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Everything posted by Rewjeo

  1. He said some things that implied that he was talking about NM. It's not that hard to assume that he can get higher up in NM (still not 20/10, though) and get BEXP that he needs to help him. In fact, in NM, it's possible to make him reach 3RKOd status in 1-4 via BEXP. He also doesn't face any crit from tigers. He might from cats, but he's at least 4HKOd by them, so it doesn't matter. Aran definitely peaks in NM.
  2. I don't mean a Chameleon with 60 HP is typical, I mean that, if it existed, it might be the best class. Especially since it has RES so it can mage tank when that's better than being whoever is the best unit.
  3. Sorry if this was asked elsewhere, but do you assume that you can play all of the GB(C/A) games on the Gamecube?
  4. And if she only needs one in this one, then, unless we have less than half as much money in this, I don't see how gold is much of a problem. Unless we have significantly less at the start.
  5. Chameleon with 60 HP. He said typically. Your typical SM is not the same as the WiFi ones. At least, that's how I see it.
  6. Wait, I thought that Wildheart did NOT half EXP, that was just a typo.
  7. Well, if there aren't that many, then you may only need to forge her one Wing Spear for the whole game. From my experience, she needs multiple in SD.
  8. Well, from a story perspective, the rankings in FE7 make perfect sense. Having money left over after a war is very good. Having your army relatively full is helpful so that you aren't weak after a war. Winning quickly is helpful in a war. Killing enemies with as few of your own makes sense, although Funds and Tactics also really enforce this. EXP makes sense so your whole army is effective. Now, from a gameplay perspective, these are mostly limiting, but it DOES make sense, at least in FE7 and this, as far as story goes.
  9. But the 3DS has backwards compatibility. If the N64 did, I'm sure Thracia would've done much better. With the 3DS's backwards compatibility, it's still technically viable to release DS games for however long the 3DS lasts, and is probably not an awful idea for another year or two.
  10. The Silver Card is only there for that chapter. It disappears afterwards, so you might as well sell it after you've bought everything.
  11. And her sword has the classic shape for a SM. Although it is significantly bigger.
  12. I actually lolled. And I very rarely actually lol. I usually just think that it's funny.
  13. Best: Lance Worst: Noish. At least you can get Alec better weapons so that, with doubling, he has alright offense. Noish is stuck hitting once.
  14. Not really. If you have 10 ORKO death machines who are 10RKOd by everything and you have 1 ORKO death machine who's 9RKOd, but you only have 10 slots, he's not optimal deployment, but he's definitely useable.
  15. Uhh, DEF/RES gap. Ross pulling similar ATK doesn't mean much when Saleh gets the advantage of hitting the (generally) weaker stat.
  16. Was there any distinction between them originally? Wasn't it just Swordfighter?
  17. And Gill has a reasonable chance, if he's gotten some levels, to double them. 51% with two levels.
  18. Scyther's pretty badass. At least as far as bug pokemon go.
  19. Aww, shucks :D Anyways, I think 8.0 is too high, even if we aren't going that efficiently. Is he really contributing more than Saleh, Forde, or Artur?
  20. I expect we'll either get a lot of news very quickly or we'll get just about nothing more since the game comes out in less than a month now.
  21. What would they do with something like FE11 Ch. 10? Part is outdoors, part in.
  22. Meh, I preferred TP graphics. This looks just a little too cartoony, without seeming like that's what they meant. WW could get away with cartoony graphics because that's obviously what they wanted. One-to-one sword action is awesome, though. Well, as long as it doesn't have the problems that Wii Sports Resort did (having to recenter the sword/paddle/etc. after EVERY single hit/block/attack/etc.)
  23. I'm disappointed that The Last Guardian wasn't shown. Still, Nintendo's was great. I was looking at maybe getting a PS3 or a PSP, but I'm definitely getting the 3DS now
  24. Well I'm no genius debater myself, so...

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