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Posts posted by Roflolxp54

  1. I abused the crap out of how data saved in the Logbook applies to all save files, so, on top of my Avatar character, I also have Boots boosted Einherjar units as well (permanent base 8-10 movement as a non-General promoted/special class anybody?).

  2. Yeah... outside of smoking and drinking booze, I'm not even sure that sort of drug use would fly in an M-rated game.

    However, considering that NoA likes to involve Internet memes or pop culture references in localizations (they did allow Meme Run on the Wii U eShop before it got taken down due to copyright issues), I can't help but think of NoA somehow involving Illuminati-brand marijuana, Mountain Dew, and Doritos.

  3. Suppose you're right with Luna. Well, I might go Tactician(10)->Mercenary(10)->Hero(10)->Paladin. Then I would end up with something like Armsthrift/Sol/Defender/Aegis/. I've no problem grinding a little bit through Risen battles. What would a good skill be for the last slot?

    Actually, what is the best way to get a good Swordmaster Owain? Lon'qu or Vaike?

    What exactly makes Bowknight strong? Mounted unit with range and being able to use swords?

    What would be a good asset/flaw be for my MU!Paladin? +HP/Spd/Str / -Lck?

    Finally, if I would play on Lunatic, which I eventually will, would I need to change anything major? Things like skills, pairings, asset/flaw etc.

    Still trying to figure out the optimal hair color for my Camus MU.

    If you're willing to promote Robin into a Grandmaster, you can have him learn Ignis, which is known to be a great skill for raising damage output.

    If you want to copy Spotpass Camus somewhat, go with +Spd/-Lck. Otherwise, +Str/-Lck is an excellent alternative considering that you're a physical class. +Str/-Def isn't a bad one either for maximum strength without dropping Speed, and that Defense loss in the long run wouldn't matter too much in Normal/Hard mode since you're grinding. +HP/-Lck isn't the worst possible choice, but there are better Asset/Flaw combinations since your final class is Paladin and you plan on marrying a rather physical-oriented unit (Cordelia).

    For Lunatic though, you'd probably want +Spd/-Lck, +Def/-Skl, or +Def/-Lck if you don't have DLC since the game pretty much discourages you from grinding if you don't have DLC.

    Hard to say about Owain to be honest since he's generally better off as a magical unit. From what I've heard, Stahl would be the best dad for a more physical/mixed Owain.

    [spoiler=About Owain in Fates]

    Owain actually used a Levin Sword in the Invisible History DLC while he was still a myrmidon.

  4. Lucario might be a favorite among lords.

    I can easily see Aegislash being common among lords, kings, or enemy royal bosses.

    Based on some of the flashback scenes in the 8th Pokemon movie (Lucario and the Mystery of Mew), I can see Charizard, Tyranitar, Aggron, Onix, and Steelix being commonly deployed among armies.

  5. Ignis+Luna combo is basically a pair that ensures that you'll have very little trouble proccing something, especially if the unit's Skill stat is maxed out and is paired up with an A/S support. Even better for the case of Avatar!Lucina or Lucina!Morgan as they can run Aether on top of that.

    Armsthrift contributes nothing in regards to damage output; only use it if you don't feel like grinding for money/weapons should a weapon break.

    The most damage in a single blow possible is 636 but it's extremely situational (enemy has to be a flying unit with as low Defense as possible; in this case, a Pegasus Knight with like 3 Defense)), and requires a specific pairing with a certain Asset/Flaw combination and lots of boosts.

    If you truly want to humiliate enemies, you can always try killing them with silly joke weapons like a Ladle or Slack Bow.

  6. Some of the things a character may say during skinship sessions can be quite spoilerific or otherwise be seen as neat Easter eggs:


    Azura telling the player that she would die for a world in which Korrin lives; Flora telling Korrin what she would kill herself if she were to betray Korrin; Selena telling Korrin her true name; etc.

  7. As somebody mentioned before, the timing of the release is a very likely culprit for the game's low sales. It was right after Christmas -- what are people doing in Japan during Christmas? In Fire Emblem-terms, young adults trying to score S-supports (though there are plenty of people who do go through their X-mas loot). Japan's attitude towards Christmas/holiday season is a bit different from what's seen in America (less commercialism and consumerism).

  8. Tell them to play at Normal/Phoenix difficulty so that they don't have to worry as much about dying so easily.

    If they start with Classic, they can lower it to Casual or Phoenix midway through the playthrough, but they cannot raise it back up again (ex. went from Classic to Casual mode; cannot go back to Classic mode; can go from Casual to Phoenix mode, but cannot go back to Casual or Classic mode). Just something to keep in mind.

  9. Another possible reason that the game didn't do well was because it's on the Wii U. Several recent SMT titles and the last 4 FE titles (FE11-FE14) are for handhelds. Chances are that the game could have probably done much better if it was marketed to a larger userbase.

    And, from what I've seen on the 3DS, Atlus titles tend to be pretty pricey when compared to other titles. Wii U titles generally have asking prices of ~60 USD. People probably didn't consider the SMTxFE game worth the price.

  10. Gamestop preorders have 48 hours to be picked up. If they aren't by then, then its fair game for them to sell it to someone else. Your best bet would be to go when they open 2 days after release to see if someone didn't get theirs. (Honestly, it's kinda mean to take away someone else's preorder but if they really cared about it, they would have picked it up day one.)

    Doesn't that apply to preorders that have 5 USD deposits on them? There are preorders that are paid in full.

  11. Yeah, she doesn't have veteran...I wonder though what Laurent would be with verteran...that sounds...almost scary to think about it! At least Miriel can reclass a few times to get a bit more strength.

    Try pairing male Robin with Miriel and find out!

    IMO, Miriel isn't bad -- she mainly requires some careful planning since she joins in Chapter 2 at level 1 and with a tome that doesn't have as much power as Robin's Thunder (by this point, Robin would most likely already have some training in especially with the gamebreaking Veteran skill on). On lower difficulties, she should be able to live as long as you take your time and have Lissa heal her if needed.

    If Robin were to be left out of the equation (since s/he outclasses practically the entire playable cast), Miriel can be a strong Mage/Sage for sure with good growth rates in the stats that do matter (Magic, Skill, and Speed). With reclassing at hand, she can pass down Demoiselle or Dual Support+ (both normally female-only skills) to Laurent. The only first generation characters I can think of besides Robin who can potentially outclass Miriel as a Sage are Lissa, Sumia and Maribelle as they can get Galeforce, don't have negative Magic mods, have at least a decent support pool, and (if it matters) join at least relatively early (Lissa joins in Prologue; Sumia, Chapter 3; Maribelle, Chapter 5); however, they both require reclassing to be a Sage with Galeforce whereas Miriel can simply pop a Master Seal and don't have to give a crap about getting Galeforce at all.

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