolve and paragon. I'm pretty sure he has two free slots for skills left.
  4. Cut Oliver's ten. Ace Pelleas jumped from 5 to 10. I counted the 5. Renning Growthrates (%) HP: 40 Strength: 60 Magic: 10 Skill: 50 Speed: 40 Luck: 10 Defense: 70 Resistance: 20 Skill: - Affinity: earth Renning is another decent endgame filler, but not needed if you have other great units left. Titania will outclasses him. Furthermore Gold Knights aren't a good class in FE10. 3.5 / 10 Kurthnaga Growthrates (%) HP: 95 Strength: 45 Magic: 15 Skill: 20 Speed: 35 Luck: 60 Defense: 25 Resistance: 40 Skill: nightide Affinity: water So epic his name might sound, so totally unepic is his perfomance. If you really thought, he is / will be as OP as his daddy, you’re totally mistaken! He’s basically the tankier version of Oliver with dragon breath instead of light magic. With his 20 base speed he’ll get doubled even by the slowest generals in the endgame. Brave sword / lance general in E-1 will oneround him. Sure, resolve can fix this little issue, but there’s no point in using him anyways. Nighttide is only really useful in E-3, and he can attack his conspecifics for free. He also could use smite, because shoving is one of his very few strengths. He’s not only the most useless dragon, but also the worst endgame member. Even a mediocre baselard Sothe is better than him. 3 / 10 Ena Growthrates (%) HP: 50 Strength: 20 Magic: 50 Skill: 40 Speed: 40 Luck: 35 Defense: 15 Resistance: 50 Skill: bloodtide, boon, renewal, miracle Affinity: earth In combat Ena’s even worse than Kurth because of her bad strength, but using her in combat isn’t her purpose. She works rather like a Heron, grants you strategical advantages. In E-1 she can restore asleep people and in all the endgame maps you can benefit from bloodtide, the much more useful skill than nightide. With her help Cain or Giffca can 4RKO Deghinsea. Also in E-5 she’s absolutely appreciated. Furthermore she has the largest default skill set of all FE10 units. 5 / 10 Gareth Growthrates (%) HP: 90 Strength: 40 Magic: 5 Skill: 30 Speed: 10 Luck: 65 Defense: 30 Resistance: 25 Skill: bloodtide Affinity: thunder The more powerful and slower version of Ena. He fulfills the same purpose as Ena for the final two maps. Don’t let you blind by his high HP. His resistance and speed are so bad that Ashera or two auras will take him down. As result even less tanky against the auras than Ena. 3.5 / 10 Nasir Growthrates (%) HP: 70 Strength: 15 Magic: 45 Skill: 35 Speed: 20 Luck: 45 Defense: 15 Resistance: 40 Skill: nihil, whitepool, boon Affinity: light Nasir’s definitely the best dragon statwise and the most useful for the final map. Whitepool grants magic and speed boost, the best dragon skill. As Ena he also has boon, great against Ashera's silence map attacks. And unlike the other three dragons he can survive Ashera and is immun against the auras. Despite he's only usable for the last two maps, he does an important job there. 5.5 / 10
  5. Why does he have almost the same name as the Footballer? J
  6. Berseria's perfectly made for idiots like me who don't understand JP. It'll be the only Tales of part I'll be able to do all sidequests because the game directly tells me where to go. Thanks Bamco! :)
