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Everything posted by Rewjeo

  1. As long as it's not called FE3DS, I don't mind. But it's still the twelfth installment in the series (I don't count the BS FEs as they were short and it was impossible to legally obtain a hard copy) so I'll call it FE12.
  2. I doubt that's very easy to implement, though. The idea was that it would be possible to actually edit the game and make the changes. Something like that might be possible, but very, very difficult. Great idea, though.
  3. Well, the BS FEs are (practically?) impossible to play now, so a very large chunk of the Japanese fans have not gotten to play them yet. Or at least that's how I understand it.
  4. Best: Wind magic Worst: Hmm, I'll go with knives. Sure, Sothe's awesome with forged Iron Knives in RD, but that doesn't reflect the weapon itself. If he ran around with Grafcalibur...
  5. Well, a horse was a huge advantage in real medieval war, so yeah, why not? Especially if there was to be more customization so you choose who gets the horse.
  6. Pirate->Zerker is, speed wise, superior to Fighter->Hero. In the end, he gets the same speed, but in tier 1, pirate gives him an extra speed point. Vanessa's great for efficiency thanks to flight, but her combat is mediocre. Franz is freaking amazing and is easily the second best unit in the game and one of the best units in the series. Kyle and Forde (the other two cavaliers) are also really great.
  7. GIANT CHICKEN oh wait... Dream class? A sage-type class with access to magic represented by all of the PoR/RD affinities (Your normal fire/thunder/wind anima, plus light and dark, with earth and water added. I'll say heaven=staves) and the ability to fight well with physical weapons. Also, it would be awesome if there was a forge feature for this class where you could fuse a tome with a physical weapon, giving you, say, arcthunder lance or something like that.
  8. Hey, at least you can expect all 15/15 units now.
  9. I'll tell you why. It's FE6. Enemies unconditionally hit at least half of the time unless they are literally incapable of hitting. You will also hit no more than two thirds of the time unless you are incapable of missing.
  10. Soren's still capable of doing helpful things as a unit after 3-3, so I'd assume we use him. Geoffrey gets dropped because he's hardly doing more than an empty slot when he comes back and is just so far behind. Soren isn't kicking out 20 people that are better than him to be on the team.
  11. You can't really follow the current Bible word for word. Between bad translations (fallen angel being translated as giant? Okay...) and removed books, the current Bible is an inaccurate version of the Bible, which is probably itself already very inaccurate (stories being passed down by word of mouth for thousands of years are going to get distorted) so using it as some sort of indefinite proof isn't very valid. At all. Regarding the whole "Atheism causes violence" thing: No, it doesn't. Phoenix's idea does much more. After all, if everyone gets multiple lives, who cares if you get murdered in one? Atheists believe that there's only one life, why waste it? Also: Laws. No consequences my foot. Atheism means you don't believe in a god, not that you don't believe in things like right and wrong or morality.
  12. Did this once in NM. Far too easy. Level 14 Marth going into chapter 4... I'm sure H2 is much, much more interesting.
  13. I know this is from pages ago, but... By simply saying that, you're saying that God is doing what he 'does' "because it's fun" not because that's just how things work. According to that statement, the point of life is to entertain God because he's bored, and he wants life to entertain him. If God was all-good, that wouldn't be the reason. And there are different "levels" of infinite. There are an infinite number of rational numbers. There is a greater infinity of irrational numbers. Indeed, there is an infinity of irrational numbers for every rational number. It might hurt your brain, but that's how the universe works. That's how, if he exists, God made it.
  14. Vanessa Vanessa here looks like she has some great stuff going for her. +5 ATK/DEF and +25 AVO/CEV from supports is awesome and used to get her a lot. Used to. Then we realized that these supports are so freaking slow, and, in order to either build or utilize, force her to abandon her #1 use: flier utility. In chapter 2, she's necessary for Ross's survival which might (anyone know?) be necessary for Garcia's recruitment (I know that if they both survive, he'll join at the end even if you never spoke to him.) Chapter 4, she's your fastest shot at getting Lute, and after getting down there, she probably saves you a turn by taking out the enemies in that corner. Chapter 5, she might be one of your best shots and the northernmost village since she can hop the wall. Chapter 6, she's your best shot at saving those villagers. 7, depending on how fast you're going, can be vital. She can help ferry Eirika up to the top along with whoever else to KO Murray (that's the boss there, right?) 9 Eirika, she can help get to the left village while Tana grabs the right village. 11 Ephraim, she can go off the ships to help not take up space or she can go help out L'arachel and Dozla. In 12 Eirika, she can go on the mountains to help deal with Baels, Gargoyles, and Mogalls. 13 Ephraim, she can, if she's at a high enough level, be a good shot at clearing the chapter very quickly since she's got great RES and can fly straight to Selena. 15, uh, desert. 17, she can ferry people over the mountains. 18, she can get to eggs quickly. 20, if this strategy works, she could help ferry the lord over and triangle attack Morva. Yeah, that's a lot right there. Now, that's all that she really has. Her combat is pretty poor. To start off, she's weighed down by almost everything. And she has problems in chapters 2/3 since lolaxes destroy her. Afterwards, she's still 2RKOing like everyone else at best. If she can double them with heavier lances, then they probably have higher defenses. If she can't, then she gets to use slim lances with poor might. 35% STR doesn't help much, although 60% SPD on 11 base helps with doubling. And her durability, while it's better, still isn't great. And a 50% HP growth and 20% DEF growth doesn't get that very far very fast. But, hey, at least she has good RES! She can tank magic fairly well. Which is actually pretty helpful for fighting, say, mogalls, who fly around over terrain. However, her flying utility is just so much that I'm giving her a 9/10 Balancing: I dunno what you can do short of making her lose her pegasus. Maybe 0% growths all around? I still doubt that that would put her balanced. I dunno, maybe with others being balanced, it'll make it less likely for them to be able to handle being out on there own, and that'll help. Sethskip: She gets to ferry Seth to the bosses to KO when there's terrain in the way! AKA she does pretty similar stuff. 9/10
  15. Then it's probably related the class, not the character himself.
  16. Hm, I wonder what those blue things that came out of those enemies in the last battle scene were?
  17. Roshea has problems. His SPD as a cavalier sucks (seriously, average Roshea in a largish team in NORMAL Mode gets doubled by the earlier promoted enemies) so you want to reclass him to Myrm/Archer, but then his STR sucks at first because of a crap base, so you can't get him anywhere.
  18. I wonder, if you did it in HM, would it turn into Hector? If it has something to do with the main lord.
  19. Well, what with magic and goddesses being in FE9/10, I'd assume they believe in the afterlife (and it might even exist there) which is probably what she's referring to.
  20. Regarding the "Thou shalt not murder" versus "Thou shalt not kill" thing, the Bible wasn't written in English originally. So unless someone has a copy of the original Bible and can read it, you can't really say that.
  21. That's why her Wing Spear is so awesome. Just forge it a little and it doesn't matter what her STR is because she either OHKOs the enemy or 2HKOs and doubles with some crit. Now, if you try to have her do stuff with, say, an iron lance, well...
  22. I promise you, if the shooters are like they were in FE3, it won't matter. They were awful.
  23. Oh, nevermind then. Although, with decreased stats in NM, she might not need good bio for 100 hit, either.
  24. Wait, you think murder's wrong, but genocide is alright? I haven't been paying much attention, but that just sounds wrong. It's BETTER to do something that's wrong MORE?
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