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Everything posted by Alex95

  1. A better question is: "Why is it only Shadow Dragon and Awakening characters?!"
  2. Eh, people just have other things to do. I'm finding myself becoming less and less active on here... Once a new FE game gets announced, people will start coming here for info.
  3. Aversa: I don't like the sultry characters, but I think she definitely nails that aspect. I really wish she and Gangrel could have a support. Lissa: I married her I like the relationship she has with other characters, specifically between her and Chrom (Ike and Mist are better, though). She's not the greatest unit, but she's saved a few of my characters a number of times.
  4. [spoiler=Stahl and Sumia] Stahl and Sumia C Stahl: Hey, Sumia? Sumia: Oh, hello, Stahl. Need something? Stahl: Well, yes, actually. Sumia: How can I help? Stahl: Think you could grab a few things at the market for me? Chrom stuck me with guard duty so I can’t leave my post. Sumia: Um, me? Are you sure? Stahl: Of course. Why wouldn’t I be? Sumia: Aren’t you afraid I’ll trip and ruin your stuff? Or if I get mobbed? Or run over by a passing carriage? Stahl: Wow, that’s… some imagination you got. I think you’ll do just fine, Sumia. Just try not to worry too much and you’ll be fine. Sumia: Okay… If you say so. Stahl and Sumia B Sumia: Morning, Stahl. Stahl: Ah, good morning, Sumia! Hey, thanks again for getting those things for me yesterday. I knew you could do it! Sumia: Yeah, I don’t know what came over me. On the way there, I was so worried I was going to mess up. But by the time I got everything, I only thought about getting back to you! Stahl: Seems like all you need is stay focused on your goal! Sumia: I guess so! By the way, what were those things for? A watermelon, string, ink and quill… I can’t find a relation between them. Stahl: Well, the watermelon was for the meal I cooked yesterday. Everything else was just things I was running out of. Sumia: A new pot? Stahl: Mine was falling apart. Sumia: The wax? Stahl: To help clean the army’s armor. Sumia: Shards of metal? Lumps of coal? Stahl: Ah, those are a gift for someone. Sumia: Well, Stahl, those things cost me quite a bit… Stahl: Um… What about the money I gave you? Sumia: …Well… I kinda sorta… tripped and it went… everywhere… mostly the sewers… Stahl: …Oh. Sumia: I’m sorry! Stahl: Hey, no worries, I’m glad you’re okay! But you didn’t have to spend your own money on my stuff. Sumia: But you sounded like you really wanted it! I couldn’t just not buy them or turn around and ask you for more money because what if I lost it all again! Stahl: Sumia… Sumia: I’m sorry, I’ll just… leave you alone for now… Stahl: Wait! …Poor girl. Stahl and Sumia A Stahl: Hey. You doing alright there, Sumia? Sumia: Oh, um, yes, of course! Stahl: What are you doing sitting on the ground? Sumia: Well… Stahl: What’s in your hand? Sumia: …It’s for you. Stahl: Is this… money? Sumia: Yes? Stahl: Sumia, were you scrounging around for loose change just to make up for the money you lost? Sumia: …It sounds pathetic when you say it like that. Stahl: Sumia, I told you, I don’t care about that. I’m just glad you were safe. Sumia: I know, but I felt like I had something to make up to you! I couldn’t just let this go! Stahl: There are better ways to make up for this that digging through dirt. Sumia: … Stahl: Tell you what, why I don’t I take you somewhere nice tonight, huh? Make you feel better? Sumia: Stahl, are you asking me out on a date? Stahl: Ha ha, call it what you want. I just want you to feel better about yourself. Sumia: Well, sure! But, uh… With whose money? Stahl: …Maybe I’ll just cook a home-made meal for us instead. Sumia: Sounds lovely. Stahl and Sumia S Sumia: Hey, Stahl! Stahl: Hey, Sumia. Feeling better! Sumia: Much better? Oh, Miriel wanted me to give you this. Stahl: Oh! Um… Sumia: This is such a beautiful ring. Who’s it for? Stahl: Well… I was planning on giving it to you. Sumia: M-Me? What, where did you get the materials to make this? Stahl: …Look at the metal. Sumia: Hm? It… It looks like the metal I bought the other day! Stahl: And the gem on the top? I heard when you superheat coal, it’s supposed to turn into this beautiful pearl. Sumia: It’s… a pearl?! Stahl: Kind of. It’s supposed to take a number of years in order for it to really become perfectly made. Sumia: Well, I think it’s perfect and I love it! Stahl: Sumia, will you marry me? Sumia: Yes! Yes, of course I will! (...Yeah, I probably should've just left it at the A Support, but oh well.) @Rend Glad you like it!
