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Everything posted by Sentinel07

  1. And Leonie's bringing up the rear for the Golden Deer. Can't say I saw that coming. :) In any case, dang does Marianne have a nice design.
  2. I gotta be honest. I don't freaking know anymore! 😄 Seriously, there is not a single character I am disliking right now. All 3 Houses are practically equal for me at this point.
  3. Not necessarily. Social Links/Confidants in Persona are basically like supports and they're done with a silent protagonist.
  4. I do wonder what they'll do with it. In terms of maps remaining, they have the Nohr half of Fatesland left, and then I guess Fodlan thanks to Three Houses. But then what? Just start over or something?
  5. It'd be kind of ironic if it's Marianne. I think she is pretty much the only student to not be shown extensively in anything to this point.
  6. Kind of like how Mercedes should be a noble given her heritage in Adrestia, yet she's a commoner in Faerghus. Same concept here.
  7. These seem to be some popular guesses I've seen from around some other Fire Emblem places on the net, so I figured I'd share them. Claude: Joe Zieja (a few people have said he sounds very similarly if not identical to Jamke from Heroes) Dedue: Ben Lepley (Saias from Heroes) Ashe: Erik Scott Kimerer None of these are my guesses. I just figured I'd share these I found.
  8. Lunatic proving to be a pain so far. Still haven't figured how to beat it.
  9. So, something I just noticed. The Death Knight's scythe is apparently classified as a lance, rather than an axe like Heroes has done so far. Huh...
  10. It probably is. Xenoblade Chronicles 2 did something similar at E3 before it came out.
  11. Looking at the Gamespot video, when Annette said "Here goes!", that sounded like Brianna Knickerbocker to me.
  12. Another big thing is that recruiting students will have its own requirements. They showed Lorenz and Byleth needed to be good in certain stats for him to come over. Given the time limit of the school year, the player will unlikely be able to cover all the skills to recruit every member outside of their chosen house. Plus, as some noted, some characters like Dedue would likely be too committed to their lords to change.
  13. Plus, given how most of the characters are 17-18 years old to start, there likely wouldn't be much need to hire a different VA for when they're 23-25 years old. I mean, it's not like they start out as kids. Most of the students are near-adults already.
  14. Raphael sounded like either Doug Erholtz or a higher pitched Patrick Seitz.
  15. Graphically, I don't think the game looks bad at all. The battles at the very least look really cool, and I like the Echoes approach with the battle animations.
  16. Looks like they're taking an approach similar to Leanne from Heroes, where she just puts words in the wrong order.
  17. Oh thank goodness they deepened Ignatz's voice for the English version.
  18. I don't think the 3rd to last one is Sage. Looks to me like whatever is the natural upgrade to the Brawler class.
  19. Honestly, it's nice they at least included an option to auto-tutor the students if the player wants. Not everyone is down with micromanaging everything so options are nice to have.
  20. Yeah, with them giving this focus to Ruined Askr, I hope they don't gloss over Embla. Come to think of it, Embla needs more development as a whole.
  21. Wyvern Rider seems to be Advanced tier, going by the picture that showed Ferdinand's options.
  22. To the shock of absolutely no one. 😄
  23. I take back what I said about Advanced Classes being the highest. I didn't notice the scroll bar on the far right of the screen. It seems like there is room for another tier (assuming it would take up 2 rows like Intermediate and Advanced).
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