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Everything posted by Sentinel07

  1. Well, I think Camilla has scarred most people in that regard now. I mean, it's one thing that her outfit was already very showey, and then she got that Birthright cutscene that made sure you knew about it. So, I think because of that, it's going to be on everyone's mind, for better or worse.
  2. An opera singer huh? Okay, I guess the outfit kind of makes sense in that regard.
  3. It's not ideal but I'll take what I can get at this point. I've pretty much just submitted to the fact that we're stuck with one chapter a month for the foreseeable future.
  4. Honestly, I'd like to see other VA's voice the main characters at least. I'm not really a fan of the same VA's voicing multiple important characters (Max already voices Leo, Yuri Lowenthal and Greg Chun already have multiple protagonists, etc.) Personally, I'd go with Billy Kametz (Josuke from JJBA: DIU) for Claude.
  5. I'm glad we won't have to wait as long for the next New Hero banner/Story chapter as I thought. I worried they'd hit us with Brides and Summer banners consecutively.
  6. Gotta say, that is interesting. Would certainly give a reason for Lif and Thrasir basically just looking like an older Alfonse and Veronica (outside of a designer laziness. :D ).
  7. So, Chapter 7 doesn't really move things too far, though there are some nice moments. Veronica is getting involved, we see an alternate Askr where everyone has already been killed (complete with a new music piece I believe), and we see a little more of Lif.
  8. Another excellent FB story so far. This one seems a lot more personal, which makes sense given the troubled nature of the characters in question. Also nice that Fjorm is the OC that pretty much takes center stage.
  9. With Three Houses being the next major Nintendo game after E3, they better as hell give it the royal treatment. Lousy advertising has hurt FE games in the past and I like to hope Nintendo has learned their lesson from that.
  10. Nice that at least someone is trying to pick up the slack after NoA stopped at Claude.
  11. I don't mind alts so long as they're at least interesting. Stupid stuff like what they did with Reinhardt and Olwen in the Thracia banner is stuff I can do without. Stuff like Fallen Heroes that show new sides to characters are alts I can get behind.
  12. Personally speaking, I kind of like the mixed banners that bring in units from different games. Makes things more interesting than all characters being from the same game.
  13. I haven't seen it, but supposedly Rena Strober made some comments in an interview or something about a "crazy Azura."
  14. Thracia 776. Basically the Ayra/Marisa/Mia of her game as the female Myrmidon.
  15. Kind of funny how Fallen Heroes 2 ended up coming, yet the choices were mostly far from what most believed. Berkut was a given, but not so much the others. Especially since everyone was focused on Azura thanks to Rena Strober's comments.
  16. Yes! Finally Fallen Berkut! And Thracia 776 even gets a new character at long last.
  17. A little bit of both. I'd prefer an actual talking protagonist like most Fire Emblem games, but at the same time I prefer a silent Avatar over a talking one.
  18. Heather Hogan is her maiden name I believe. She's Heather Watson now.
  19. Why do people seriously obsess over such stupid things? Is it too much to show appreciation for all characters regardless of gender....
  20. Really harsh way to put it. Alfonse, Fjorm, and Veronica may have all originated from Heroes but that doesn't make them any less Fire Emblem characters than Marth.
  21. While I don't consider having a silent avatar to be the No.1 thing I wanted for this game, it's at least better than Robin and Corrin. Corrin just irritated me so much with how they acted all the same, and Robin is so generically handyman that not talking probably would have had the same effect. I'm hoping they at least have variety with the dialogue options though. If they're just giving options that all basically mean the same thing, it kind of loses any significance. The protagonist from Devil Survivor 2 is a great example of how to make varying dialogue options that are a lot of fun to mess with.
  22. Yeah, that sucks. Don't get why they go cheaper on advertising internationally. No reason we shouldn't be getting some English videos at this point.
  23. I'm not surprised. All indications seemed to be that it was just going to be a little celebration and not something they'd use for game announcements.
  24. I doubt that'll be a problem. Mechanics can be easily transferred to somewhere else. Kind of like in Valkyria Chronicles 4 where you do most of the early game stuff at Lindburgh Base but eventually you move on to something else which still follows the same functions.
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