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Everything posted by Sentinel07

  1. Geez louize, did they skimp out on the budget for the Three Houses Forging Bonds so they could add more characters for this one? The amount of different characters in this one is outrageous. Three Houses got screwed compared to this.
  2. I think Lilith ranked very high on CYL. Probably for reasons similar to Veronica. NPC that people want playable.
  3. As for the Fates banner, don't particularly care except for maybe Lilith. Rinkah and Forrest were never favorites of mine. Midori ain't bad but I don't need her.
  4. Nope, they were childhood friends.
  5. Feh outright said that it was Marth and Caeda "before they met". So it's Young Azura all over again.
  6. THANK GOD! They got Sothis' VA to voice Feh. HUGE improvement! :) And the change to summoning looks awesome.
  7. When it comes to relationship-heavy games (romance in particular), I stick with my natural gender, that being male. Playing as a female and romancing guys in such situations just doesn't sit right with me (and I don't do same-sex relationships in games so that's not an option). If it's a game where everything is kept rather simple like Pokemon, Monster Hunter, Xenoblade Chronicles X, or such like that, I might try a female every now and then.
  8. The lord line-up was certainly interesting. Guess they consider Sothe as a lord and not Elincia. I don't particularly care one way or another, but it's curious all the same.
  9. I liked it. A fun little tribute to the franchise's origin. I honestly don't think it always has to be about game news. The developers are allowed to have a little fun every now and then. I have no problem with this.
  10. To be fair, it makes sense. Blazing Blade makes it clear Bramimond was male before he became what he is now and his gender isn't intended to be a secret like the Flame Emperor's was.
  11. In any case, I'm legit confused now on what the heck they're doing with Apocalypse. It was one thing to not give it to Sophia (when they ironically released a Cipher card of her wielding Apocalypse soon after her refine was revealed) but now even it's original wielder doesn't it? That is...confusing, even for IS.
  12. I'd say it is necessary. Seriously, you complain about almost everything that isn't Tellius, Frederick, or Three Houses. Honestly, about 80% of the comments you make on new banners are complaining. Before you get annoyed about a character having different voices, how about you actually read up on why that is. Why Bramimond is like this is clearly explained in his backstory. I don't see why we should have to spell it out for you.
  13. From what I'm seeing around the net, Bramimond's inclusion shows who has done their research or not. The guy is an important part of Elibe's history and Blazing Blade in general, so those who say they have no idea who he is really need to actually read up on this franchise.
  14. The "Rhea bad" comments really should have ended a long time ago. It's made pretty clear over the course of the story that while you can argue the ethics of some of the things Rhea did, she didn't do it out of malicious or power-hungry intent (as much as Edelgard likes to use the narrative that she is power-hungry).
  15. Catria kind of makes sense as they always try to put in a "totally embarrassed to be in this outfit" type of unit.
  16. Est is cute as always and Fir is a surprise. That being said, it's a pass. After Bernie nearly drained me whole, I gotta build and none of these units strike me as necessary.
  17. Well, I'm guessing that situation would probably eliminate Silver Snow entirely (though that might be for the best). For Edelgard, perhaps it'd be something like her fellow Black Eagle students keeping her humanity in check rather than Byleth. Actually, I'd imagine Byleth's absence in general would make the supporting members of the houses all the more important. Byleth wouldn't be there to assist in Dimitri's redemption so others would have to step up to the plate. Same with someone helping Claude with his ambitions since he wants a figurehead.
  18. Bound Hero Battle: Edelgard and Dimitri. Oh boy. 😄
  19. Overall my favorite cast. One thing 3H really excels at is establishing how and why characters act the way they do. This is why even characters I'm not as fond of I can still reapect due to having good justifications. Also helps that it now has my new favorite Lord (Dimitri).
  20. Wow, way to do Annette dirty. She has a lot of good things going for her. FB does a poor job of showing her by just focusing on her cooking.
  21. I will say that this does feel like the lowest amount of effort they have put into a FB in some time. Most of the character stories just retread the same topics from Three Houses (Bernie's anxiety, Annette's cooking, Lysithea's attitude, etc) and the main story boils down to chasing Bernie around which is yet another retread from Three Houses. And even interaction from other characters was drastically reduced. For some reason, they have Ferdinand reiterating his conversations with other different nobles to Kiran instead of showing the conversation themselves. Even the Askr trio don't get anything special out of it and I think this is the first one in some time that Fjorm was completely excluded from (I think. There are a couple conversations I haven't gotten to yet). Kind of feels like something they wanted done before lunch.
  22. She develops a lot more in Three Houses, and is generally a much more confident character during the War Phase.
  23. I feel doubtful it would be Rhea as I would imagine she'd be Sword or Dragon. So, my guess will be on Ashera.
  24. So, this was pretty much "mindtrip the chapter". I think I barely understood most of it and just went along. 😄 Although, while Sharena is still not getting much character development, it was nice to see her and Alfonse's sibling bond carry the chapter. It's still an improvement more or less even if she's still playing second fiddle. Aside from that, not much else to say. Pretty straightforward stuff. They're back with Peony and we're headed to Freyja's world. Hoping we see her in the next chapter.
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