  7. Please don't act so surprised. Seriously the girls are so cute. Shallie and Meruru are such lovable protagonists.
  8. Atelier games are so cood and grayt. Almost too adorable.
  9. Yeah, it's a good point. Will bring Leanne to the tower. [spoiler=1-3 - 1-5] As for 1-3 nothing important to tell. 9 turns. 1-4 In 1-4 our first non-forced unit joins who'll be used in this run till the bitter end. It's Meg, a sword armorknight. Growthrates (as for stats look at the table) HP: 60 Strength: 35 Magic: 15 Skill: 40 Speed: 65 Luck: 75 Defense: 35 Resistance: 50 She's basically the armored version of Edward, only weaker. She's fast and has nice base defense (unlike Edward), but her low movement and the existence of Edward and later Zihark mainly disqualify her in FE10 runs. She's not bad, but she's not really needed. Also her base speed is a serious problem, if you play on hard mode. Some tigers in 1-4 will double and oneround her. The main reason why I'm playing on normal. Otherwise it'd become a mess to train her. I don’t give her any status boosts for now. I want check out her first levels before I might react. I only forge her an iron sword, the Megbath: Might: 11 Accuracy: 115 Crit: 15 I hope she’ll do fine with this sword. In 1-4 I leave Edward, Leonardo and Aran home. Nolan will block the Laguz unequipped and Ilyana can open the chests. Since this chapters features a bit desert terrain mages have a little advantage... and Meg for being an armorknight a disadvantage. Sothe a / o Micaiah shall prepare her the kills. Turn 1 Sothe weakens the tiger south and Meg can claim her first victory with the Megbath. A risk could be that she’s going to crit in enemy phase. For now she can take only one hit of a tiger or a cat (doubles her). Micaiah pokes the tiger next to the wall. In enemy phase she can weak a cat but gets doubled. Sothe also weakens a cat. Turn 2 Sothe finishes off the weaken cat by Meg and she herself finishes off the weaken cat by Sothe. In enemy phase Meg dodges and counterattacks a tiger and gets good level up. Everything except for HP, strength and magic. Two tigers from the north come close to me. One destroys the wall and the other one attacks Nolan. Turn 3 I send Meg back to the starting area. Only one Laguz can attack her. Sothe and Micky kill the Laguz who attacked Nolan. Sothe dodges the other one in enemy phase Nolan gets attacked by the tiger Meg poked. Turn 4 Sothe and Micky kill the laguz and Meg kills the weaken one by Sothe. Nolan finds the coin – excellent! Needed for Fiona's lance. Turn 5 Reinforcements: a tiger and cat. Thankfully Meg got speed in her level up so she won’t get doubled by cats anymore. That means she can survive both Laguz. Reinforcement tiger hits her. Turn 6 Micaiah and Meg take out the tiger. Meg gets only luck and defense. A disappointing level up! I made a mistake. I killed the tiger with the steel sword. I forgot that Meg still suffers on speed penalty so she still was doubled by the cat.Turn 7 same reinforcements as in turn 5 Again Micaiah and Meg kill together the cat. The reinforcements will go after her. Meanwhile Sothe grabs the masterseal and drags out the weaken tiger next to the eastern wall. Meg gets attacked by the cat. Still doubling her. I didn’t expect that cats have 14 speed in NM as in HM. Thought they only had 12 except for the one in the north-east close to Pain. Turn 8 Micaiah crits the cat. In enemy phase Meg pokes the tiger. Turn 9 Sothe obtains the pure water. Micaiah and Meg take out the tiger. The tiger in the west attacks Sothe. Turn 10 Meg and Micaiah go southwards to attract this tiger. Meg can’t fight Agonir because he’ll double her. It’ll be Sothe’s job.Turn 11 Meg kills the tiger. Sothe attracts Agonir and another tiger. Agonir hits Sothe but the other tiger not. Bronze dagger breaks. Turn 12 Sothe finishes off Agonir. The other tiger runs to next to the healing jar.Turn 13 Sothe kills him and can find the beastfoe scroll. Excellent! Then I only have to get the other two chests. Only pain and the cat in the north-east are left. Turn 15 Sothe attracts Pain. He can do some nice damage to him.Turn 16 Meg can’t even move two spaces in the desert. She can’t reach Pain. So Micaiah has to kill him. Sothe gets the angelic robe from the chest. I unequip him. Meg shall get the final kill. Bad enough that she couldn’t get at least one of the bosskills. Turn 18 Meg kills the cat, the last remaining enemy.Done after 18 turns! Meg's level ups could be better… 1-5 Armory Forging Sothe a knife: Might: 7 Accuracy: 90 Crit: 15 Skills giving Edward’s wrath to Micaiah giving Leonardo’s cancel to Meg giving discipline to Sothe Supports Sothe x Laura Micaiah x Meg (Meg needs more attack power) Battle preparations Have to bring Nolan and Aran to this chapter because they have to block the enemies. There are quite a bunch of enemies close to my starting team, and more enemies will come towards me very soon. Ill be surrounded very soon. Meg can't deal with them all alone, so I need units who play the decoy bird. Sothe will rush. He'll climb up the ledge in the first turn and take out all the enemies with his forged knife. I don't need the master seal of the soldier. I only need the hidden one in 1-7. Then I have two for Meg and Fion. Turn 1 Micaiah and Meg kill the iron axe fighter. Meg gains HP, defense and luck. Still no strength. :( Aran, Nolan and Volug block Micaiah from any enemies. Sothe climbs up the ledge and kills a myrm. Nolan and Aran take damage. Meg crits the steel axe fighter. (taken damage) The three on top of the map have no problems to kill all the enemies next to them. Jill has transfers in strength, skill, speed and defense. Sothe kills a soldier. Turn 2 Sothe oneshots the fire mage. Micaiah and Meg kill one of the two myrms. One myrm is still alive. Turn 3 Everyone is climbing up the ledge… becuase it becomes problematic on the ground floor. Four enemies are in my attack range. Sothe onerounds a hand axe fighter and will kill all the mages from the upper platform. Sothe kills six enemies in the enemy phase (including two mages). Turn 4 Meg is going to attract the boss. She can 2RKO him with the wind edge. Micaiah pokes a fighter. Meg dodges the boss and brings him down <50% HP. Turn 5 Meg kills the boss. She gains everything except for strength and defense. ... Yeah... it's Meg! Micaiah kills the fighter. Sothe kills the priest and will also deal with the reinforcement soldiers from south. Turn 6 Micaiah and Meg kill a fire mage. Sothe finds a coin (by accident). Didn't know about it tbh. That's it for now... level ups and turncount after 1-4 level ups and turncount after 1-5 Edit: I noticed too late that the table of the first part was overwritten accidently because I didn't save the new table under a different name. Won't happen next time!
