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Everything posted by MisterIceTeaPeach

  1. I have overlooked this topic because of all the "Ask me"... threads. So I'm a copycat, too. Sry bro, I hope you will forgive me for that!
  2. "Legend of the Titans" introduced me into the Etrian Odyssey series. A great game and series, although I have could not finished it yet because of rare time. If I beat it, I will buy "Millenium girl".
  3. Please lock this topic! I have noticed too late this topic is somewhere already. I was a little bit too much in rage, when I did this shit. Please forgive me guys! I will never start a topic like this. I swear it by God!
  4. I am honest. All my questions were a bit a "cutting" reaction to all these "Ask me..." threads. When I read 4 new topics with the same content yesterday, I was really upset! I have noticed too late, you were the 2nd person, who started these sort of topic. There followed 7 or 8 people, so you really didn't deserve all my annoyance.
  5. Yes, I posted 22-25 questions to figure out, how the response rate is. And the result was very disappointing I got 23 answers of 72 questions. So I was very annoyed about these "Ask me... threads". And imitiation is annoying in general.
  6. You earn all my respect! You're the only ONE, who answered all my questions!
  7. This topic is more intellectual than all the "Ask me..." threads, because it has a sense at least. It discusses indirectly the annoyance of imitation.
  8. What is your first reaction at the moment, when you check the column "new topics" and see a "Ask me..." thread?
  9. This is my template from now on: 1. What is your least favourite Fire Emblem character? 2. What do annoy you the most? 3. How do you manage your money? 4. What was your mainreason to be a member in Serenes Forest? 5. What is your favourite animal? 6. Which band/artist do you want to see in a concert so badly? 7. Have you played Conker's Bad Fur Day? 8. What was your first movie, which made you cry? 9. Which is/was your favourite subject at school? 10. How many inhabitants does your hometown have? 11. Do you blow up in your car, if a very slow vehicle is in front of you? 12. What is your favourite dish in a fast food restaurant? 13. Which artist/band has the most songs #1s in the Billboard charts? 14. Which game of the "Tales" series is your favourite? 15. Were you ever drunk at school? 16. Are you pleased with the government in your country? 17. Will you watch the Soccer World Cup 2014? 18. Which is your favourite sort of ice tea? 19. How many hours do you sleep in average? 20. Should cigarettes be abolished? 21. What is the most interesting attraction for tourits in your hometown? 22. What is one of your neighboring states?
  10. Why do so many people start a "Ask me everything" topic in SF today? Should I start a "Quiz topic"? Should I ask general and/or quiz questions?
  11. You want questions? Here they are: 1. What is your least favourite Fire Emblem character? 2. What do annoy you the most? 3. Who is your most hated singer? 4. What was your mainreason to be a member in Serenes Forest? 5. What is your favourite animal? 6. Which was your first movie? 7. Which videogame are you playing at the moment? 8. What was your first movie, which made you cry? 9. Which is/was your least favourite subject at school? 10. How many inhabitants does your residence have? 11. What is the nicest place of Wales for tourists? 12. Is snooker a rising sport? 13. Are you angry that Man City has won the title in the Premier League? 14. What is your favourite 3DS game? 15. Have you ever skipped school? 16. Are you pleased with the government in your country? 17. Have a ever felt like to rule a country, sometime? 18. What is your favourite sort of tea? 19. What is the result of: (34x15-25x18+64-48:12):40? 20. Who is the best character to beat Tabuu in SSBB on intense in one life? 21. Who is the most famous person of Wales? 22. Who will win the soccer/football world cup 2014 in ? 23. Which unit has the most victories in your runs of FE8? 24. Have you ever felt like to sit in a quiz show like "Who wants to be a millionaire"? 25. Shall I ask more questions?
