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Posts posted by Roflolxp54

  1. And my Robin will probably be delayed due to those new port strikes... Sigh.

    I thought the New Port strikes should have been resolved at this point, though I could be wrong on that. And I did import a Japanese Rosalina amiibo and a European Wii Fit Trainer amiibo without much issue (arrived within the given time frames).

  2. I'm always torn on whether to use Warp or Jump Glide for recovery. Why do you use warp over jump glide?

    It might be that Warp has some flexibility in terms of where Palutena can go and the disappearing animation potentially causing mind games. Jump Glide heavily favors lateral recovery and doesn't have as much vertical recovery.

  3. Whatever it is, I'm hoping that it's not something exclusive to amiibo (content can be obtained by other means) given how difficult the amiibo figures are. If there would be amiibo cards for the game that can do the exact same things, then I'm OK as long as the cards are cheap and easy to get (not being scalped to hell and back).

  4. Not if you're in Canada. I've checked with 6 sellers and they all demanded this much.


    I remember trying to order Robin and Lucina amiibo from amazon.jp -- I ultimately decided not to order from there as shipping costs were more expensive than the amiibo themselves. The prices converted to ~48 USD for the 2 amiibo alone with shipping in total converting to ~56 USD -- too much for me so I eventually found a seller on amazon.com and reserved my preorders.

  5. I got my Robin amiibo shipped from amazon JPN so that's nice. Unfortunately couldn't order any Lucinas because majority of the third party sellers won't sell it internationally and the one that did wanted 70 bucks shipping.

    My Robin and Lucina amiibo should be shipped (ugh, no pun intended) from amazon.com (yes, the American one even though the amiibo are both Japanese imports) as soon as tomorrow to as late as mid-May. They're both more than 30 USD each but come with low shipping costs.

  6. Oh and has anyone else experienced friendly units attacking each other?

    A bow user just attacked Fredrick and he dodged it (paired up with Tiki) but then Tiki attacked Fredrick and nearly killed him o.0

    Friendly fire doesn't exist in Awakening, but it does exist in a couple of older Fire Emblem games, namely ones that have the Berserk staff weapon.

  7. I plan on getting all 3 story paths -- they're seemingly different from each other and I enjoyed Awakening so I should be able to enjoy Hoshido. I'll do also Nohr to see if I can't break the game badly due to limited funds and experience that aren't problems in Awakening's Lunatic+ Classic. Third story path is more of me not liking to take sides.

  8. Is there any other Fire Emblems on DS PS3 or Computer?

    There's Shadow Dragon for DS. Oh, and welcome to Nintendo gaming, in which most, if not all Nintendo games are Nintendo exclusives (can only be played on Nintendo consoles).

  9. -stuff on the Lucina figma-

    The asking price does seem fair... until you factor in shipping costs. I remember poking around on Amazon.jp for a Robin and Lucina amiibo only to discover that the cost for shipping is more expensive than the amiibo themselves. (Pretty much forced me to find a different seller.)

  10. I certainly hope that physical copies of FE:if wouldn't be a supply-and-demand disaster upon launch but I wouldn't hold my breath as product shortages seem to be a thing recently with several stuff you mentioned along with physical copes of LoZ: Majora's Mask 3D and the Majora's Mask edition New 3DS XLs.

    Part of me's thinking that Nintendo may be trying to wean us off by making us download the games instead of hunting physical copes down. I mean, there is stuff like save backups and what not.

  11. Who was the guy or gal that did the designs for Tellius? Bring them back and I'd be a happy camper. That being said overall I do like FE13 and 14's style with a few minor gripes.

    IIRC, it was a lady who did the artwork for the characters in the Tellius games. She or whoever did the artwork for the GBA games would be great for the next FE game. Kozaki wouldn't be a bad choice to me though only his Awakening artwork as well as his Liberation Maiden artwork are memorable to me. Can't say anything on FE:if as the game isn't out yet.

    EDIT: The artist for the Tellius games is Senri Kita -- she also did artwork for the Marth DLC in Awakening as well as the Navarre card in the Cipher TCG. Eiji Kaneda worked on FE6 and Sachiko Wada did FE7 and FE8.


  12. Gengar? Really? That honestly doesn't make much sense to me. It's a Ghost type, which theoretically, most of the Pokemon in this game should not be able to deal damage to. I mean, immune to Normal and Fighting type moves and all... And surely this game will be majorly Fighting type Pokemon who use Fighting type moves.

    It's possible for the folks making Pokken Tournament to be taking notes from Pokemon: Type Wild -- a fanmade Pokemon MUGEN -- playable cast includes Blaziken, Combusken, Breloom, Lopunny, Gardevoir, Gengar, Snorlax, Swalot and Lucario.

  13. Rhythm Thief and the Emperor's Treasure is a great rhythm game for the Nintendo 3DS. Its only really major downsides are that the story campaign is rather short and that some of the rhythm minigames require gyro controls. It's going to be hard to find a physical copy of it though you can download it.

  14. Robin and Lucina shouldn't stop selling after one shipment because of the Codename S.T.E.A.M game and FE Awakening's successful sales!

    That should be the case, but unfortunately, it's already just as bad as, if not worse than, the situation for the initial stock of physical retail copies when FE13 first came to America.

    My Rosalina amiibo arrived -- woot! Now just waiting on Robin and Lucina and keeping my eye on Palutena and later, ZSS.

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