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Everything posted by Alex95

  1. FE7 Peak: Every time Sain appears and Kent makes a fool of himself. Rock: Defeating Lloyd and Linus. They would've been great additions to the team! FE8 Peak: The chapter when Eirika and Ephraim reunite (the first time) and everyone's all happy! Rock: My playthrough Orson. FE9 Peak: The relation between Ike and Elinica. Or the game in it's entirety. Rock: Chapter 11 FE13 Peak: Owain Rock: Aversa FE14B Peak: Um... the graphics? Maybe My Castle? Rock: ...Yeah, I really have nothing good to say about this game.
  2. Heh, if you hadn't said Finn and Raquesis I would've assumed Ephraim and Eirika. :P
  3. The common sense in me would scream "Run away!", but the adventurer would say "Let's see how this feels when I stand in the center of it all!" ...so probably no.
  4. 1. What makes Tracia your favorite FE? 2. Greatest stunt you pulled off, or at least walked away from? 3. Are you an actual knight? If not, do you want to be? 4. I don't know you too well myself, but how well do you know me? (In other words, impressions of me) 5. Favorite non-FE game?
  5. From what I can tell, games put onto fansites where a collective of games are posted (rather than a site dedicated to the single fangame) have remained untouched.
  6. I'm sure we all have a wishlist of the types of games we want to see on the NX. Aside from Breath of the Wild and Dragon Quest X (though I would like to see that come to the U.S.), these are my personal top games I want to see announced for the NX: 1. Super Mario 64 HD/New Super Mario 3D Title - SM64 is my favorite game of all time and I would love to see it get an HD remaster. Nothing like the DS version, where we got more characters and more stars (though I wouldn't complain about the later). Just a straight up remaster of the original game. If they decide against that, then a new 3D Mario title similar to it and Mario Galaxy will do. 2. Metroid NX - Metroid would look beautiful on the NX! The Prime games and Other M already look fabulous, so imagine what they could do with the NX's power. 3. Mario Kart NX - No brainer here. Mario Kart has been on every system since the N64 (skipped the Virtual Boy and GBC after the original game). Of course there's going to be a new Mario Kart! I just hope Bowser Jr. and Diddy Kong return and Pink Gold Peach gets the boot. 4. Final Fantasy VII HD - This one's been circulating around for a while, but I don't think it's been confirmed for the NX. Yet. I've only played the original game once (and I wasn't very good...), so I'd love to give it another go on the NX. Though I'm sure if Sony is up for losing their PS exclusive... 5. Super Smash Brothers... RPG - There's been rumors about a new Smash coming to the NX, and, while I'm really enjoying the Wii U/3DS versions, I missed the story mode from Brawl (as lame as it was). Playing a lot of Project X Zone 2 lately, so I'm hoping they could do something like that as the next installment's story mode. Also, keep it to one system this time so we can have the Ice Climbers back, please!
  7. Alex95


    Welcome! Don't worry about being a noob, all of us were there at one point XD
  8. Only showing reasons for my top three Awesome Tier Ike - I think he's the best main character to come out of FE so far. He doesn't start as a lord initially, so there's more character development. And the way he deals with the relations between the Laguz is great! Hector - He's just awesome. Nuff said. Owain (If he counts) - I can see a lot of myself in Owain, so I can connect with him personally. He's related to Lissa and Chrom, so he's as much a "lord" as Lucina, right? Cool Tier Roy Ephraim Lyndis Eliwood Chrom Eh Tier Robin Eirika Marth Lucina Bad Tier Corrin Don't-Know-Well-Enough Tier Alm Celicia Sigurd Seliph Leif Micaiah Kris
  9. Zelda Maker and that Super Mario 64 HD remake were both recent take downs. Super Mario 64 is on the VC (same with Metroid II), but I'm not entirely sure what the deal was with Zelda Maker...
  10. Nintendo has issued a take-down (http://www.nintendoprime.com/metroid-ii-fan-remake-issued-with-take-down-by-nintendo/), but at the moment, the game is still up.
  11. Metroid II was actually my first Metroid game, now that I think about it. I think I got it from my dad's late friend and it's main theme that plays when you first enter the game world is still one of my favorite themes from Metroid and possibly one of my favorite themes over all.
  12. I've been playing a lot of Project X Zone 2 lately (like "I got it a week ago and am almost done" a lot, and it's a 40 chapter game!), and I really like how the 2D graphics are played out. Everything is fluid enough that it looks really good. I definitely think FE could go back to "basics" with graphics (and it would help with space issues) if it looked something like that. Supports are nice and offer character development (most of the time), but they shouldn't distract from the game's story TOO much. If it's a run-around game like Sacred Stones or Awakening, then maybe. But in a progression-type game like Blazing Sword or Fates, supports should probably take a back-seat. I'm honestly not sure how I feel on weapon durability... "Dainon was once was a peaceful kingdom, but without notice, Kaycil suddenly invades Dainon!" ...Well, I guess a story needs to start off somehow, right? Though this certainly sounds like a game I'd like to play. Story could use some work in a few places I think, but all-in-all, it looks great.
  13. Story behind Morgan is s/he doesn't remember what time period s/he comes from, which is a convenient way of saying "eh, screw it." Presumably, if you marry a 1st gen character like Lissa, Morgan is from the same period as Lucina. Marry a 2nd gen character like Lucina and s/he somehow arrives in the present time due to Naga thinking s/he needs to help out his/her father/mother as well.
  14. Yoooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo!

  15. Yeah, Other M did a number on the fans. Personally, while good, it would've made a better story than a game oh, wait... I realize that Other M is a big reason why people were so let down by Federation Force, neither are the type of "Metroid" game people were expecting and they wanted Federation Force to be the next main-series title in the Metroid franchise. But that's not stopping it from becoming a good game. I'm probably giving it a lot more hype myself, but I really like what I've seen so far.
  16. While I'm not one for looking at girls in swimsuits, I agree that drawing them in swimwear/underwear/nude is a good way to get the proportions down. They all look great! Kiara didn't need that collarbone, anyway.
  17. Downloaded it. Playing it. Man, this is cool! I still have the original cartridge and I've been waiting for someone, Nintendo or otherwise, to remake so I can finally figure out what it is I'm supposed to be doing (internet is overrated). Now I can finally have the patience needed to play this game and have some sense of where I'm going! In terms of Federation Force, despite what many people are saying about, I can't wait to play it when it comes out at the end of August. Me and my brothers will be playing it for a while (and then shove it off to the side for a bit like we do with every other game). Sure, I agree that it doesn't exactly "feel" like a Metroid title, but then again, neither did Metroid Prime Pinball. Or Mario Strikers. Or Link's Crossbow Training. I cannot wait to play this game and while everyone else is hating on it, I'm going to be one guy who's enjoying it.
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