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Everything posted by Rewjeo

  1. I think water/ice and earth would make sense because of affinities. We've got light, dark, thunder, fire, wind, heaven (galdrar and/or healing), but no magic for earth and ice/water.
  2. Regarding the "utility units" thing, which I expect someone will complain about, I think we could tier both "Utility Marcus" and "Whole Game Marcus." I'm indifferent on the availability issue. Both sides have things I agree with and disagree with.
  3. Hmm, I'd do Lute vs Eir. Cormag. Shall I open, or you?
  4. I'm not sure if the class choices have been 100% confirmed, but thief does NOT appear to be an option.
  5. Well, yeah, but the fact that she likes expensive weaponry sure doesn't help. 3HKOing with the most expensive weapon type isn't great for gold. Although since low turns AREN'T a priority, I guess you can just give her less expensive weapons. Still, as far as gold goes, Mia isn't great.
  6. I'm game. I'd prefer FE7-8 if possible, but I could do 10, 6, or maybe 11.
  7. But here they wouldn't be punished for how bad of a unit they are, just how much gold they use. So, yes, they'll be somewhat punished for it. But think about it. Lyre is actually pretty good thanks to not needing us to buy her weapons. Mia's at the bottom because she requires expensive weapons to become as great as she can be. There'd still be some pretty significant changes. In fact, I'd say this stifles discussion more because we don't get to discuss what other units need, just the few that are optimal.
  8. This list should assume that units are being used and measure how much gold they require to be efficient, IMO. Otherwise, it punishes units for being good enough to be optimal deployment without giving units advantages for not needing equipment that's as good
  9. I'm perfectly aware of what was implied. However, that doesn't change the fact that some people were saying that Jeigen's Lategame<Barst's, and others were refuting that with Jeigan's entire existence>Barst.
  10. The question (which I can't find exactly, but I posted about it earlier and slightly changed the wording, so I remember it, sorta) which asked how many turns Jeigan saves you past earlygame. You said more than Barst. You said more than Barst's entire existence.
  11. Wouldn't Imbue be either 500g or healing savings? We can't use it to heal if we sold it. Unless you mean sell it at Endgame.
  12. You still don't understand. It was stated that Jeigan's LATEGAME was better than Barst's LATEGAME. So what if his 1-12>Barst? i don't think the first ~1/2 of the game counts as lategame, do you?
  13. Wow, math fail on my part. I guess this is what happens after being awake for 20 hours after only sleeping for 5 the night before...
  14. That certainly surprised me. I'm a butterfly. However, the description... it's spot on. Perfect. And, actually, thinking about its moveset, it kinda fits. Confusion, poison, paralysis, sleep. Tactical, not brute force. Whaddaya know, I'm a Butterfree!
  15. So, this unit who's xHKOd also lacks the ability to avoid the attacks? If he faces 90 displayed in a 2RN game, he's doing almost as well as with the crit. Like, facing .37% higher chance of dieing, assuming x=4. If he faces 89 or below, he's got a better shot. If it's 1RN, he only needs to face 98 to be equal, 97 to be doing better. And we also appear to lack pure waters and barrier. I doubt this, seeing as most of the games throw at least one of those at you early on, and I doubt that there's a circumstance where you're facing four mages near each other before, say, chapter 5 or so.
  16. But it was asked how many turns Jeigan saves you past early game, and the response was more than Barst. I, for one, doubt that. Unless you use ridiculous forges, but that same feat could then be replicated with much less money with other people.
  17. Well, Perseus is responsible for Pegasus's creation, but he had his special shoes, so I don't think he rode on it.
  18. Well, this IS a remake of FE3... But that seems pretty pointless. Why is it that males only get dragons for flight, but girls get both dragons AND pegasi? And besides, they're only as unmanly as you make them. You can make a little pink pony and call all horses girly. It's not that hard to make cool pegasus.
  19. I don't get why peg knights can only be girls now. With reclass, they can be either post promo. And you can't use the weight argument. Rescuing dudes in huge armor on top of that girl weighs a lot more than some dude in average or little armor.
  20. Best: HP. Without it, you can't survive. Worst: RES. Most of the SD cast gets by without it. It clearly isn't that important. Especially w/ pure waters.
  21. Although, assuming no reclassing, merc is superior to myrm, right? That's the way I've always understood it. Edit: Also, pointing out why x>y in an efficient playthrough of H5 probably isn't the best idea here. It's not a topic about what's best for what, it's for an update about the new FE. I doubt many people really care about that. Many won't reclass (it ruins individuality, apparently, and they wouldn't do that to themselves!) and will play on lower difficulties with their only goal being to finish the game.
  22. That's not Romaji. that's Katakana. Her name in Romaji is Shiida. Even if the Japanese call her Sheeda to other countries (makes sense, it looks better to native English speakers) the Japanese still read her name as シーダ, which is changed into our alphabet as Shiida. Still, weird that neither the PAL or NA versions have her name as Sheeda, seeing as it's both her official name and is most visually appealing to your average player.
  23. Really? I'd always heard that it was ShEEda in one, and I know it's not the Japanese one (as it would be prnounced Sheddah) In one of the screens, there's a cavalier with pink hair. It might be the female, but it looks too bright to be a generic, IMO.
  24. There's unfinished data for a dismounted knight class in SD, so I think they originally planned on putting it in, but didn't for one reason or another. I expect that it will be missing in FE12, as well.
  25. In Japanese, it's ShIIda. It's ShEEda in the PAL version. If it was Sheeda in Japanese, it could very well have been localized as Cheddar... Anyways, it appears that My Unit's map sprite's hair is their hair color. I believe this is the first individualization of map sprites on a handheld. Lords don't count since, if there were multiple of that class, they'd all have the same hair color.
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