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Everything posted by Sentinel07

  1. Hmm, I'd say I have mixed feelings. On the plus side, I like that they didn't forget Sharena and resolved her sub-plot, and I liked Freyja's development as well as the dreams theme with Peony. On the minus side, disappointing that the Alfonse sub-plot turned into a fake-out, and the drama of the dream world ending was all for naught. In the end, it feels like they went for another "everything returns to normal" ending just like the previous ones. Really getting tired of the Pokemon anime-esque reboot style of these stories.
  2. I honestly don't think it's anything too deep to look into. All the other notices just said "final chapter of Book 4". Could just be a slight terminology change and nothing more. I suppose if you want to look at it one way, perhaps the reason for it is because Books 2 and 3 were followed by Xenologues that set up their next books, and they clearly are not doing that this time, so perhaps they changed the term just to show that this is the last one before the next book. I really see no reason for things to change unless the game itself is ending.
  3. I don't mind at all if the common speculation of it being Binding Blade turns out to be true. I already got all my favorites from that game, so I could safety save orbs since the recent banners really took a toll on me.
  4. That's a really long time for the Mythic banner. Wonder why it is.
  5. Such a thing would definitely be OC-heavy to fill out the roster. On a personal note, I would have no issue. I'd love to learn about new characters.
  6. Honestly, part of me wonders if they would have to create a 3rd underling for the Allfather so they'd have one available if FEH gets a 3rd crossover event in Dragalia Lost. I mean, they had Loki as the antagonist in the first one, and then Thorr in the second one. So, if there's a Part 3, we need another Aesir. πŸ˜„ I'm kidding on most of this honestly. I just wanted to say something silly.
  7. Guess you're right. I suppose some part of me just really wants to see more characters in Odin's Pantheon. Like, does he really have basically a whole army of women like Thorr and Loki. πŸ˜„
  8. Wait, what?! *one google search later* Holy crap, you're right! Man...Devil Survivor 2 is one of my favorite games and I didn't recognize the similarity.
  9. New event looks interesting. At least it looks like strategy is involved to put together good chains. I'll be curious to try it out. And the rewards look good.
  10. Kind of glad they didn't go for something super obvious and just put in the Hoshido ninjas. Unit variety is at least nice. All that said, it's an easy pass. None of these characters are among my favorites.
  11. This isn't specifically related to Book 4, but something that came to mind that I was a little curious as to others opinion on. So, we've already seen Loki and Thorr, and I began to wonder, does anyone think that we might be see more of the Aesir represented here? Or do most of you think it'll just stick to Loki, Thorr, and the Allfather?
  12. Still riding on the hope that her conspicuous absence from the last chapter was intentional and it builds up to a resolution of some kind.
  13. So yeah, looks like those of you who were still wondering, Chapter 13 will indeed be Book 4's finale. Curious of them to advertise it in an update notice though. Don't think that's happened before. Peony's wish, huh? Wonder what that'll be.
  14. My god....please be anyone but Triandra.... Seriously, I actually like the Heroes OC's, but them being spammed as Mythics is annoying. We know that the Book 5 freebie in December will probably be a Mythic too, so if we get Triandra now, that will inevitably be 5 straight Mythics from Heroes. They've got dozens of options from other games, quite a few of them very popular ones too.
  15. Ah, that blush is cute. I now ship Kiran and Female Lance Fighter. πŸ˜„ Kidding of course. πŸ˜„
  16. For a while now, I've liked the idea of a new event that could explore extra stories. We've already got modes like Tempest Trial and Forging Bonds that implement story-like content so the potential is there. It'd be a good way to explore stories in worlds that likely won't be visited in the main story anymore. We've got Hrid having to rebuild Nifl and Laevatein taking over as Queen of Muspell. Already some good material. Heck, I'd take a Laevatein: Queen of Muspell alt. πŸ˜„
  17. At the very least, it's been quite a ride. To an extent, I compared Fire Emblem Heroes' story to Kingdom Hearts. If you were to ask me if I thought KH's story was good or not, I don't think I could give you a straight answer because it's a very strange story that gets pulled this way and that way all the time. However, at the same time, it's a hell of a rollercoaster ride and fun to speculate on which makes it enjoyable. I view FEH somewhat similarly. Quality-wise, it's really up and down, but it's done enough to make me really interested in speculating just where it can go next. And if nothing else, with the last chapter, they've gone on a really unpredictable path. This is probably the first Chapter 13 where we really have no idea which way it's going to go.
  18. Above all else at this point, I just hope they didn't forget Sharena not being totally convinced last we saw her in Chapter 11. Whether she's the real one or not, just hoping they give that subplot the resolution it needs.
  19. Gotta say, what makes this kind of exciting is that we really have no idea how Chapter 13 is going to go. How will Freyja be dealt with, if she even will be at all? Will Sharena's subplot finally reach its conclusion? Will Freyja's words in this chapter mean a more natural flow into Book 5 and that some plot aspects may continue into the new book? Really, we have no idea how these are going to pan out. It's really unpredictable right now and I'm kind of excited for it. πŸ˜„
  20. Yeah, we've used up Svartalfheim. After doing a little research, I discovered that DΓΆkkΓ‘lfheimr is called "Svartalf" in the Japanese version. And Askr and Embla are a part of Midgard as stated by Triandra and Plumeria. We can perhaps assume the World of Steel is also a part of it.
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