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Status Updates posted by eclipse

  1. Waha Kitty~! Welcome~!

  2. Wait. . .not my job. Stupid typos.

  3. Wasn't Scene 24 the two-part one? Perhaps it was Scene 23 you're thinking of?

  4. We miss you~!

  5. Welcome to my wall of funny quotes~!

    1. Elieson


      I'm a funny quote!

  6. Welcome. Your turn to pick in the draft tournament.

  7. Well, for both people and swords, the bigger the better, isn't it?

    1. King Garon

      King Garon

      Eh, for swords at least...

  8. Well, if it really is you. . .sorry! I'm taking out my frustrations of the previous draft on the person who gets my team.

  9. Well, that avatar isn't a him.

  10. What is this random profile update doing here?!

  11. What you do is up to you. I won't hold that against you.

  12. What's this text box doing here?

    1. buttmuncher.ops


      it's facebook for FE nerds

  13. What's with that face?!

  14. Whee, thanks! I'm part of a gang!

  15. Whee, thanks~!

  16. WHEEE!!! Thank you, O Great One!

  17. When in doubt, grab an old draft team, and see how well you do with it!

  18. WHERE did you get that avatar from? (signed, rabid Sedgar fangirl)

    1. Leinex


      I just did a Pixiv search for Sedgar. More specifically, I typed ザガロ, because well, that's his Japanese name, of course. Well, here's the link: http://www.pixiv.net/member_illust.php?mode=medium&illust_id=30197889

    2. eclipse


      Thanks! Man, that is a nice picture!

  19. Whether you want to come back or not is up to you. I just wanted to let you know that he was gone.

  20. Which means the hardest part about that battle is not dying to his minions. The cannons are trivialized by armor that nulls/absorbs fire.

  21. While it's my job to force you to like/hate a character, the least you can do is be fair about it.

  22. Wishing you the best of luck! And thanks~!

  23. Wow, I was busy! Happy belated birthday!

  24. Wow, you're older than I thought. Happy Birthday~!

    1. PKL


      Thanks, Eclipse~. And stop making me feel old ;_;

  25. Yaaah, thank you~!

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