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Everything posted by Stargirl

  1. I read through all of that with id (serenity) playing in the background sigh ._. I should go do some homework
  2. Weddings! (=´∇`=) Such joyous occasions
  3. sleepy but coping hope you're enjoying your day
  4. But it's fun. :3 I like drawing y'all dancing and stuffs
  5. since not a lot of people are here I feel like spamming... I shall resist >.> Update on HHH animation (people I've completed/almost done): -Koneko -Shytende -Comet -Silver Lightning -Kinumi -Naughx -Duck -Dusk -Glac -Ace -Anon -Shadow -Knee More to come soooooon.
  6. (*‿*✿) hiya naughx ! hope your day is filled with lots of ☀
  7. Howdy hi shy lucky person. Thou aren't alone in those respects. I humbly welcome thee to this vibrant forest of wonder! Do not lose your way!
  8. Hey there! Enjoy the vastness of this forest!
  9. Hmm... You're right. The lack of snow can no longer be overlooked.
  10. they are my people don't mess with my people
  11. *Takes umbrella to school* Sunshine and rainbows *Leaves umbrella at home* Downpour Anyways, howdy hi!
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