  5. Walhart He's not my favorite bad guy in the game, but I like his character. I like how he (kinda) reforms after being defeated by Chrom... twice, though still keeps his wits about him. Also, he's the biggest freaking Knight I've ever seen! o.O Lucina While I like her character, personality, and story, I hate how over-hyped she is. Lucina has appeared in the same amount of crossovers as her father, btw (Lucina in Sm4sh, Chrom in TMS#FE, and both in PXZ2), but her fanbase is probably way bigger than it needs to be.
  6. Well, yes, some characters are certainly easier to use like Mario or Kirby. But even ones that are difficult to really get down or just outright "suck" can still win a match if you, the player, are trained well enough with the character. For example, most players would agree that Captain Falcon, Ness, and Jigglypuff are pretty high on the tier list whereas Link and Ike are not. However, I have defeated those three with Link and Ike in some intense battles (though the "best-of-the-best" players still outdo me). I've even defeated Ness with Pikachu. ...Sure, I can't prove that here, but that was a great win for me! :)
  7. Exactly! I say it's the skill of the player rather the properties of the character that matters. Every character is required.
  8. I'm slowly becoming less and less active on here...

  9. Beautiful. I don't have the game (crappy phone can't run it), but I'd choose Team Valor cause I like red. Or Team Mystic cause one of my friends is on it. Or Team Instinct because I like helping the underdog. ...I'm just gonna make three accounts.
  10. I'd help with this, but I'd just choose B for everyone cause I don't believe in Tier Lists.
  11. Sorry for the delay on this one. Been suddenly busy these last couple of days... [spoiler=Lon'qu and Sumia] Lon’qu and Sumia C Sumia: Lon’qu! Lon’qu: Eh… *leaves* Sumia: Wait a minute! Lon’qu: What do you want, woman? Sumia: Well, um… Lon’qu: Spit it out! Sumia: I was wondering if you could train me! Lon’qu: Train you? For what? Sumia: You know me, I’m the clumsy girl who’s always tripping on nothing. Lon’qu: …And? Sumia: Well, I was wondering if you could pass on some of you footwork talents. Lon’qu: My skills are honed through intense training and battles. It is not something I can simply “pass on.” Sumia: Oh… Lon’qu: …However, I can give you some advice. Exercise more. Sumia: Excuse me? Lon’qu: What I mean is train your body so it listens to you more. Do some runs, train with your lance, those sort of things. Sumia: Hm… Okay! I’ll do just that! Lon’qu: Good. Now leave me alone. Lon’qu and Sumia B Lon’qu: What in the world happened here? There are… face marks in the ground? And that training dummy is torn apart… Sumia: Oh, hello. Lon’qu: Gah! What do you want?! Sumia: Sorry, I didn’t mean to startle you. Lon’qu: I was not startled. Sumia: Um, okay? Lon’qu: Would I be correct in assuming you’re the one responsible for the mess here? Sumia: …Yes. I took your advice, Lon’qu. I went for a few jogs around camp, but my face ended up on the ground more than my feet were. Lon’qu: … Sumia: Then I decided to train with my lance, but I kept tripping on falling on the dummy. Lon’qu: … Sumia: You probably think I’m hopeless, don’t you? Lon’qu: Yes. Sumia: Oh, well, gee, no need to sugarcoat it. Lon’qu: In your current state, you would be a pain to this army. However, I can see determination and dedication in you. Sumia: Um, okay? Lon’qu: …I will train you. Sumia: Huh? I thought you couldn’t stand to be near women. Lon’qu: I can’t, which is why I will direct you from afar. I will go put the training dummy back up, and I have no doubt that Frederick fixed the divots in the ground by now. Sumia: Thank you, Lon’qu! Lon’qu: B-back away! Sumia: R-right, sorry… Lon’qu and Sumia A Lon’qu: Twelve times. Sumia: Sorry? Lon’qu: You fell on your face twelve times today. Sumia: Really?! That’s a new record! Lon’qu: Keep it up and you’ll be able to stay on your feet before you know it. Sumia: Thank y—Aah! Lon’qu: Agh! Sumia: Ugh… Oh my gosh, I’m so sorry, Lon’qu! Are you okay? Lon’qu: Get… off… Sumia: Uh, right, sorry! …That better? Lon’qu: …Yeah. Sumia: Guess that makes thirteen, huh? Lon’qu: Listen… You are getting better. Keep training, don’t give up. If you need any help, I’m nearby. Sumia: Okay. And don’t worry about me! Soon enough, my feet will be on the ground more times than my face! Lon’qu: I’ll be watching. Lon’qu and Sumia S Sumia: Well… huff… that was… a good