  12. You want questions? Here they are: 1. Who is your least favourite Fire Emblem character? 2. What do annoy you the most? 3. Who is your most hated actor? 4. What was your mainreason to be a member in Serenes Forest? 5. What is your favourite animal? 6. Which band/artist do you want to see in a concert so badly? 7. Which videogame are you playing at the moment? 8. What was your first movie, which made you cry? 9. Which is/was your least favourite subject at school? 10. How many inhabitants does your residence have? 11. Who is your favourite poet? 12. What is your favourite dish in a fast food restaurant? 13. What is your favourite Star Wars part? 14. Do you prefer Sonic games over Mario games? 15. Have you ever skipped school? 16. Are you pleased with the government in your country? 17. Have you ever felt like to rule a country, sometime? 18. Which is your favourite sort of tea? 19. Which animal do scare you the most? 20. Which was your best year in your life? 21. How do you act, if you are stood up? 22. Which team will win the soccer/football world cup 2014 in ? 23. What is your record damage output in FE13? 24. Have you ever felt like to sit in a quiz show like "Who wants to be a millionaire"? 25. What is your record of answered questions of you?
  13. Yes Yes, JP-import. I had to watch a LP to get all the bonus chapters and recruit all the characters. In general in FE12 most units have godthanks better growths than in FE11.
  14. No problem , I am glad that I have finished it on maniac classic mode in Japanese without JP-knowlegde. I didn't know about SF and translation patch, at this point I got this. Took me much time and patience to beat it. I haven't played this game for a quite while, because I lent it a friend of mine. I believe Malicia has only 2 magic in the beginning as well like Maria in FE11. In both games mages and healers start with very low magic anyway. Linde is probably better than Yumina in the beginning because of Aura. But both are pretty much equal.
  15. Are you really feeling concerned about my comment? "Tierlists are stupid and bland". Is it obvious enough, now?
  16. If I would have done a trip to , which five places besides "Ayers Rock (Uluru)" and "Sydney Opera house" do you recommend me to visit and why? Unfortunately, they still exist.
  17. Hey, cool down I have used Sirius in my only one maniac run at least. FFM plays on hard, in this difficulty I don't like using early prepromoted units in general. Yumina deserves definitively more love! She has typical level 1 eh base stats (same goes for Malicia), but she will turn as good as Linde with a better defense. Try her out!
  18. I don't think so. Tiers are for queers. That's my good opinion and it well never change. Ok, my word choice in my comment was kinda meh... but oh well. Meg is underleveled, if she joins in chapter 4. Her growths are untypical for a knight. She has better speed than strength and defense growth. On easy mode, it's not a huge problem to train her. After a few levels, she will be on the ball. To be honest I don't like to use her either on higher difficulties because of her low starting level, poor movement and the fact she's another sworduser. But I've seen a LP on normal with a great Meg! She's definitive not the worst unit i the game! I have never used Fiona, because her starting stats as level 9 are horrible. And on normal or hard it's a pain to train her, although her growths are decent. She starts with 8 strength as level 9. That's way too low. In my first HM run: yes - Ilyana had boosts in strength, magic, skill and speed => she maxed everything In my second HM run: no => she maxed everything, she even maxed speed in tier 1 (grew in 7 of 8 levels in speed) and had the best level ups of all my units
  19. Rexbolt can kill every dragon with two hits except for Nasir and Dheginsea and deals the most damage to Dheginsea of all weapons in the game. On easy mode three hits will kill him. Arcthunder is enough to kill the red dragons with two hits at least. White dragons can also be killed, if "flare" is activated.
  20. Chrom or Miriel have to visit the village. In SF you can find all the recruitments of every character in all Fire Emblem games. http://www.serenesforest.net/fe13/recruitment.html
  21. Therefore mages have much higher magic cap than strength cap of most other physical classes and the enemies except mages have lower resistance than defense, so it is equalized.
  22. Magics are not nerfed in general in FE9. Their only problem is the speed penality caused by poor strength. F. E. Soren's strength growth is 5%, so loses many points in speed, if he uses thunder and fire magic. Like I said in a previous comment, the weapon level system in FE9 and 10 is strange. Yeah my bad. I mixed them with javelins.
  23. Yes, the weapon level system of FE9 and FE10 is inconsequent in many points. Stteel axes are weapon level E, while steel swordes and lances are level D. Yes, only thunder magic (rexbolt) has S rank, but all anima magic types have A rank tome.
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