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Baron the Shining Blade

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Everything posted by Baron the Shining Blade

  1. Awesome to finally see TMS#FE in Heroes. Had to happen eventually. I assume his English info hasn't been shown yet, so I'm gonna call it right now: Itsuki's English voice will be Yuri Lowenthal. It fits his build and appearance, even without considering his Marth-resembling Carnage Form.
  2. We Emblemiers have toted Anna as the Random Number Goddess (RNG) ever since Awakening (maybe even beforehand? Not sure...) where she is the secret boss of Apotheosis with insane capped stats only Three Houses characters could hope to match. And Anna is playable in Three Houses too... I think being the Nurse Joy of Fire Emblem wouldn't be enough on its own to make Anna a goddess. Then again, Nurse Joy herself hasn't done any sort of dimensional travel afaik. I know later gens did some trans-dimensional stuff, but I only played up to gen 3.
  3. When my sister and her fiance were playing, they were able to catch more Fodlandies (the result of hooking a Strange Fish Shadow) long after doing that quest. It's probably a very rare chance, and their only use after that point (feeding pets notwithstanding) is to sell them for a decent 2500 G each.
  4. Matthew is my name. I know a Hector, a Heath, a Roy, an Oliver, a Chad, a Mark, a Dorothea (but we call her Thea), and at least three Chris's (I think at least one spells it Kris). I have a friend named Joshua. I knew a Jake (Jacob, actually) and a Clarisse. The closest name to Knoll is my dad, Noel (pronounced the same way). I think my older sister knows a Lyn. Closest I've seen to Eliwood was a teacher in high school (I never had him though) with the last name Elwood.
  5. Since I feel I should give a proper on-topic response, I don't particularly care which 3H characters they put in, but they'll get brownie points for including best ladies Annette and Catherine.
  6. I think it could work if their running speed (in this case, "Mov") were set to 3 or 4 (as opposed to the default 5 Mov for infantry in FEW) allowing them to be a bit slower than normal infantry but not sloggishly so, in the same vein that Tiki (for whatever reason...) has 6 Mov which makes her just a teensy bit faster but not even coming close to cavalry speed. They would have improved strength and defense stats to compensate for their slow movement, but they could still simply be ferried by cavs/fliers (though if this makes them OP, we could either slow the movement of cavs/fliers when paired with armors or make armors unable to be paired up. ...but that's another can of worms). We should also bear in mind that both Edelgard and Black Knight are unnaturally fast for armored units due to their crests/laguz blood respectively, so they could retain the standard 5 Mov or even have 6 Mov like Tiki. Anything to get BK in there. Not that anyone needs convincing, but I said it once and I'll say it again: he's made for FEW; he can already mop the floor after making it bloody with corpses with most enemies in the Tellius games. Heck, I used to replay a spare save of FE10 Part 1-Endgame just so I could wreck the whole map with him. Let me put it this way. For some people such as myself, Warriors games (for me, FEW in particular) are...karmic. Stress relievers. Rage venters when you're in a bad mood. Nothing's quite as karmic as feeling so invincible you can mindlessly curb-stomp everything in your path, with a small challenge in enemy commanders you can defeat with exciting, flashy specials. Being a mindless hack-and-slash isn't all that bad. 'Course I do perfectly understand being left with something to be desired. To each their own. If a FEW2 does happen then at the very least, along with BK, I hope there is a Quick Play mode where you simply pick your units and go to town on a randomly chosen map with randomly generated enemies and bases (within reason). After 100%'ing Story and History Mode in FEW1, I was left with nothing more to do other than pick a map and play for the aforementioned karmic relief.
  7. I'm sorry, did you not hear anything we just said? By your logic, are we to believe then that Athos is unlikable trash because he's only playable for one chapter? Or perhaps there are no Black Knight fans because he has three playable appearances in FE10? Your logic is not sound. Since when has playability, availability, or lack thereof ever stopped characters from being likeable and establishing a fanbase? And this goes beyond FE. e.g. If you think there weren't fans of Ganondorf before Melee came out, you are sorely mistaken. Yes, playablility for any period of time certainly can and does help establish fans of a character, but it is most certainly not a prerequisite, especially for a character heavy series like Fire Emblem. Heroes only serves to bolster this fact, as Nino now has two alts. She does have fans despite her lategame recruitment and that ain't changing anytime soon, so you might as well get comfy.
