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Everything posted by Sentinel07

  1. It better, considering 13 chapters really is not enough for the volume of story they seem to be going for. If they want to stay at 13, they need to pack more into them.
  2. There is no thing as Bernie being too cute. 😄
  3. You're....seriously crying that you have to wait a little longer for one character in particular? That's....being a pretty big drama queen not going to lie. That's not just a little petty. That's VERY petty.
  4. Boy am I glad February was full of stuff I didn't need. Got over 400 orbs to get Bernie and Annette. Nice that my top 2 TH girls are coming. :)
  5. Funny how Ernest is now the only crest with no defined origin.
  6. Good to know. :) I imagine something has to be going on since KT handled much of Three Houses.
  7. Probably not the best idea to have hair as long as your body if you dislike bed head. 😄 But what do I know.
  8. I'll probably use my free pull on Red and then bounce. Maybe if I'm lucky, I'll get a Sothis to merge, or maybe get Phina for the first time.
  9. And an easy skip. Chrom is one of my least favorite lords in the entire franchise. Corrin is the only one I dislike more. Probably use free pull on Red to see if I get Sothis or Phina. I'll pull out afterwards anyway so it's no big deal.
  10. Eh. Good for those who like it but I've never been a fan of tsunderes myself, especially on characters like Clarisse who never show that type of behavior in the game they come form.
  11. That was actually a theory I had a long time ago since I caught on to that as well. Though, I ended up discarding the idea. Primarily because Hrid keeps calling himself the "eldest prince of Nifl" despite the fact that he's the ONLY prince.
  12. You know, I'm actually beginning to wonder if they're perhaps content with the current FB cast of the Askr Trio plus Fjorm. I thought they might start including Eir now that Book 3 was done, but she's still not showing up. Maybe they just don't care to use the Book 3 cast.
  13. Also, there is another aspect to consider. Intelligent Systems always tends to "reset" a little bit whenever they go to another console. The first FE on any particular system is typically regarded as the inferior one, like how Binding Blade is inferior to the two GBA games that proceeded it, Fates is superior to Awakening, you get the idea. To that end, I think it means we should pay very close attention to how the next non-remake Switch FE game does, because that will show how much they learned. Considering Fates was a huge step up from Awakening, I'll think we'll get a much improved take on Three Houses's mechanics in the next game.
  14. I heavily disagree with Fates handling the choice better. Unless you've already paid for another version, you're locked into the route you bought at the start. Also, Fates only gives you a little time to know the Royals. Most of the rest of the cast is completely unknown. Three Houses at least gets you in the door with a few traits about the main lords plus some tidbits on every student. Some other points that describe my viewpoint. 1. I agree with the notion that having good characters can help with a bad story. Problem is that, at least in my opinion, Corrin is an awful protagonist (as well as just having an ugly design in general). The constant whining all throughout Conquest drowned out much of any fun I was trying to have on that route. At least with Byleth I can interpret it a little how I would like it, making their presence just a little more tolerable. When your game's main protagonist is that bad, it gets really hard to take the story as a whole seriously. 2. One big aspect about Fates' gameplay I dislike is the buff and debuff system. It was poorly balanced, making some weapons borderline useless. I ended up almost never using Silver weapons because the ensuing debuff makes your unit a sitting duck afterwards. Dragon Veins could have been nice but are too gimmicky for my liking. 3. Another thing on gameplay, Fates' Pair up system is still broken, even if it isn't as broken as Awakening's version. It's still too easy to use it to save your skin when a unit is low on health or to have every unit have access to it. At least with TH's Adjutant system, it makes your choices more strategic as you have to decide which characters you want to stay in that support role for the whole battle. Also you can only have 3, making your choices even more important.
  15. Agreed. To me, Nina basically reminds me of some of the worst experiences I've had with anime fanbasea. Seriously, people like her tend to act pretty nasty towards others.
  16. My impression of this FB. Overall story- The idea of trying to investigate Anna was nice, referencing oddities about her from across the franchise. Nils- Overall good though I don't like the obvious EliwoodxNinian bias. Really hate it when the writers insert what they what in something that was originally left up to player interpretation. Matthew- Excellent as expected. Rath- Overall not bad. Kind of expected. The guys overly stoic nature makes it hard to write much about him. Fiora- By far the worst despite some occasional funny bits. Turning Fiora's one-off conversation with Kent in to her main gimmick sucked. Also hated bringing in Nina. Characters like her are the worst to me.
  17. So, new chapter time. I know a lot of people were theorizing that Freyr and Peony might have had some ulterior motive given the last chapter but it seems that they were genuine and not pulling a fast one. We do get Freyja's unofficial debut though, and she's...the obsessive type. Go figure. Sharena remembering being in the dream world is no surprise, but Peony saying Sharena was never one of the children she played with is curious.
  18. To be honest, I wouldn't be surprised if Brave Edelgard used the Sword of Seiros. I mean, that is a weapon she carries in 3 of TH's 4 routes, and even uses it in her reunion with Byleth in Silver Snow.
  19. The requirements are based on progress in Cindered Shadows. For example, if you had only done up to CS Chapter 2, then only Constance would have been available. I believe the rest is Balthus at Chapter 3, Hapi at Chapter 4, and finally Yuri at Chapter 6. That might not be exact but you get the idea.
  20. Sums it all up nicely I'd say. It's not perfect, but I think overall the writers did a pretty dang good job with the story and world they set up. :) That being said, I do hope they take a break from tragedies for a bit. A simple feel-good story like Sacred Stones and Path of Radiance is nice every now and then. No need to have my heart ripped apart in every game. 😄
  21. It's too bad a lot of people seem to hate Chapter 4. I personally loved it. It was challenging and exhilarating but not once did I ever feel like it was unfair. It was stressful yet also a lot of fun. If anything, I'd consider it the highlight of my playthrough. Some of the most FE fun I've had in a while. :)
  22. It wasn't for me. Took over 8 hours for me and that was on Normal mode.
  23. Along with Joe Zieja and Mark Whitten, that makes 3 alumni from Star Fox Zero: The Battle Begins. If we get Shannon Torrence at some point, we'll have the entire gang.
  24. In all honesty, while IS did say they didn't want a golden route or anything, I do kind of feel like Silver Snow is a sort of default route in their eyes.
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