day… Lon’qu: … Sumia: What did you… think, Lon’qu… whew… Lon’qu: … Sumia: I think I’ve only fallen… ten times today… Lon’qu: … Sumia: …Lon’qu? Lon’qu: Sumia, can we talk? Sumia: I think I’m the one doing all the talking. Lon’qu: You know I’m no good with women, right? Sumia: I think everyone does. Lon’qu: …True. But when I’ve been with you, I felt… different. Sumia: Like good different? Or like “My gosh, I hope she doesn’t take off my head with her lance” different? Lon’qu: Like I can stand to be near you different. Sumia: Oh, hey, that’s good! Looks like we’re solving both our problems! Lon’qu: No, you don’t understand. This feeling… it’s only when I’m near you. Sumia: What are you trying to say? Lon’qu: This is going to sound stupid, but… I think I’ve fallen in love with you, Sumia. Sumia: Wha-What?! Lon’qu: I know, stupid. Me, a guy with an aversion to girls, saying something like that… I’ll just go now… Sumia: No, wait! I don’t think it’s stupid at all! Lon’qu: …You don’t? Sumia: No! Of course not! Why do you think I chose you as my trainer in the first place? Because I felt the same way! Lon’qu: What? Sumia: You know, like that “Love at first sight” thing? Lon’qu: Never heard of it. Sumia: Sheesh, you’re hopeless. Lon’qu: Well, then… Let us be hopeless together. Sumia: Heh heh, deal. (Imagine how freaked Lon'qu would be when he finds out he has a daughter.)
  12. I believe it's the Johto Region. Welcome back to the forest!
  13. Hopefully this and X get a localization for the NX. It's been a while since anyone outside Japan got a "new" DQ game.
  14. Looking through the portraits, you can see some familiar faces. Lionhart, Cath, Arvis, and Medeus to name a few. At least the "Player Turn"/"Enemy Turn" phrases are an English. So I can at least know who's turn it is :P It also seems to give some info on classes, weapons, characters, and what appear to be either accessories or stat boosting items. (I can't read Japanese too well, in case you can't tell). Pretty wide selection of info, though. Aside from the portraits, there's no character artwork, which is what I wanted to see...
  15. Power Master 1 So far, it's Project X Zone 2. But who knows what other games I'll play by year's end!
  16. I think there was a thread like this already, actually. Path of Radiance: Chapter 11, specifically the point when the Black Knight steps in. He appears before the enemy phase starts, and I can never remember what turn he appears on.
  17. [spoiler=Shurz and Saizo] Shura and Saizo C Shura: …So exactly how long are you planning on keeping an eye on me? Saizo: Until I know you’re not a threat to milord. Shura: You do know “milord” recruited me into this band of merry men, right? Saizo: Only because you offered to help us sneak into Nohr. However, you attacked us before that, so I can’t be sure of your loyalty. Shura: And how would you have me prove it? Maybe if I give you some sweets I’ve been hanging— Saizo: Bribery will only lower my trust of you. Shura: …I don’t have to take this, you know? I can tell I’m not wanted. Saizo: Run all you want. I’ll always have my eye on you, criminal. Shura and Saizo B Saizo: …You. Shura: What do you want? Saizo: I’ve been watching you. Shura: No kidding. I was difficult to concentrate in the last battle with you nearly breathing down my neck. Saizo: The way you moved in that last battle… You have the skill of a ninja. Shura: …What’s it to you? Saizo: What’s your backstory? Shura: You don’t trust me. I could tell you the truth, but you wouldn’t know. Saizo: I’ll know. Shura: …No. I’m not going to tell my story to someone who doesn’t completely trust me and questions my motives. Saizo: I am descended from a line of Saizos. I am the fifth to carry the name. Shura: …What are you doing? Saizo: My family has served Lord Ryoma and Corrin’s family for generations. Shura: … Saizo: Your turn. Shura: What, that’s it? …Fine, I’ll reveal a bit. I grew up in the Hoshidan city of Kohga and I served the royal family as a ninja. Saizo: …! How is it I’ve never heard of you? Shura: Perhaps the same reason why I’ve never heard of you. Anyway, I’ve gotta run. Saizo: …Kohga… Shura and Saizo A Saizo: I am sorry. Shura: Hm? Saizo: I know about Kohga, about how it was ransacked and pillaged. Shura: …Yeah… Saizo: If you were a ninja of Hoshido, why were you leading a band of thieves in Nohr? Shura: Because I was forced to do so. I had to go into hiding. Saizo: …Very well. I will not ask you why, but I know you have your