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Posts posted by Roflolxp54

  1. Luna and Ignis (once the DLC map comes out) work in the same way as they do in Awakening though activation may be a bit more difficult given the stat caps in Fates. Dragon Fang's already very good.

    Galeforce, even for in-game purposes, isn't really worthwhile this time around unless you're comfortable with making your character a solo unit as Galeforce does not activate in Attack or Guard stances.

  2. Plus it would have actually been meaningful if the player had to kill Crimson him/herself, and would have provided a better jumping off point for Corrin's "pretend to be an obedient soldier so you can get close to Garon in order to kill him" plan than the nonsense in Ch. 15/16. Or heck, have Corrin fake killing her, and then sending her off to Hoshido or something that didn't result in wasting a good character.

    Or make it a requirement to give Niles sufficient training to Capture her and imprison her if you want her to be recruited.

  3. There have been petitions aimed at Nintendo using change.org . I don't recall a single one that has actually worked at all. Don't get your hopes up. If a miracle can happen, I can expect dual audio to be a paid DLC feature considering the licensing involved.

    Besides, NoA/Treehouse never bothered to fix any of the bugs (Streetpass team and voice language) present in the North American version of Fire Emblem Awakening even though Awakening came after the patching system was released.

  4. Emblem Shield accessory given as an Awakening Streetpass bonus.

    Buying skills (which would be easier once the gold farming DLC map gets released).

    How awkward/suggestive some of the voice clips sound when you have one of your units attempt to persuade a prisoner.

    Red exclamation icons to alert you of bonus damage weapons and yellow-orange exclamation icons to alert you of item drops.

    My Castle in general is quite fun.

  5. Not quite yet atm, since I haven't gotten far enough in my second run to unlock the Einherjar shop yet, but once I do I'll let you know here unless someone else clarifies before then.

    Just checked my first run save file. The units chosen to be saved after clearing Endgame and going through the credits are added to the Units Logbook as Einherjars. The chosen units don't show up in the Einherjar shop.

  6. I'm not 100% sure, but the units I see are generally units I frequently use. So maybe level those units up a bit/a lot?

    Scarlet's at level 55 and she hasn't shown up on the shop yet (currently at Ch. 27 Birthright).

    I noticed that it seemed to pick a few that I used a bunch early on. Though it did ask my to pick a handful of units when I beat endgame, who I assume are stored and can be summoned on later playthroughs. It's probably just not good for much on your first run.

    Can you confirm that they can be summoned on later playthroughs?

  7. After upgrading the Einherjar shop to level 3 in My Castle, I've only seen Einherjar cards of several generic units and mainly characters available early in the story (ie. Corrin, Azura, Kaze, etc.).

    Is there a way for other characters to show up rather than wait for the characters to just show up on their own? I'm hoping to save Scarlet, Izana, and maybe Yukimura into the Unit Logbook.

  8. Initially, I was under the belief that Yukimura cannot be recruited on Revelation path due to him not being listed on the recruitment page. However, according to a Fire Emblem wiki site, Yukimura can be recruited in the same manner as in Birthright. Is this true? If so, can the page be updated?

  9. Killing off Crimson and Izana in Revelations while making Yukimura unavailable seems like a half-assed attempt to give players some motivation to play the other two routes … except to get Revelations in the first place you need at least one of the two routes anyway, plus the only route in which you can get Crimson and Yukimura is Birthright. Izana and Crimson's deaths could've easily been written out of the plot, and if Yukimura was going to join in Birthright there's really no point in him not joining here.

    If they were going to put the "golden path" behind some DLC paywall, they should've just given us everyone to begin with ;/

    Or they could have put in prerequisites for permanent recruitment similar...

    ... to how Corrin needs to have at least an A-rank support with Kaze if players want Kaze to be alive after Birthright Ch. 15.

  10. If I can hazard a guess, both carts should be able to access the Revelation path on the same SD card.

    Not sure about beating Birthright/Conquest first being a prerequisite for playing Revelation though it is recommended for the "full enjoyment of the experience" since I have the special edition cart which gives me the option to play Revelation as soon as I hit Ch. 6 for the first time.

  11. The character deaths/unavailability seems to pretty much be for the sake of increasing replayability for Fire Emblem Fates and to get more people to buy the other story paths. You already have to play at least twice to account for both gender variants of Corrin and Kana and you have to play all 3 routes for route exclusive supports.

    And yeah, Revelation could have seen Yukimura, Izana, and Scarlet all playable if it were to truly be the "best ending" and "canon" route.

  12. I've been poking around quite a bit and I've noticed that some capturable bosses (especially on higher difficulties) are carrying skills around that they would not be able to learn during training if recruited.

    Examples include:

    Haitaka, who has Rally Defense by default and Patient Assurance on Hard difficulty

    Kumagera, who has Raven Strike by default and Magic Counter and Swallow Strike on Hard difficulty

    Any others to look out for?

  13. If you're playing Conquest, I've heard that Haitaka (the spear fighter enemy boss in Ch. 9) is worth capturing (helps that Niles has a WTA over him), recruiting, and training since his Str, Skl, and Spd each have at least 60% growth rate once class is factored in.

  14. I guarentee you that's what would happen IF that ever caught on and drew enough of Youtube's user/subscriber base away. They have unparalleled dominance over internet video sharing especially being owned by google. If anything rose to challenge that they'd have their lawyers all over it. As it stands right now Youtube already costs them massive amounts of money to keep up they can't afford losing their video sharing dominance.

    1. IIRC, monopolies are illegal (at least in America); a giant monopoly would be forced to be broken up into smaller companies so as to generate competition.

    2. People don't necessarily need to set up their own sites -- they can migrate to other video sharing sites like Dailymotion and such.

  15. I remember taking a media ethics course last year and I'm trying to remember about Fair Use, copyright, and all that stuff.

    If I remember correctly, even if it truly falls under Fair Use, it's pretty much common courtesy to ask for permission from content creators to use their content AND give credit to content creators for allowing them to use said content.

    Yes, even if it's made for the purpose of parody/satire, if it's covered up by commentary and another BGM, and if it's NOT even being monetized in the first place.

  16. Ignis and Luna are definitely worth it IMO. Rally Spectrum isn't really worth it -- let a Rallybot have that rather than Robin.

    If you have the Champions of Yore 3 DLC map, you can choose to replace Magic +2 with All Stats +2. Or Limit Break if you have the Rogues and Redeemers 3 map.

    Ricken!Owain (have him pass down Galeforce and have Robin pass down Dual Support+) isn't a bad choice but if you want as much Magic as possible, have Robin marry Ricken!Laurent (have him pass down Dual Support+).

    You can have some pretty funny shenanigans by having Ricken!Laurent!Morgan marry Maribelle!Lucina if you have looked up any no-Limit-Break/other-DLC runs of Apotheosis. Vantage+Vengeance, Dual Strike+, Rescue staff, and Rallybot plays everywhere.

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