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Posts posted by Roflolxp54

  1. I got a 32 GB micro SD card with adapter from the mail today and I plan on using it for my 3DS. My 16 GB SD card has no problems with the SD card reader on my laptop. However, the new fresh-out-of-the-box 32 GB micro SD card is having problems being detected at all by my computer: it took a very long time to even show up in Files Explorer and whenever I try to open it, a message box pops up telling me to "insert the disk" even though the micro SD card and the adapter are already in! Is there a solution for this. (Not to mention that Files Explorer is now loading much more slowly than before and is prone to crashing -- twice, the whole desktop minus any apps/browser windows that are already open and not minimized went black, forcing me to restart the computer.

  2. Some new information pulled from Serebii.net:

    Following the leak in CoroCoro, the official reveal for the new Zygarde forms has come. Most of the forms keep their name, but Zygarde Perfect Forme is to be called Zygarde Complete Forme in the west. It also describes Ash-Greninja as the form that Greninja takes when the bond between it and Ash is raised to the limit. The strength of their bond changes Greninja's appearance, and it takes on the characteristic look of Ash's attire. This phenomenon is also said to have happened just once several hundred years ago in the Kalos region, but it remains shrouded in mystery.
    Zygarde Cell: This stage has been identified as the single Cells that make up Zygarde. Cells do not possess any will or thought processes. They're found scattered throughout the region. Since they can't use any moves, researchers question whether they can even be called Pokémon!
    Zygarde Core: At this stage, this aspect of Zygarde is little more than a part of the Pokémon's brain. Unlike the Cells, the Cores are self-aware and can communicate with Cells and other Cores via telepathy. When a change occurs in the local region's ecosystem, Cores have been known to take action.
    Zygarde 10% Forme: Zygarde 10% is the Forme that the Zygarde Core takes when it gathers 10% of the Cells nearby. Capable of traveling over 60 mph (100 km/h), it defeats enemies with its sharp fangs and its incredible speed.
    Zygarde Complete Forme: This is the perfect Forme that Zygarde takes when the Core gathers 100% of the Cells. When the ecosystem is under threat, and the Core concludes that the 50% Forme will be unable to deal with it, the Core takes on the Complete Forme. Its power is said to be greater than that of the Legendary Pokémon Xerneas and Yveltal!
    Edit @ 03:09: The first trailer for the anime has been released
  3. I'm all like why...?

    The videos are free advertising and many of the TAS videos are made mainly for entertainment, not for revenue. Also, not everybody has access to the hardware and software for much older games, hence ROM-hacking is a thing, especially as not all fan-favorite or fan-requested games make it into Virtual Console.

    Whatever next? Take down any and all fanfiction written using Nintendo IPs? You're playing with fire, Mario -- stop trying to fix things that aren't broken.

  4. Got a ZSS amiibo -- that amiibo was practically one of the few if not the only newly-released amiibo that still had stock at the Gamestop I went to this morning... it was only about an hour after the store opened when I bought it and the 8-bit Mario and Ganondorf amiibo were already sold out from it.

    Still waiting on the Palutena amiibo and 32 GB micro SD card and SD adapter to ship.

  5. There's at one my Gamestop, too. I saw it when I went a couple days ago.

    I'm hoping I'll be able to pick up a Zero Suit Samus amiibo this Friday. Not sure which store I should head to first, though.

    I'm gonna see if I can pick up a ZSS amiibo as well this Friday. Planning on going to Gamestop ASAP (~1 hr. after store opens due to class) since it's the closest place to campus and that it's restricting orders to 1 of any (presumably newly released) amiibo per customer.

  6. Since Robin's going to be a full-time rear/support unit, you can go with the Defense flaw since he should have no risk of being damaged at all as he wouldn't be taking the lead; plus, the Defense flaw is the only flaw doesn't lower both Speed and offense, making it the best for maximizing damage output. Asset depends on what you need though it pretty much comes down to Strength, Magic or Speed (I'd go with Speed to make 3rd gen. Morgan blazing fast), which really works great with Lon'qu!Severa.

    The stat mods for Lon'qu!Severa!(+Spd/-Def)Morgan would be: +2 Str, +0 Mag, +8 Skl, +10 Spd, -1 Lck, -4 Def, -3 Res

    For Robin's skillset, it should consist of the following:

    -Limit Break


    -(Relevant weapon)faire(s)

    The 1-2 remaining skillslots should include any of the following: All Stats +2, Hit Rate +20, (Weapon)breaker, Hex, Anathema, Strength +2 (if All Stats +2 is already equipped), Magic +2 (if All Stats +2 is already equipped), Armsthrift (if you don't want Robin breaking his weapons)

    Robin should be using (forged) Brave weapons as a hard support.

    And yeah, Lon'qu!Severa is best suited for a physical class rather than a magical one. Hero would be my preferred class for her as it has good Strength (better than Falcon Knight's), Skill (better than Wyvern Lord's) and Speed (better than Wyvern Lord's).

  7. Classes have started once again and as usual, I brought my 3DS XL along with me. Unfortunately, it seems that the Internet Browser seems to be horribly nerfed as I can't even get it to load up, let alone load up the wifi login page, saying that the browser can't be used at this time. I couldn't get it to connect to the campus wifi and the apartment wifi. The Starbucks close to campus no longer runs AT&T wifi and now runs Google Starbucks wifi.

    Any solutions for this? It's irritating that I have to wait until I go home to get an actual wifi connection for my 3DS. The system software is up to date at the time of writing (last update was in July 2015).

  8. The salt in this thread is real.

    Fanservice in a nutshell: giving what the fans want. There are plenty of fans who would want the stuff that goes on in My Room. People who are against such features are not necessarily the majority -- they're usually the vocal minority.

    If the extraneous features ruin the entire game for you, the solution is simple: don't buy the f---ing game and save your goddamn money for a game that you KNOW you WILL enjoy.

    At the end of the day, the gaming industry is a business -- it'd do its best to cover as many different bases as possible for the target audience within reason. If fanservice sells, it sells. It's perfectly alright to not like certain things, just don't let them ruin YOUR enjoyment of the game.

  9. Almost time for college...

    And I can imagine the amount of scalpers getting their scripts ready for that Mewtwo amiibo... should they find ways to hoard them that is.

  10. For gameplay reasons, her final class should be Sage if you want her to be as "optimal" as possible.

    Limit Break



    Dual Support+


    Bond isn't all that useful.

    +HP/-Lck only guarantees that MU will always get +1 HP per level up with a chance for a +2 HP for a level up (if HP isn't capped yet) and offers the stat cap mods of -1 Luck, +2 Defense and +2 Resistance.

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