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Everything posted by Sentinel07

  1. In any case, I would overall rank the chapter a 9 out of 10. I'd love to go higher, but still gotta deduct a point for kind of throwing Peony and Triandra's relationship under the bus a little. Really don't get why that wasn't elaborated on. You'd think Peony's allies would be surprised to learn they were actually related.
  2. You know, Sharena was conspicuously absent this chapter. Kind of strange considering the revelation that her brother is gone. Of course, they still haven't fully resolved the changling subplot. Last they left it, Sharena was left unsure either way.
  3. So, that chapter. 1. We begin with Veronica having to deal with more of Mirabilis' BS. You can so tell she wants to strangle that girl. 😄 2. So the human world is the World of Steel. Curious. Too bad I guess we're not getting maps on it but oh well. 3. Mid-chapter story surprised me a little. Guess Freyja wasn't manipulating Plumeria and Triandra as much as we thought. Even she was perplexed by how far they're willing to go for her. 4. Triandra is Peony's sister as expected. Gotta say, it was a little frightening seeing how willing Triandra would resort to killing. 5. That last part though. Damn was that a curve ball! Kiran dreaming about being Alfonse is expected, but the Creator himself making a move on Alfonse for killing Hel? Interesting!
  4. I doubt that, especially with how it looks like they're following the same formula. Thrasir and Lif were done in with the 3rd and 2nd to last chapters of Book 3, and it looks like Book 4 is going to do the same. Each Book has been releasing later and later? Book 3 and 4 released around the same time. Early December. Only one to do different was Book 2 in Late November.
  5. Sharena from Lif's world would certainly be interesting. Too bad they probably won't do anything about it. :) Honestly, it kind of reminded me of something. I really wish they'd make a new event that would explore extra stories in these worlds. Like, we're probably never going to visit Nifl, Muspell, or Hel again in any real capacity, yet there are probably things going on there even after the Order of Heroes is done. Like how things are in Nifl with Hrid ruling, Laevatein now Queen of Muspell, how things are in Hel with Hel herself gone....there's a lot of potential there. Heck, maybe even one centered on Eir finding the world she really came from since the main story will likely never address that again either. Heck, it'd be a nice opportunity to introduce new OC's in that way.
  6. I wasn't really being serious. It was just something that flashed through my head. 😄 On another note, I'm guessing this new chapter should wrap up Triandra's story (likely with her connection to Peony) and wrap up Kiran's whereabouts as well. I wonder if that'll leave Sharena's story for the finale.
  7. Maybe we'll get lucky and that, in late November after Chapter 13 comes, we'll get a 2-person banner with Gustav and Henriette like Surtr and Ylgr from 2 years ago. Heck, that way they can shove in the usual Xenologue to set up Book 5 too. 😄 Yeah it's probably not happening but I'd be all for it if it did. 😄 Edit: On the topic of Live Gustav making less sense for continuity, I have an opinion on that. Personally, I think summonable story characters are only really in there for gameplay purposes rather than story purposes. Like, even though we can summon Surtr, Hel, Lif, and Thrasir for our armies, I think that's only true for gameplay purposes, and that in terms of the story, they're not really there. Kind of like how, even though Lif and Thrasir appeared in recent Forging Bonds, they don't seem to be treated among the Order of Heroes.
  8. Yeah, it's just a palette swap. All that changed was that they made him a darker shade, and the blue gem in his axe changed to red. Other than that, he's exactly the same as normal Gustav. And yeah, pretty much.
  9. Honestly, I don't think dead Gustav is being treated as the same. I feel like that may have been just a one-time gimmick for story purposes, and that if/whenever he does become playable, he'll be in his normal King of Askr form or something. I mean, if the art and/or weapon was completely different, I could probably see him coming as both, but his "dead" art is literally just a palette swap of his normal art, and his weapon is likely the same as he had when alive.
  10. Guess it kind of depends on how IS views him. Like, do they view Gustav and Henriette as Book 3 characters, or are they more in the same category as Veronica and Bruno and such. They got the obvious Book 3 OC's out of the way with Lif, Thrasir, and Hel, but haven't budged on our new Askr characters.
  11. I'd like it to be Thracia 776 personally. It's still criminally underrepresented, and as someone who has yet to play the game, I'd like to see and learn more about its characters.
  12. Considering the Book 4 Part 2 trailer, it's 99% likely Triandra and Peony are sisters.
  13. Oh completely agree. The whole "find a rite" thing was boring and repetitive. I'm glad that how Freyja as been handled is so different so far. On another note, given the new calendar we just got, we're only getting one new hero banner in November. We'll get Chapter 13 for sure, but I wonder if they're not going to do a transition chapter this time.
  14. Pretty sure they never cared about Adult Tiki to begin with. Her young form is considered the more iconic one.
  15. Hard pass. Kind of salty they're debuting Dheginsea as a seasonal first. Should have been a Mythic instead of the constant Heroes OC's. I don't think I'll ever understand why Xane seems to have a decently high fanbase. I played Shadow Dragon and Mystery of the Emblem many times and he was a very eh and forgettable character. Not particularly useful either. Any time I tried to use him, he eventually ended up on the bench.
  16. I can see it lasting only a few more years at best. Player base is dwindling down, and Three Houses didn't bring in many new fans.
  17. I'd rather a lore-based prequel focusing on the Seiros vs Nemesis war. I feel like that would be perfect for Warriors style gameplay. Honestly, I have little interest in what happens in-between the 5 year timeskip in TH. Heck, some characters don't even do anything in some routes. For example in SS/AM/VW, Linhardt and Bernadetta do nothing but stay at home for most of it. Actually, I had this little idea for a while, but it might be too big. Basically my thought was to put Fodlan's big past wars into one game. Have one route focused on Seiros vs. Nemesis, another route focused on the Battle of the Eagle and Lion (with Loog), and then another route on Battle of the Crescent Moon. Basically the 3 main ways that shaped Fodlan into what is at the start of the game. I think it would be cool, and even mirror Three Houses' style of multiple paths.
  18. The big thing that's really caught my eye is that the Order's plan isn't even to defeat Freyja so far. They're just trying to get away from her. Unlike the last 2 books which became all about finding some rite and beating Surtr and Hel, they're just trying to get away from Freyja at this point.
  19. Easily skippable banner. Plumeria doesn't interest me and I already have all the other characters. I still need to save orbs after spending so many on the Genealogy Dancing banner.
  20. Based on what I remember from Three Houses, Annette typically doesn't get so engrossed that she skips meals. She loves books for sure, but she's always running around doing something or another.
  21. Hmm, true that could indeed happen. A little bit off topic, but I'm a little curious. If Sharena does get a fairy version, who do you think should do the art between Kozaki or Yoshiku? Admittedly, seeing how Yoshiku would draw Sharena intrigues me.
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