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Everything posted by Alex95

  1. Mmmmmmmmmmm, nah. The way my body ''looks'' is not an issue for me.
  2. Yeah, but if you can get Transformation to work, it'd be a lot of fun to use! :) Difference between Hypno and Berserk is, for Berserk, the character turns into an NPC. For Hypno, the player can control the Hypnotized enemy. Otherwise it'd work like the Berzerk Staff, so... Yeah, maybe just give the players Berserk Staffs, haha, idk
  3. "Are you a boy or a girl?" is a totally valid question here XD
  4. EDIT: Had to post & run, so I just stuck the head there for now. Shrunk the drawing to it's appropriate proportions (96 x 96 pixels), then draw over it like last time. I'm pretty sure I didn't shade with green this time, everything looks fine here. Kyle doesn't have to much going on above his neck area, so there wasn't much detail to draw here. Merlina's scarf and Marvin's jacket collar will show, among others. Also, positioned Kyle to be in the center of the square, so I can make taller characters and smaller characters appear accordingly later, should I use this format. All-in-all, despite doing this multiple times, I think this is going rather well!
  5. Will the Status Staves be coming back? The Berserker Staff, Sleep Staff, Poison Staff (if that one's a thing, idr). Transformation Staff: Temporarily turns one of your units into a monster/different class (enemy only). Or you could make it usable by the player too so they can have fun with the enemies :) Range: 1-2, Rank: S (or A if it doesn't go to S) Light Staff: Deals minor Light Magic damage. Range: 1-2, Rank: D Multi-Staff: Heals damage to all units adjacent to the character using it. Range: 1 Rank: C Hypno Staff: Use on an enemy to have them fight for you for the current round. (Enemies will probably end up attacking their own unit, but whatever. Just make sure you don't accidentally kill your own unit!) Range: 1, Rank: A EDIT: Added ranks.
  6. I beat ya' to it, Glac. I love how they did the trailer, especially the ending. That was perfect!
  7. Detail is hard for me to do, especially when using computer graphics. idk, it's just harder to get my head around it. Perhaps smaller portraits are the best bet here, so I'll come up with some. In my opinion, I think the song sounds great! I think it has an 8-bit, retro feel to it, which is awesome! This this particular version (demo or not) would best fit a boss theme, however. Still cool :) Oh, just as detail confuses me, so do descriptives... Um... The original song bit shown is really just what I put together after some inspiration happened. The rapid notes playing, the three ascending then one lower note that's the same key as the second of the four in the measure... idk, just kinda came to me. If there's not a good way to blend them together, you can do your own, sure. But I'd like to see people take a shot at the original bit first. Okay... story synopsis... :/ There are two sides to this story: Kyle's and Merlina's. Kyle's more or less is the same as Power Master 1: Kyle is told to gather the Gems. Though this time there are new environments, new challenges and a new character, Marvin, to give it a bit more of an "edge." Kyle's journey is more light-hearted - simple, so I want the music for his side to fit. Overworld music is different than Merlina's, the battle music, etc. Dungeons could probably share a song, though. Merlina's story is entirely new, but I'm still going over how I want to do it. She and her mother just moved in Moneo and, the next day, her mother starts acting strange. Merlina is told to gather the Gems, same as Kyle, but soon rebels against her mother and seeks help. Merlina's journey is more... energetic? Um... Yeah, I don't know the word to use here, but her overworld and battle music would be different than Kyle's. One more thing: the four notes I mentioned are the same ones that are heard at the 00:15-17 mark of "Girl of the Spirit Forest" from FE4. Don't know if that's where I heard it from or if it's purely coincidental, but I like it, so whatever.
  8. Saizo's actually pretty cool. I was a little worried about him at first, but he's a good guy and cares greatly for his friends, even if he doesn't show it much.
  9. It's green on the tips? ...Ugh, darn color-blindness... I thought I had the right color... Alright, I'll fix that. I kind of like the glow. It looks better then the white outline I had earlier. But I'll weigh the options. Yeah, I thought the color I chose for the shading was a brown, but nope! The portrait is quite large, but I was going to shrink it once I actually started putting them in the game (putting them in now would take up the whole screen!) For size options, well there are two: One is a large bust that "sits" on top of the dialogue box (like PoR or RD, though not as big?). Another is just the head, that can be placed either in said dialogue box or above it. I don't know...should I stick with just a small head portrait, then?
  10. The midi file and sheet music are in the downloadable file. But here's the link again in case other problems arise: https://www.dropbox.com/s/iiiujm1e4ur44qq/Test%20Music.zip?dl=0 So messing around with the graphic options on paint.net; coloring it it, ink sketch, then coloring it in again using the NES pallet given earlier, this is what I came up with: I quite like this one, actually. The colors blend well enough, I think. I also like the glow the "ink sketch" option gave me, that's a nice touch. Earlier I used a white outline to separate the portrait from the background, but the glow works even better in this instance. Would this be suitable for the final outcome? The tilesets use the NES pallet as well, so this would be a great match. Is there anything I need to adjust here? EDIT: Looks like the glow cuts off at the ends, but I can fix that.
  11. Well, first I want to see what you can do with the song linked in the OP. Remake it in your own way. Depending on the number of people that get involved with the music (which probably won't be a lot), I'll divvy up the music based on the way they remade the song. You're also welcome to submit other tracks of your own if you want to show what else you can do.
  12. Cool. Don't worry about the file type, I can always convert them later. Dropbox, vocaroo, email, whatever. Any way you can get them to me. :) I know, placeholders are pretty much all I'm doing at this point. I'm trying to figure out the style I want to use before finalizing them, so any input is appreciated. Spritework took over the thread cause that was the thing I had the most trouble with. But there's still a number of characters that need voices, and I will choose who does what at the end of August. Also need music as well, but I may have to look elsewhere for that...
  13. The original Power Master site is no more.

  14. Apparently, they're plentiful at workplaces.
  15. It wouldn't really matter to me much since I'll be dead.
  16. Anyone having trouble getting their Eevee to evolve to the desired Pokemon? Apparently, if you name it specifically, you will get the corresponding Pokemon: Naming Eevee "Sparky" will get you a Jolteon Naming Eevee "Pyro" will get you Flareon Naming Eevee "Rainer" will get you Vaporeon These are the names of the three Eevee trainers seen in the anime waaaaaay back, so it's a nice nod to that. Info taken from GameXplain
  17. Yeah, I forgot the highlights on the digital drawings, and they don't show up well on the hand drawn ones. That's my bad. :P It's strange, though, because that's something I've been doing but then totally blanked on it here. I'm mainly doing these for now to test to see what I can come up with. The final ones will be more polished, though I'm trying my best on these ones as well.
  18. I tried to come up with different variants for the portraits, see which one I like more. My favorite is either the bottom-middle or the bottom-right. I'm thinking I'll just avoid the hand-drawn stuff; hand-draw it, digitize it, then...something.
  19. Welcome! That's a cool name, I think. Is it pronounced like "Sayd" or "Sad" or another variation?
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