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Everything posted by Sentinel07

  1. I was surprised to hear it and I have zero problems with it. Honestly, it's nice for them to actually do something completely different from the Fire Emblem norm. Trying new things every now and then is actually a good thing, contrary to what most might think.
  2. Well, I can't be unhappy with more Sacred Stones representation, and seeing Fae again isn't bad. Characters look pretty good. Not quite sure if I'll draw.
  3. Yeah, it's really dumb. I mean, I get that Nintendo of America is located in the Pacific time zone, but seriously, I think it'd be much easier to make a schedule primarily aimed for the rest of the world. I think it'd be easier for the West Coast to think of being one day ahead of the calendar then most of the world having to think of one day later.
  4. Well, if that's the case, then perhaps it really is Sharena, Fjorm, and Eir. :)
  5. I'll be curious, given it's name, as to whether it'll relate to Book 3 or to Christmas.
  6. Yeah, I would imagine most keep them around.
  7. Well, to be honest, even Fjorm and Eir aren't guaranteed. Unlike Sharena, they can be sent home, foddered, or whichever like any other normal unit. I still wonder why they made it like that.
  8. I really am curious if Three Princesses really will be something like Sharena, Fjorm, and Eir. I mean, it could very well just be three princesses from across the franchise, but I'm not sure if that would really require it's own name. They could have easily just called it Three Heroes as per normal. Edit: Also, the new seasons are not related to the Legendary Heroes. They're still just the usual Fire, Wind, Water, and Earth. Only the Mythic Heroes get the new seasons and January will be when we get the next one according to the news.
  9. As for the calendar, looks pretty good overall. There's only one thing that slightly worries me. That new hero banner in January (RD banner) goes on really long, all the way to the end of the month. I hope that doesn't mean we're only getting 1 new hero banner in January when we got 2 last year. That would mean only 1 new story chapter before having to deal with Valentine's, and that would suck.
  10. Fjorm was basically November's Legendary Hero. Gunnthra was December's Hero. So we're likely getting a new hero this month as usual.
  11. Her reasoning is explained, as Hel told her to join them and gain their trust. However yes, she clearly didn't have much of a plan to convince them.
  12. I think it's more or less just typical "eldest son bias". It's not that he doesn't care about Sharena, but Alfonse is the one with bigger shoes to fill so he's going to rail on him more. As for Fjorm, I pretty much expected this. Her role in the story is pretty much over, at least as a major character. Honestly, having her relegated to the sidelines might help keep the focus a little less cluttered.
  13. Really? I thought the pacing was really good. I was worried they'd rush into things (especially regarding the Askr King and Queen) but instead they actually took a little time to set the stage and give some meaningful conversations before things go south. Book 2's biggest issue was how rushed things got near the end and nothing really developed well. I'm hoping they learned from that.
  14. Yes, Xanthe Huynh is Haru Okumura from Persona 5. Lizzie Freeman is Lilly from Dragalia Lost. Edit: And according to the official website, Hel is voiced by Barbara Goodson.
  15. I'm honestly really enjoying Book 3's story so far. Hel and Eir are already a more interesting subplot than Fjorm and Surtr ever were. Alfonse and Gustav's conversation was actually pretty good, and I imagine this will lead to some good character development for him. Also nice that Gustav and Henriette are getting a little spotlight time before stuff goes down. I'm glad they're not rushing to get to the eventual deaths we know are coming.
  16. Book 3 characters. Eir- Xanthe Huynh Lif- Edward Bosco Thrasir- Lizzie Freeman
  17. Yeah, I'm curious about how the blessings will work. If I'm going to make a personal guess, I don't think they'll allow 2 blessings on a unit, but that would be preferable. Blessings aren't exactly infinite resources.
  18. I like the tone Book 3 seems to be going for. A very distinct theme compared to the Fire Emblem norm.
  19. Really liked that Feh Channel. :)
  20. Yikes, talk about not even close. Ylgr had bonus round for the last 2 hours and ended up not even in the ballpark.
  21. Going to be honest, I feel doubtful as to a skill refinery. The reason being that IS has no incentive to do so. People spend a lot of money going for units to give skills to others, and I imagine they don't want to lose that. Why give players a roundabout way to give Death Blow 4 when they can make you pray to get Brave Celica to get it.
  22. I'm guessing that when the banner comes depends on the units. The Adrift banner came before the Feh Channel last month, so there's the possibility we may get a banner trailer tonight if there aren't any kind of brand new units for it.
  23. Honestly, I'm really starting to dislike Savage Blow thanks to this mode. I've lost 4 straight matches now, all of them involving multiple units with Savage Blow. Combined with the tricky layouts and time crunch, it makes it hard to avoid getting caught up in them. Heck, one of my opponents had Savage Blow on all their units. Utterly demolished my team.
  24. I imagine Grails and Aether Stones will both become easier to get over time. I mean, every time they've introduced some level of new currency, it takes a while before they really start coming. Remember when the game started and everyone freaked out over the 20,000 feather requirement to promote a unit to 5*? Now feathers are so plentiful that most get that amount through little effort. :)
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