  8. I took a fullscreen 1080p screenshot of a youtube video, cropped the Sothis sprite, and uploaded it to my imgur. I don't have the best tools for transparency, so I hope this will suffice.
  9. Lloyd Irving Like a Glint of Light Walking on Tethe'Alla Fighting of the Spirit Aviators ~Rheards~ Captivated by the Journey (Tales of Xillia) Metal Slug protags We did get some Metal Slug tracks courtesy of KoF Stadium drawing from SNK's other series. We got the main theme and Final Attack which are two of the three tracks I wanted. The other one I would add is Speeder (Metal Slug 5).
  10. I forgot to add Edward for FE10, as far as an actual playable character goes. Just in case you wondered why my Discord avatar is Edward and not Zelgius.
  11. It's alright. I just took it the wrong way. Don't worry about it. If I may go on a very short tangent: it's sort of a pity but understandably redundant to list favorite FE Warriors OC's since there's only 3 guys (if Velezark even counts...) and 2 girls (Lianna and Yelena). I imagine most would pick Darios over Rowan anyway. I must say though, Lianna is the first character whom I started noticing Erica Mendez's voice talents.
  12. Includes antagonists, only games I've played with the exception of Binding Blade, and no gen split. There are some 2-way ties and even a 3-way I really could not decide. Shadow Dragon: Marth/Tiki Gaiden/SOV: Alm & Deen/Genny Binding Blade: Roy, Rutger, & Zephiel/Lilina Blazing Sword: Everyone, honestly Sacred Stones: Joshua/Myrrh Radiant Dawn: Zelgius & Edward/Altina (Being playable in Heroes helped seal the deal for her) Awakening: Chrom & Owain/Morgan Fates Conquest: Xander & Ryoma/Kana Three Houses: Seteth/Annette & Catherine
  13. I don't have a problem with Rayman, Sora, or the House Leaders. No Steve, though. Minecraft does not need anymore attention. As far as the popular FPS character choices go, I for one would actually not be that excited for Doom Slayer. I...never actually played Doom; I'm more of a Wolfenstein guy. That said, I'm not sure how I'd feel if B.J. Blazkowicz got in. It'd be cool, sure, but he probably wouldn't offer anything more than Doom Slayer could. But regardless, I'd honestly rather see Master Chief or, hell, even someone from Destiny (probably Cayde-6).
  14. I haven't unlocked all of the amiibo tracks which for me puts Alight (Storm) at the bottom of those. Between that and Corridor of the Tempest is a track called "Courage and Tragedy" which I don't see in the image. That might be the one you need, but idk when it plays. Technically there's 12 now, buuuuut it's just a second Chrom anyway. I'd have bought one if it hadn't released right before my birthday -_-
  15. Most impressive. They must've pumped a bunch of Ailell Pomegranate into it. This bodes very well for the series' future.
  16. Worse is the fact that she still uses her voice clips from Brawl. Like, really? They couldn't recycle some of her Heroes voice clips with her current voice actor? They did that for Tiki and Black Knight and even went to the trouble to dub new English lines for Marth and Roy, so there was no excuse.
  17. This Marth vs Lucina argument is pointless. Why are we even expressing the possibility of something that will simply not happen (not during this installment at any rate)? They're never gonna get rid of Marth, not just because he's the original FE lord, but primarily because he's the original carrier of his moveset. Being from the NES era probably helps too. When has an original fighter ever been outright removed in favor of a clone/Echo? That's like removing Mario because, say, everyone prefers Luigi or Doc instead. Needn't explain why that would never happen. Echoes are variations, not replacements. They can be as accessible and/or high tier as they want, but unless Sakurai's successor decides to do things differently for a future installment, the parents aren't going anywhere. I'll be honest. The more I think about it, the more I think Sakurai should've stuck to the original plan of making Lucina an alt of Marth during Smash 4. I'm sure people would've loved using her all the same. So what if her new age Falchion still has a tipper? So what if she adopts all of Marth's taunts and victory poses? She would lose her Awakening victory theme though, unless victory themes can be tied to individual costumes...... Whatever, you get the point. Look, guys. I get it. Having effectively three Marth clones is unorthodox, ill-received, and the fact that they did it this way is dumbfounding to most. I understand. Unfortunately, we just gotta live with it for this installment. It really isn't any less "Ultimate" this way. And for the record, I for one do still like using Marth once in a while, and I still prefer him over Lucina. I'm far from the only one, I'm sure. So please...don't ever say that nobody uses him, or anyone else on this roster. Every character has their fans, no matter how small in number.
