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Everything posted by Sentinel07

  1. Unless I seriously missed something, there are only 12 main emblems shown so far. Also, I think it's a little too presumptive at this point to assume we're going to be seeing a lot of classic villains as well. That one evil ring in the trailer might end up being the only evil ring. I mean, 12 good rings and 1 evil ring. That's a set up used before, like with Genealogy's 12 Crusaders with Loptous's tome being the 1 evil.
  2. I'd be shocked if such a thing happened before December at the earliest. Though it certainly would not be unwelcome.
  3. Well, if nothing else, we got a tweet from Nintendo of America this time, albeit them just repeating the same stuff as the trailer because they're so creative. 😄
  4. Agreed. If anything, it's been very low key so far. On another note, they really should make an official English Twitter for this franchise already, so we don't have to wait until the next trailer to get anything in English (which probably isn't coming until Late December or Early January).
  5. I don't get the randomness. It's not like they haven't done these before with Fates and Three Houses. And I highly doubt they've had some epiphany of not releasing everyone this time.
  6. I honestly wouldn't expect a focus direct for a while. They're going to focus on Bayonetta 3 and then Pokemon Scarlet and Violet until they release. Once we get to December, who knows. Engage will be the next major game by that point, so Nintendo might start then or dedicate December to remembering 2022's releases. At the absolute latest, we'll get something by Early January, when advertising for Engage likely will be in full swing.
  7. I agree. If I get the chance, I'm going to immediately get Alfred and Celine into other outfits. I can't stand how gaudy they look. And I can't say I'm fond of the flower theme.
  8. If I'm being completely honest, I hate the clothing/armor designs of just about every character so far. Alfred and Celine's designs in particular just look so overly gaudy and way too busy. To date, Awakening has my least favorite clothing/armor designs, but this is looking even worse so far.
  9. In a general sense, I don't want them to go beyond lords and other protagonists. No side characters. Also, whatever they do, I want representation to remain equal. No extreme bias like TMS and Warriors.
  10. I'm guessing there is, since the trailer showed off Alfred and those 3 other characters as a main group of sorts alongside Alear.
  11. Yeah, it sounds like unlike the whole "taking someone from their world" style that Heroes and Warriors did, Engage is more like conjuring the essense of a past hero at a certain point in their lives.
  12. All I'm going to say is that the worldbuilding better be good. Going for a simple Good vs Evil story ain't going to be an excuse. Sacred Stones and Path of Radiance both follow simple stories, but supplement them well with a little political intrigue and excellent worldbuilding. I know this franchise can do it because they've done it in the past. The worldbuilding in Awakening and Fates was horrible/non existent, so hopefully they don't repeat that.
  13. I agree. Part of my issue with Avatars in Fire Emblem is that, when you do things like allow free choice of gender and allow them to support every single character, it means you have to make them generic enough to where gender doesn't matter in their interactions and they can hold a conversation with every single different personality in their army.
  14. Definitely a good thing. Tellius music was awesome.
  15. If them turning into a dragon is a thing, then yeah hopefully it's actually a major thing. It always mind-boggled me how much of a non-factor Corrin turning into a dragon was. It literally never comes up outside of Chapter 5 outside of Kana's Paralogue. Heck, they never even bother showing things like whether the Hoshido and Nohrian siblings knew about it before hand or if Corrin knew (since they're not too surprised by it) among many other questions.
  16. Critical animations seem very Echoes-like, which I'm glad for. Always though Echoes had a good balance for the animations being good without being too over the top. That was something I wasn't a fan of in Fates.
  17. Well, design-wise, I hate it. No matter how much I try to rationalize it, he just looks hideous to me. The only thing I can rate positively is that at least Female Alear doesn't have any weird armor cuts or explicit fanservice like Female Corrin and Female Byleth. As for character, obviously we know little right now. It seems they might be continuing something similar to Shez, with them having a full personality and no customization besides gender. I do hope they take some notes from Shez and have more to them than just being a "good person" like Corrin. If they can prove to actually be a fun and witty character, that would be nice. Really, at this point, I'll settle for any Avatar who doesn't ruin their game's plot.
  18. I really wish they would create an official English Twitter for the franchise like they already do for Heroes. At way we could actually get English footage and information at the same time as our Japanese counterparts without having to wait for a trailer.
  19. If I can play a little Devil's Advocate, I think it depends on what you value in graphics or art design. I would compare the reactions comparing Three Houses and Engage to that of Zelda: Twilight Princess and Skyward Sword. Twilight Princess graphics and art are liked by many for their detail and textures, while others think it looks muddy and ugly. On the other side, Skyward Sword went for a smoother less indepth look which was divisive as well. When you look at the Monastery for instance, you can just see from the textures of how historical it is, how weathered it looks from withstanding centuries. Engage doesn't have that. It's going for a brighter and smoother look where things look a little plain to some people. At least that's how I view things and why Three Houses style might still seem more appealing depending on your tastes.
  20. I'll be happier if they're closer to Echoes. Fates animations were a little too ridiculous to me (like Corrin spending more time rolling and spinning around than actually hitting the enemy) while Echoes was a better balance of criticals being explicit without being too over the top.
  21. The pre-Awakening subtitles were awesome. You can never convince me that "Mystery of the Emblem", "Genealogy of the Holy War", or "Path of Radiance" don't sound cool. Even "Shadows of Valantia" at least has a classic epic sound to it. "Engage" is just....nothing. Kind of like the difference between "Paper Mario: The Thousand Year Door" and "Paper Mario: Color Splash".
  22. There are some things I like. The animations definitely got polished up, and I'm very happy to hear the classic Fire Emblem theme front and center again. Lost in Thoughts All Alone and Edge of Dawn are very much appreciated, but nothing hits as hard as the classic theme. Now, as for the art style....yikes, it is not gelling with me at all. It's probably the most generic a Fire Emblem game as ever looked as far as character designs. I feel like you could insert them into any other RPG and they'd fit in. I'm not particularly fond of them once again using the "heroes from other worlds" concept. Heroes and Warriors already did this concept to death, and even though the leaker specified this by saying the game is intended as an "anniversary" style game, I still feel like Heroes covers just about everything this one is trying to do. Also, not going to lie, the name is awful. It's not even ironically funny bad like Triangle Strategy. I miss the classic subtitles that always sounded so cool.
  23. Kind of BS that he gets released right after he debuts yet Freyr is still being held back.
  24. Kind of related, but a couple new facts about Ymir came about with her becoming playable. 1. Her realm is named after her. 2. Hel destroyed it along with kidnapping Eir. Guess that's why she's got enough free time to watch over Eir specifically.
  25. Yup, pretty much exactly what I thought it was. Hayashi wasn't lying when he said characters for FEW were held back for a potential sequel, but developing Three Houses inspired them to go in another direction. Persona 5 Strikers all over again. Well, either way, I'm not complaining. The crossover style warriors games bored me while Age of Calamity, Strikers, and Three Hopes have been a blast.
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