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Everything posted by Alex95

  1. I think it's similar to Mega Evolution, but not quite to that extent. It's the same Pokemon, but it's appearance and attributes have changed due to the area's climate and new habitat... Yeah, it does sound like a whole new Pokemon, doesn't it?
  2. I didn't see a thread specifically related to the Alola Forms, so that confused me a bit... sorry. That would be so cool!
  3. Holy crud that Exeggutor! Older Pokemon are getting a whole new makeover in the upcoming Sun and Moon games. So far, Vulpix and Sandshrew (as well as their respective evolutions) are getting Ice-type variants, called "Alola Forms", of themselves with perhaps more coming in later in the future! I think this is pretty cool! It's a sort of call-back to the Delta Species mechanic in the TCG, where a Pokemon is of a different type with different moves. This takes it to a new level, though, giving them a whole new look to boot! Awesome! Then there are the Z-Moves, which are uber-powerful type-specifc moves a Pokemon can use. The coolest thing about this is that Tomy International is releasing a separate arm band to go with the game, which vibrates, lights up, and stuff once the Z-Move in-game is activated. Doesn't look like it's needed to actually play the game, but it's pretty cool! Not feeling the new Pokemon, yet, myself. I don't know what it is, but I'm more excited to see what they do with the older Pokemon than seeing what new Pokemon they reveal. Perhaps I'm just a nostalgic person What Alola Forms do you want to see? Personally, I want to see an Electric- or Fire-Type Rhydon. It would be terrifying to see that coming at you, so I want to command it and strike fear into the hearts of my enemies!
  4. We just moved into our dream house. 6 beds, 4 baths, yay!
  5. There's a month left of getting in your voice, music, and idea submissions. 31st of August is the cut-off point. After then, I'll start weighing the options and divvying up the roles. http://power-master.wikia.com/wiki/Board:News_and_Announcements
  6. An "Ask Gaius" blog? Are we supposed to ask a question then you respond how you think Gaius would answer? Gaius looks cool and laid-back, nice.
  7. That's the "give or take" portion.
  8. There's a table to translate it and it's available to download here: http://serenesforest.net/path-of-radiance/miscellaneous/ancient-language/
  9. Well.... That was a long read. I agree with just about everything for the most part. The game looks great, sounds great, and plays... okay. *opinions* The one I really agree with is number 3. We were told that the player character will have a bigger influence on the story, a great improvement from the Aaron vs Samson thing. But it came down to "What version of the game do you want to buy." It sucks, really. If they had made everything one game or at least expand on the player's choices, there would've been more room for character development as well, I think. Unless they just focus on the player entirely, in which case, screw everyone else. Well, obviously, it's... I mean, it's... um... ... ...Oh, jeez. Do we just call this "Hoshinohr?"
  10. With over 20,000 members (give or take a few hundred), I don't see this site ending anytime soon, yeah.
  11. Skills: Roulette: Randomly boost one stat a turn. Stat reverts at the end of turn. (Activates at the start of every turn) Strong Attack: Deal double the damage, but reduce hit by half. (Perhaps Stephan's secondary skill?) Great Attack: Deal all the damage you would in one blow. (For example, any x2 hits would become one. 20 x2 becomes 40, etc. Using brave weapons with this would be fun!) Fetal Position/Play Dead (ether one): This unit will not attack this turn, but enemy units will ignore this player unit.
  12. I certainly hope it does. I don't have anywhere else to go.
  13. I have a bridge in New York (Bodine's Bridge) and a casino in Carson City, Nevada (Bodines Casino). But as for something named after me specifically... idk, some type of food?
  14. Awesome. I always like looking back at how things became how they are. ...That made sense, right? Well, having a pair of herons sing certainly helps. :) I'm a part of several different forums and sites, but I never managed to be there at the beginning aside from Nintendo Prime. Always fun seeing the history of how things occurred before I joined (and I usually join very late)
  15. Yeah, I know of you and Lord Raven (and I think Raven) from then, but there may be more, aside from Vincent and Jyosua. Fixed it. Sometimes my fingers get all wibbily-wobbily. I doubt it, but does anyone have any pics from then?
  16. I've heard every now and then about the site used before Serenes Forest came to be. I may be wrong on the names here: Angel Sword, FESS, or whatever. I joined in 2014 so I'm wondering what it was exactly. Enlighten a noob please?
  17. Everything looks fine to me. The color shows up well, you can tell what everything is. Looks good. When scanning full pages, make sure the full page fits on the scanner, or at least everything that's relevant (such as text or pics). I have a problem with my own scanner where everything comes out too light/dark, but it doesn't look like yours has that problem. At first glance from the posted pic, anyway.
  18. Learned cursive in the 3rd grade, and I still remember how to write with it. Don't use it much today, though.
  19. Gangrel returns to rule with Chrom having troops watching him I think.
  20. Counted them up for ya' 6 Thane 3 Ninjamonkey 3 Shin 2 Blah the Prussian 1 King Marth 64 1 Sirius 1 MageKnight404 1 Quintessence 1 Aquakat
  21. Wanted to see how well I can do adding the expressions on the blank template. I think they came out rather well, I just need to make sure I place everything correctly. Edit: I'm rolling with this one. Looks good, easily edited, and I have to decide on something. Keep sending voice and music samples!
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