  18. Why do you think I want an FE6 remake so badly? So that Roy's Smash popularity will translate to FE popularity the same way Ike's did. Presuming of course they fix his lackluster stats. My unpopular opinion: I love all the representation FE has in Smash. 7 fighters still boggles the mind. And I've never minded that they all use swords; you may as well complain that there's too many fisticuffs.
  19. 3DS save data is always stored on the SD card, though I don't have any DLC for Fates CQ so I can't vouch for save files 4-9. Unfortunately, even then, an SD card with 3DS save data cannot be used on another 3DS system unless you perform a System Transfer, which...kinda requires the original system to be functional. 😕
  20. I can see the spotlight issue in picking only one of the house leaders. Honestly, I think I'd actually prefer they just come as spirits (all Legend-class, please? FE is lacking a Legend-class Grab and Neutral type), w/ Byleth as a Mii costume. I don't think a Zabimaru-style sword is unique enough to add anything to the table, especially when we already have the whip-toting Belmonts. But then, I'm in the Lloyd Irving crowd, so... who knows. Personally I could easily live with any of them getting in, even Byleth. But I'm trying to keep the fanbase in mind.
  21. Mmmmmmm....MMMMMMMMM!!! That Hector + Lilina duo. So adorable! *_* "Duo Heroes", eh? Now they HAVE to do young Zephiel + Guinivere. I need to see it happen! The limitation of the duel skill also sort of brings Gambits to mind... I'm missing out on too much good stuff 😢
  22. “…No matter how I warn him, he comes. Why is it that the very sight of him tries my patience so? He is truly of my own flesh and blood, yet…” Gotta go with Desmond. Trying to kill your child is bad enough, sure, but could it be anymore sad and pedantic when your motive is nothing more than pure jealousy? Zephiel excelled at everything whereas his father was a master of none. Why any parent would be anything but proud of their children exceeding their expectations is beyond me. If not for Sonia and the Fang's influence, perhaps he might, just might have gotten wise to his own jealousy and selfishness and accepted his son. It is pretty telling when you interpret your (albeit illegitimate) daughter wanting to play with her brother instead of you as him "stealing [her] love" from you. *Cuckoo! Cuckoo!* And speaking of Guinivere, I really have to wonder, would Desmond have felt the same way if she were the one that excelled at everything instead of Zephiel? Would he actually be proud simply because he favors her over Zephiel? Pity then he never sees the impressive Anima + Light Sage she becomes. 😛 Even still, I'm not so sure, especially when Hellene had this to say (though she may have just been trying to hit a nerve): Hellene: “We are here in this manse, while you live in the palace with…that woman. You must be so disappointed that she bore you not a prince but a princess.” Desmond: “Hellene! You go too far!!”
  23. Agreed. And absolutely, so long as wyverns have their C1 dash attack nerfed. That slam was so broken, especially with Minerva having the highest Str stat in the game.
  24. Shortly after [FEW's] launch I bought a Switch just for this game. I ignored the ridiculous PR and too-many-swords conundrum and played through the game, got the DLC, maxed out all of the personal weapons, S-ranked all of History Mode, the whole shebang. And I've said it before: I enjoyed it, absolutely. I had a blast. I set it as my favorite for a reason. While I could and would on occasion boot up the game and mindlessly obliterate armies with Owain and Ryoma's C4 till the cows come home, the shortcomings in certain aspects--the roster in particular--left me feeling a bit......empty. Unsatisfied. Glass half full. As a classic-era Emblemier, I found myself wanting...more. Wanting to use characters from those older titles. Personally, I'm in the group that would really love a sequel that improves on the original's shortcomings, but also at the very least has more diversity in the roster. At least draw from Elibe and Tellius, maybe Jugdral; Fόdan would be fine if they must have something to represent the modern FE era. And this time we gotta have playable villains. At the risk of sounding like a broken record, the Black Knight (/and Zelgius alt costume for the umpteenth time. ...Sorry) simply needs to be among them. He's one of the few characters in the series who is actually canonically strong enough to mow down thousands upon thousands of soldiers all on his own with ease; He's practically MADE for Warriors. FEW did at least manage a respectable ~1 million copies in sales, and IS has started to acknowledge the older games more recently (if Heroes and, mechanically, Three Houses are any indication). So as long as KT's still considering it, as long as there's still a chance......well, as a certain laguz puts it, "All I will do is stand here, plant my feet, and wait."
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