reasons. Shura: Thanks. Saizo: … Shura: Wait, where are you going? Saizo: I know who you are now. I have no reason to keep an eye on you anymore. Shura: …Thanks, Saizo. Saizo: For what? Shura: For trusting me enough to talk. That’s not something I get very often. Saizo: Don’t get me wrong. I still don’t trust you, but I have no reason to hate you, either. Shura: And I wouldn’t have it any other way. [spoiler=Cynthia and Arthur] Cynthia and Arthur C Cynthia: You. Are. AWESOME! Arthur: Ah, thank you, young lady! Cynthia: Your battle moves! Your move names! Your attire! It all screams “hero”! Arthur: Well, I am a defender of justice after all! Evildoers cower in fear when they see me or hear my name! Cynthia: So cool! You know, I’m trying to be a hero, too! Arthur: “Trying”? Cynthia: Yeah, I have all these moves and poses and one-liners! I could show you some if you’d like! Arthur: That would be superb! But, young lady, there is no such thing as “trying” to be a hero. Cynthia: Huh? What do you mean? Arthur: You can’t try to be a hero. You either are or you aren’t! Cynthia: Oh, I never thought of it like that! Okay then! I’ll be the best darned hero I can be! Arthur: That’s the spirit! Cynthia and Arthur B Cynthia: … Arthur: … Cynthia: …Boy… Arthur: We sure loused that battle up, didn’t we? Cynthia: Totally uncool! I can’t believe I tripped in the middle of all those archers! Arthur: I would’ve come and saved you if I hadn’t run into that tree… Cynthia: Our leaders were relying on us! How could we have failed so terribly?! Arthur: This is actually a usual day for me. I’m afraid my lucky streak is over. Cynthia: Wait, so, when you being awesome yesterday, that wasn’t really you? Arthur: Oh, no, that was me. You just happened to have caught me on a good day. Cynthia: Yeah, tripping over nothing is a usual thing for me, too. I guess I’m not cut out for hero business if I keep falling on my face… Arthur: Oh, don’t say that! I saw you in that battle, you were more heroic than I imagined you would be! Cynthia: Really? ‘Cause I saw you, too, and you were kind of a bumbling idiot. Arthur: …My point is, even if nothing goes right, you just have to get up and try again. Keep going! Cynthia: Huh? I thought you said you don’t have to try to be a hero. You just are or you aren’t. Arthur: Well… sometimes… there’s just nothing you can do about it, you know? I guess you just have to try in order for you to do something. Cynthia: You’re kinda contradicting yourself here, but I get it. We’ll just have to try our hardest in the next battle! Arthur: Indeed! We shall deliver justice upon our foes with sharp swords and flashy moves! Cynthia: So cool! Cynthia and Arthur A Arthur: “Hear our weapons clash, evildoers… Cynthia: and tremble in fear at our might! Both: In the name of Justice!” Cynthia: Ha-ha, that may be our best line yet! Arthur: Absolutely spectacular! Now we have to work on a move that goes with it! Cynthia: Hm… Ooh! How about we both jump into the air and spin in different directions from each other? Arthur: Ah, how about we have our weapons clash against each other during the spin, then once we come down, we deliver the killing blow to our enemy! Cynthia: Excellent idea! Let’s try it out! Cynthia: …Well, that could’ve gone better. Arthur: So sorry about your weapon there, Cynthia. I had no idea my sword would break your lance in two. Cynthia: I’m sorry my foot got caught in your leg making you fall on your face, Arthur. Arthur: No matter! A bruise like this should only last for a week! Cynthia: You should probably see a healer about that. Arthur: Right. Well, do you want to keep trying the move tomorrow? Cynthia: Are you sure? Arthur: A move like this is sure to strike fear into our enemies! We just have to perfect it! Cynthia: Right you are! Hey, hold on! Arthur: What is it? Cynthia: We need a team name! Arthur: Ah, yes, of course! How could I forget? Cynthia: Let’s see… A Pegasus Knight and a Mercenary… Arthur: Hm… Ah, I know! Cynthia: Shall we say it together? Both: “Tremble in fear, villains, for you are facing… The Heroic Flying Duo!” (I had fun with this one :D)
  18. Welcome! Where does the name "Yed" come from? No, not Franz! How could you?!
  19. Alex95

    Hi there

    Unfortunately, I only speak a little Spanish. "Hola, coma esta, si, de nada" and simple things like that (though I have a hard time figuring out how to spell them :P I blame Dora) Hola, Konnichiwa, Zdravo, etc. Welcome to the forest and enjoy your time here!
