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Posts posted by Roflolxp54

  1. Name: xxx_ROFL_xxx

    Starting class: Grandmaster of Illuminati

    Starting level: 69 hype!

    Starting items: Overused memes, weed, Mountain Dew, Doritos, sniper rifle, fedora, shades, Burn heal

    Skills: Hax, Shrek, Troll, Nope.avi, etc.

    Reclass: Why?

    Personal Growths: 420.69% blaze it!

    Recruitment: 1v1 me ya wee lad

    Critical Hit quotes:

    "Mom get the camera!"

    "Get rekt, scrub"

    "Oh baby a triple, oh yeah!"

    "(insert SSBM Wombo Combo quotes)"

    "Smoke weed everyday~!"

    Support Options: My expanded dong brings all the ladies to the yard... but Aversa, Nowi, Nah and Flavia would require LOTS of support points between A and S rank.

    Stat mods: +1 Str/+3 Mag/+3 Skl/+7 Spd/+4 Lck/+2 Def/+0 Res

    Bio: HTTP 404 Internet Error

  2. Same here I still have Pikmin 3, DK Country Tropical Freeze, Batman Arkham City, and Captain Toad. I also have to 100% Majora's Mask still on 3DS. I'll definetely have stuff to do. Although I'll be getting the special edition/ limited FE if edition if they make such a thing in the US.

    I've got a backlog building up as well. Hatsune Miku: Project Mirai Remix comes out this September, Senran Kagura 2 comes out in America this August and I might consider getting Pokemon Super Mystery Dungeon once more details come out.

  3. I wouldn't have Sumia stick in either class for the long run -- Great Knight has amongst the lowest stat total out of any promoted class, especially given the rather mediocre or otherwise poor Speed, Skill and Resistance stats. Luna and to a lesser extent, Dual Guard+ are great to pick up though.

    General just has terrible movement, so not many players would have Sumia stick in the General class outside of getting Pavise.

    Basically, if you want a final class for Sumia, stick with Falconknight, Dark Flier or Sage.

  4. There's also the existence of accuracy boosting items like the Wide Lens and Zoom Lens.

    I remember getting BS'd once in Platinum or SoulSilver -- one time in the Battle Factory, my team got swept by a Dewgong that spammed Horn Drill and Sheer Cold -- both of which have only a mere base 30% accuracy and all Pokemon are at the same level (100).

  5. It's pretty much either Counter or Aptitude. Aptitude is near-useless if you grind a lot and Nowi and Nah already have great growths to start with. Counter can have more use but even then, it's not that really useful, especially in Normal difficulty outside of making a troll Streetpass Nah.

    Rally Strength isn't worth it as a Streetpass Avatar, Spotpass/DLC legacy character (DLC Palla and DLC Katarina in particular) or an Avatar from a different file can serve as your Rallybot.

  6. Wow! You guys have so many! Is one side yours, and the others hers?

    I wish my sister were more into video games. Then I wouldn't have to collect alone... but for now, I'm glad my brother also is on the hunt!

    Better being able to collect alone in peace -- my parents got annoyed with international mail.

  7. And anime merch shops aren't very common either in America to begin with -- the closest thing to one I know of is roughly one hour away by car (depending on traffic) from my house, and that shop mainly sells American comic books (DC, Marvel, etc.). If it weren't for popular retailers selling amiibo, pretty much the only way to get any official Nintendo merch without going to a Japanese pop culture convention (Otakon, Katsucon, etc.) or visiting the Nintendo World Store (which is only in New York City) is buying/importing them online.

    Yeah, amiibo sales stink since Nintendo underestimated demand and I honestly wish that some of the manpower (some part of amiibo production is done by hand) used to make all of those Mario, Link and Pikachu amiibo figures be swapped over to make amiibo figures of less popular series like those from Fire Emblem and such.

    I also wish that Super Smash Bros. amiibo cards are launched immediately with the Animal Crossing: New Leaf amiibo cards and the NFC peripheral.

    Nintendo could have made a mass killing with those amiibo, and indeed they did; but they could have made more money if they were to sell more amiibo of less-represented series -- as of now, scalpers are the ones making the extra money.

  8. Hopefully, it would arrive safe and sound at least. All of the amiibo I imported arrived at least 1 week ahead of schedule (Rosalina, Wii Fit Trainer, Robin and Lucina).

    On the other hand, I tried to buy a 32 GB micro SD card with adapter on Amazon marketplace -- turns out that the seller was a fraud (doesn't ship anything whatsoever and later left Amazon) so I had to get a refund.

  9. You'd have to set up another Amazon account assuming that you most likely have an Amazon account for your region. You'd have to look at sellers to determine if they ship internationally as not all sellers on foreign sites do that. Also, shipping fees tend to be high for international deliveries, so keep that in mind -- it can even be higher than the product itself! And you can Google conversion rates between the Japanese yen and whatever currency you use. International shipping also tends to take a while.

  10. It's not like FE has had questionable incest ships possible in game before

    Seliph and Julia

    Arvis and Deirdre

    Raquesis and Eldigan

    Roy and Cecilia

    Owain and Lucina

    Lucina and Morgan when Lucy's his aunt

    Incest is Wincest

    I'm actually against incest in the series, but its here to stay.

    Roy and Cecilia isn't incest, but they share a similer relationship to what we think Camilla and Kamui will have, so I included it

    The Roy-and-Cecilia pairing isn't incestuous but it's most likely a taboo relationship in today's society nonetheless as Cecilia was once Roy's combat teacher (basically a teacherxstudent pairing).

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