  10. Knows it's from a game I haven't touched yet.
  11. Knows I assumed it. Watching ProtonJon's Lp of Superman 64 was already enough for me.
  12. Completed the first three chapters. Since it's a stupid normal playthrough on normal till 1-3 there's not much to say. The only notable thing is that Edward has 100% strength and speed growth so far, OP! Of course he turns out beastly when I don't plan to use him. Thankfully he didn't land in one of the bottom ten spaces of the tierlist. Also Micaiah got three points of speed in her first four level ups which is quite nice. Nolan almost died in 1-2 because the RNG screwed me up quite a bit. Missed three times with 90s (highest miss was 94%). I'll start to do real commentary in 1-4 when Meg joins the party. stats and turncount Actually I want to try training Vika by letting her counterattack untransformed and giving her paragon (I think she can use it, right?) to give her enough levels till the end of part 1. I'm not really sure, if I'll be able to bring her strike level to S since it takes very slowly. But hey... I'm going to try it at least. Also shall I bring paragon to GM's to train Lyre and Kyze more efficiently? Then, feel free to move.
  13. As I said it's not really a LP (in my eyes). Since I'm playing it on the Wii, I can't make screenshots so easily (unless with my mobile phone). It'll be a text commentary for the most part. But I guess it still counts as a LP... so ok. Going to start it today since the forced characters till 1-7 are fixed.
  14. Are you rather a dayperson or a nightowl? I played Tetris the last time like two years ago since I still own a Gameboy and the game. Heh... actually my question was if you prefer Elle or Elize... but this answer isn't less plausible tbh.
  15. Is going to see the results of the probably dumbest thing I'll ever do in videogaming.
  16. I'm going to do a FE10 playthrough with the ten worst characters of this tierlist. A few characters are still missing, but since Meg and Fiona won't be pushed out anymore, I can start it already. This run will be played on normal mode. No, I'm not masochistic enough to do it on hard mode. Anyways the rules: Everyone who's forced for the endgame is free to use: Micaiah, Sothe, Ike, Sanaki, Kurth, Ena Leanne for being the worst rated heron will be brought to the endgame Healing and using herons are allowed. As for the DB chapters: Everyone may be used till 1-3, the chapter before Meg joins. After that only Micaiah, Sothe, Meg, and later Fiona may be used. Laura may be used for healing the entire time, but not in combat. As for part 2: Everyone is free to use till 2-2. As for 2-3... hmm... I guess it's a fair deal if I only let the NPCs and Astrid act. As for 2-E everyone is free to use till the CK's join. However it won't matter since I'll beat this chapter before turn 8 anyways. As for the GM chapters: Everyone is free to use till 3-3. After that it'll be more or less a trio of Ike, Kyze and Lyre. Rhys and Mist only may heal. As for part 4: I have no idea yet... Haven't made any thoughts about the teams yet. I only know for sure to send Lyre and Kyze to the Silver Army because of the desert chapter. Fiona will go to Ike's party. Want to establish a Ike x Fiona support to get sexy evasion. Everyone who doesn't belong to the worst characters may die. (of course I try to prevent it at any cost) I'll represent the level ups in Excel and post the link since it's way too effortful and timeconsuming to take a photo of each level up with the mobile phone, and to upload it on the laptop. I also will give a very short report of each completed chapter and mention the turncount. Non-forced top ten worst characters who must be used till the end: Tormod Pelleas Bastian Kyze Vika Astrid Oliver Meg Fiona Lyre Holy weapons: Urvan: Ike Vague Katti / Alondite: Meg Wishblade: Fiona Double Bow: Astrid Rexaura: Micaiah / Oliver Rexfire: Tormod Cymbeline: Sanaki Rexcalibur: Bastian Belberith: Pelleas That's it for now! If someone has something on their mind, then shoot!
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