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Everything posted by MisterIceTeaPeach

  1. His bases are fine, his growths are alright (similar to Sigurd's), has two good skills with pursuit and critical and can use two different weapon types. He's great in the beginning (absolutely needed for weaking the great knight boss in chapter 6) and still usable later on but outclassed other mounted units. However I still give him enough credits for his performance in earlygame. 7.5 / 10
  2. I I I I I________ _ _ A _ _ _ _ _ Incorrect letters: E, R
  3. Got a voting via PM: It caused some interesting changes: Nailah felt from god to top-tier. Aran and Edward returned to up-mid-tier. Rafiel is best heron. Muarim felt from mid to low-mid-tier. voting results
  4. Oh, forgot about the rule change already. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ hint: gastronomy
  5. ^ Taken and changed. Edward felt from up-mid to mid-tier. Will update the voting results tomorrow.
  6. I don't like Persona because of its anime part (Idc for anime and fanservice at all), but because of its gameplay. Persona it's not only a round based JRPG, but also features aspect of a simulation à la The Sims (day organisation) what I really enjoy.
  7. Oh shoot... I still have to finish this game sometime. So many attempts... and so many interruptions. >_< But I should finish it because I sacrificed all my memory of my 3DS SD card for this game. Why did this game have to make demon recruitments luckbased? It's a so annoying mechanic for me and takes me lots of fun. Why not bringing back the card-shuffle from Persona? Then I still would have it in my own hands.
  8. How makes turtling the most fun? With this map theme of course!
  9. Before I go sleeping, and that depends if I have to go to uni next day or not.
  10. Out of topic and just because of my curiousity: Did OP really leave? After looking his profile it looks a bit like.
  11. Also I find Sigrun's 18 strength for being a level 19 falcon knight unacceptable. That's exactly as much as Marcia with strength boost has, and she's level 5. With her current bases she can barely oneround sages with a silver lance. PS: I'm playing FE10, and I'm seriously considering to give Edward the same rating as Zihark. Zihark's earth affinity doesn't help him, if his biorhythm is worst. I hate his biorhythm so much. Another problem is that he can be killed by two hits without activation of resolve. If a cat attacks him, his HP won't fall under 50%. A tiger can give him the final blow easily. 3-12 and 3-13 are really bad chapters for him. Seriously I find him hard to train and his poor strength and defense growth don't make things better for him. As for Edward with his +3 support defense he can take two hits by more enemies than Zihark. Another plus is his higher hitrate for having light affinity. Zihark with worst biorhythm often has awful hitrates. In 3-6 and 3-13 he's definitely a worse front unit than Zihark, but he's the better offensive unit. I think to give both a 7.5.
  12. I excluded the outliers including one of Reyson's tens because they were all by the same person. Janaff Growthrates (%) HP: 55 Strength: 40 Magic: 15 Skill: 45 Speed: 25 Luck: 50 Defense: 35 Resistance: 10 Skill: insight Affinity: thunder Ulkie Growthrates (%): HP: 65 Strength: 25 Magic: 30 Skill: 25 Speed: 40 Luck: 35 Defense: 30 Resistance: 25 Skill: vigilance Affinity: thunder Janaff and Ulkie are pretty good. While Janaff is a bit more powerful, Ulkie is a bit faster. Both have excellent bases and can tank except against bow users. In part 4 they’re much more usable than Ranulf despite having A-Strike. Their only issue is that they’re still a non royal Laguz. Ulkie has the better personal skill (vigilance which gives him extra evasion) but therefore Janaff is stronger. So both get the same rating. 7 / 10 Tanith Growthrates (%) HP: 35 Strength: 55 Magic: 15 Skill: 75 Speed: 40 Luck: 35 Defense: 40 Resistance: 30 Skill: - Affinity: earth Tanith is a pegasus knight whose usefulness mainly depends, if you play with transfer boosts. If she has them in speed, she can double most of the enemies in 3-12. If not, she won’t do all that much. Tanith’s growths remind more on a draco knight than on a pegasus knight. Her strength and defense are fine, but 40% speed growth isn’t good. Sure, bexp. can fix it, but she needs the speed early to double some stuff. Otherwise it’ll be tedious to give her levels. Her main strengths are her mobility, having earth-affinity, and required for doing the triangle attack (you won’t go for Sigrun). She’s really good, if you play with transfer boosts. Otherwise you’ll do better with Elincia (and Marcia). 6.5 / 10 Sigrun Growthrates (%) HP: 40 Strength: 45 Magic: 10 Skill: 70 Speed: 25 Luck: 70 Defense: 10 Resistance: 50 Affinity: water Skill: - Seriously her growthrates make me . She’s the leader of the Holy Guard, so you expect something good from her. … But unfortunately Sigrun’s a total disappointment. She has the lowest speed and defense growth of all Beorcs (WTF!!!). Her speed base is nice which allows her to double, but at the latest in part 3 she'll become worse and worse thanks to her bad growths. In part 4 her main purpose is to use her for the triangle attack. In combat she's almost useless. She can oneround slow bishops with a forged lance, but that's really all she can do. Even with bexp. it's almost impossible to bring her speed to a decent niveau to make her doubling stuff in endgame. The magic number 34 can normally only be reached by giving her speed wing(s). 5 / 10 Sanaki Growthrates (%) HP: 70 Strength: 40 Magic: 60 Skill: 60 Speed: 35 Luck: 55 Defense: 30 Resistance: 50 Skill: - Affinity: light Sanaki is probably the Est-character in FE10. She joins late with low level and abysmal HP and strength base. No single tome of her default equipment can be used without speed penalty, so you should give her a (el)light or forged tome. Another issue is that she can't use staves and therefore light magic. The main thing is that she may not die, even more, she’s forced for the endgame. If you look at her growthrates, you see her potential. She can only benefit from them, if you rise her quickly. That means she needs paragon in 4-P. Early levels will save you from giving any status on her. She needs levels not to get oneshotted a / o doubled by everyone in 4-4. Her main problem is her bad speed growth. All the other stats can be fixed. Despite of her low base strength, she’ll still become your best user of Rexfire. She needs just one point in strength and bloodtide twice to use it without speed reduction. Sanaki with Rexfire is the second most powerful mage in the game after Lehran. However her only real purpose is to double the auras in E-5. Otherwise you'll never ever see her doubling anything aside of the dragons. She comes at a time with mediocre bases and it's really tedious to rise her to let her become at least semiusable in the endgame. If she wasn't forced, I'd give her a lower rating than I do right here. 5 / 10
  13. Heh, it's ok. I'm vaccinated against the shitpost-virus. I suck in shitposting anyways.
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