  20. Fates: I like Joker. I like how loyal he is and his animations are pretty cool.
  21. Alright this is what I came up with: [spoiler=Laslow and Kaze] Laslow and Kaze C Laslow: …and one and two… Kaze: … Laslow: …now twist and turn around and—ARG! Kaze: Hello. Laslow: By Naga, how long have you been there?! Kaze: A while. Laslow: Oh dear… Please don’t tell anyone what you saw me do just now. Kaze: You mean dance? Laslow: Yes! I’d be a laughingstock if milord found out… Kaze: Okay. Laslow: Huh? For real? Kaze: On one condition. Laslow: Ugh, it’s always something… Kaze: I want you to train with me. Laslow: Um, what? Train with you for what? Kaze: That’s some fancy footwork you have. It should transfer over well enough for some ninja training. Laslow: Ninja? You want me… to be a ninja? Kaze: Whether you are a ninja or aren’t is, ultimately, your decision. Besides, I need your help. Laslow: I don’t know… Kaze: You see, I have a number of women always coming after me— Laslow: Say no more! I’ll help you out! Kaze: Er, you will? Laslow: Just so long as you point one of those women in my direction. Kaze: A condition of your own, eh? Alright, I accept. Laslow: Excellent! Now when do I start? Laslow and Kaze B Kaze: Excellent work today, Laslow. You’re improving tremendously. Laslow: Thanks! I guess that info about converting dancing into ninja-footwork helped. Kaze: It would seem so. Now then, how good are your arms? Laslow: My arms? Fine, I guess. Kaze: Good. Here. Laslow: …Shuriken? Kaze: Yes. See that target over there? Laslow: Ah, I was wondering what that’s for. So just hit the target with the shuriken? Kaze: Try and hit the bulls-eye. Laslow: Seems simple enough. … Kaze: … Laslow: …Arg, how do you even throw these things? Kaze: Watch. *thunk* *thunk* *thunk* Laslow: Wow… Three perfect bulls-eyes… Kaze: A ninja needs perfect hand-eye coordination. *thunk* Laslow: You—You got a bulls-eye without even looking! I’ll never get to that level of skill! Kaze: Not with that attitude. …Tell you what, we’ve been training all day and I can tell you’re tired. Laslow: “Tired” is an understatement… Know what? I haven’t helped you with your problem yet! Kaze: Er, my problem? Laslow: You say women keep coming after you, right? Well, I’ll help you look as repulsive as possible! Kaze: That’s… not quite what I need help with… Laslow: I mean I’ll come along with you and I’ll sweep all the ladies off their feet and have them be head over heels for me! You won’t have a problem with me around! Kaze: Laslow, wait! Where are you—What have I gotten myself into? Laslow and Kaze A Laslow: … Kaze: … Laslow: …Gah! How long are you going to keep doing that?! Kaze: You can sense my presence? Impressive. Laslow: Just leave me alone, Kaze. Kaze: Laslow, I’m sorry yesterday didn’t go as planned, but— Laslow: All of the women just ignored me! They went right for you! Kaze: Believe me, it wasn’t exactly pleasurable for me, either… But you can’t let this defeat you. What would a ninja do if he failed his mission? Laslow: I don’t know, die? Kaze: Well… That’s an alternative, yes. But I meant that the ninja doesn’t give up. He sees his mission through until it’s complete. Laslow: Ninja… That’s it! Kaze: Er, what’s it? Laslow: It’s the ninja outfit. The ninja aura. The whole thing! That’s what’s attracting the ladies! Kaze: … Laslow: Teach me everything you know, Kaze! If the woman don’t like Mercenary Laslow, then perhaps they’ll love Ninja Laslow! Kaze: Glad to see you back on your feet, Laslow. Now then, let’s try the shuriken again. I'll get started on the rest tomorrow.
  22. Dang, was hoping this'd be a place to vote for the next member Congrats Kirie! Looking forward to the rest of the Cypher details you have to give out!
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