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Everything posted by Sentinel07

  1. Speaking of Crests, do we still have that image that someone was putting together matching the characters to the Crests we know of?
  2. Big knight with spikes and an axe. I don't know, maybe he's friendly. ?
  3. Heh, well that would be quite something if it becomes reality. ?
  4. I'd say the chances of him being next are 90%, with Annette being in the remaining 10%.
  5. Spend a little time with the game and I imagine it'll feel fine. :) I remember feeling overwhelmed with Xenoblade Chronicles 2 before it released since there was so much information yet it felt easy once I began playing it.
  6. There is no good reason for Jugdral to still not have any Legendaries after all this time.
  7. One way or another, it makes one curious how cross-house dynamics will be handled. I believe this is our first instance of seeing a support event between two characters of different houses assuming my memory is correct.
  8. I'm pretty much the same way. I'm actually finding most of the Black Eagles interesting, except for Edelgard herself.
  9. Nice. She's looking good so far. Always had an affinity for shy girls, given how shy I am myself. Please don't let those hobbies be weird. Hopefully she's more Genny than Nina.
  10. I'll be going with Bernadetta, Sylvain, and Leonie as well. Granted, Bernadetta may be partially out of bias. She's the girl I really want to learn more about. Based purely on appearance, I like her look more than the other Black Eagles girls. :D
  11. Great....I can already tell IS is going to shove Dorothea in our faces just like Tharja and Camilla. Let the pandering begin...
  12. After the Grinch leak fiasco that I honestly got really deep with, I no longer believe any leak at face value.
  13. I might have liked Chrom more if not for the fact that he turned into a hypocrite that valued one friend over future generations by the end of the game. The way Awakening ended forever soured my opinion of him. I liked him up to that point, but his complete and total selfishness at putting Robin's life over the future just urked me to no end, and just further enforced Intelligent System's recent trend of player pandering.
  14. Echoes had plenty of character building. Even characters like Silque and Genny who got a little screwed in the support department still get plenty of village conversations that flesh out their story. I felt like I learned a whole lot more about Echoes characters than I ever learned about Awakening's characters. So no, Awakening characters deserve every bit of criticism they get for being one-note. And Awakening's story is extremely underdeveloped. The entire Valm arc feels like forced filler. Taking that out and making Ylisse the sole focus of the story might have improved things.
  15. Yeah, I'd guess either the green-haired guy or that blonde sword lady we saw briefly in the trailer.
  16. Yeah except it's an overused joke. It's one of the most common anime cliches out there and there's rarely any variance in it. What I mean is that nobody does anything interesting with it. It's just there for cheap laughs.
  17. To be honest, I think the whole "single-minded food mentality" gimmick is at least more fitting on a big guy like him. As opposed to the "little girl can pick it away" joke that Illyana and Effie go for.
  18. Given that he comes from a merchant family, hopefully there are some interesting stories there.
  19. If taken literally, it'd be awesome if the Great Knight class actually returned.
  20. Honestly, I can tolerate a gimmick if it at least makes sense to an extent. To use your example, Kellam is not only extremely gimmicky, but his gimmick made no freaking sense.
  21. Very excited so far. I'm enjoying the characters so far and the world building seems on point. The new gameplay mechanics gave me very curious and what we've heard of the music is as good as ever.
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