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Everything posted by MisterIceTeaPeach

  1. peanut Which fruits are needed for a perfect fruit juice for you?
  2. 11. Favorite videogame theme? 12. Languages you would like to learn? 13. Are you interested in Snooker, and if so, who's your favorite player? 14. Most memorable moment in any of your LPs 15. Could you give a short feedback of your interview in Celtic?
  3. What would be your five favorite veggies for a mixed salad? banana, strawberry, peach, plum, pineapple
  4. #89: What would you do if you felt unjustly treated? (family, job...) I have a phobia against wasps too since my childhood. When I was hit and saw it... I totally panicked. I screamed louder than a person who watched a horror movie. The thing was... it happened inside the bus... and there other passangers besides me. >_<
  5. Tales of Berseria, but I still have to wait till the price is reduced. With which person would you like to have a "meet and greet"?
  6. swords and magic are good, the accuracy of bows, axes and lances is nerfed Normal mode isn't too bad. Everyone is usable there, even Wendy and Sophia. Supports are quite nice to have, especially for people with accuracy issues. Roy can become more usable early on, if you give him quick supports. Alan, Lance and especially Wolt can support with him early.
  7. Knows Xillia 2 has the most adorable kitties in videogames.
  8. Since I've heared of them for the very first time, I can't give an answer. Favorite sort of nut?
  9. yeah What would be your favorite five fruits for a fruit salad?
  10. Storywise FE is already dead since FE13 at the latest... but I don't play FE because of the story, so Idc about it. The improved part of fanservice can be annoying sometimes, but it's pretty much standard in RPG nowadays. Gameplaywise FE14 did things better FE13 didn't (pair-up) and also brought back mechanics from older FE parts. As long the gamedesign quality of Conquest will be kept in the future, I'm not worried about this seires.
  11. Can you use Java-script? rather colorful, but if there's a great b+w image, I'll take it
  12. I kinda hear out that you don't like this hack, eh?
  13. Completed the first map of Gheb-FE... and I'm still alive. Who or what is this? I only watched his LP of Conker's Bad Fur Day when he faced the Great Mighty Poo to see his reaction. Was ok, but NintencoCapriSun did it much better. Otherwise on of the most annoying things in the internet I'm aware of.
  14. too often Do you only like colored fanart, or do you also accept black-white?
  15. (I believe) a part is the windows desktop of the, probably, above user's PC.
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