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Posts posted by Roflolxp54

  1. I do need to get more custom moves. I did All-Star on hard using Ike after Duck Hunt Dog (was the last character I needed to unlock) showed up when I did a match against my Ike Amiibo, and got a bunch of custom parts, but none were custom moves, argh. I got a Mii hat and some equipment instead. I ought to go give Trophy Rush a few runs. It gives you custom stuff as well as trophies. And I don't have a lot of trophies either. :P

    I got all 376 custom moves on my own primarily via Classic mode using the Home Menu trick (Home button scum until you get the custom items stage reward). You don't really need to play at high intensities (I generally played no higher than 5.0) but may take a few tries. As usual, best to use the character you're trying to get custom moves for.

    If you have 20-30 USD dollars you're willing to blow and have the physical copy of the 3DS game, you can get a Powersaves device to automatically get all custom moves, hats and outfits.

  2. Well, there was this instance where I got downvoted a lot for some reason. I mentioned my mom having been the one to get me my Zelda Amiibo and that I decided to keep it later. They called me a spoiled, ungrateful brat. I wasn't ungrateful at all, I appreciated that my mom tried to please me. She just happened to get an Amiibo I didn't want at the time. She mistakenly thought it was hard to find. But no, nobody on Reddit would listen, they just kept saying I'm acting spoiled and ungrateful.

    That might be what did it, though I wasn't trolling or anything at all. But yeah, I'll just keep posting comments. It's all I can do.

    That's pretty much the nature of the Internet -- there's almost always a bad seed in every social site there is, just like how you'd rarely find a video on YouTube that doesn't have a dislike on it. Any social/media sharing site can be cancerous just as illustrated with this guy's videos. https://www.youtube.com/user/JelloApocalypse

  3. How would you feel about the proposal that Phoenix Mode can't be selected normally, but is "unlocked" (or the game suggests the player to swap to it) if the player game overs enough?

    (aka DMC easy automatic)

    Pokemon Black 2 and White 2 done it -- Easy mode and Challenge mode have to be unlocked first.

  4. It would sound cool, but only if the campaign paths are price appropriate. And downloadable (and often pre-release) demos already serve this purpose really.

    There are worse ways to do these sort of things though, like with Sega's Rhythm Thief and the Paris Caper for iOS -- $10 to download (an incomplete game nonetheless) and additional in-app purchases to get some of the chapters that are part of that port's story.

  5. I don't know much about it, but isn't that a lot more complicated? That really shouldn't be considered a solution if it is.

    It's actually pretty simple -- a copy of the data on the card gets backed up onto the user's PC. The user can then back up and restore saves whenever as long as (s)he has a PC w/ USB connection and the Powersaves device. And if cheat codes were to be used, the Powersaves device automatically backs up the save before applying the code(s) by default.

  6. It's not uncommon these days, actually. I remember Kingdom Hearts having something like 99, and Skyrim is basically unlimited. You often don't even have to worry about them being in the game these days, as you can just make a fresh account on consoles and have blank data in the games (and still have access to DLC). If there's one thing about Pokemon that really needs updating, it's the amount of save slots.

    Also forgot to mention that for those going with physical copies, they can use the 3DS Powersaves device to back up saves.

  7. I honestly don't mind the addition of Phoenix mode. However, for me, I pretty much have less reason to play the game in Casual mode when I can just go with either Phoenix or Classic mode, much like how I never played Awakening in Hard difficulty and only played Normal, Lunatic and Lunatic+.

    You people can do something like this:

    First playthrough: play Hoshido story path in Normal Phoenix mode

    Second playthrough: play the third, DLC-only story path in Hard Casual mode

    Third playthrough: play Nohr story path in Lunatic Classic mode

  8. Yeah, I can definitely agree that having 9 save slots is awesome, especially since for Nintendo games, having 1 (looking at you, Pokemon) or 3 save files is the norm, though you DO start out with 3 save slots -- the other 6 will come by getting the other 2 story paths.

    But it sort of shies in comparison to a visual novel I've played which has 200 (yes, two hundred) save slots available though that's because it's also a turn-based SRPG game and that players can save at almost any time in case players make a mistake or missed something though most players would attempt to manipulate the RNG.

  9. That 10.5 million is an empty joke. It is mostly only going to the Mario figurines. Why else would some of these only produce a couple in each market being single store exclusives?

    Link (most popular/bestselling amiibo overall), Mario and Pikachu amiibo really. But yeah, Nintendo has yet to see much reason to diversify, even though it's not making any extra money unlike the scalpers.

  10. And also, it's Marc with a c and not a K from everything I've seen, presumably to make it gender neutral...? I still see the 3 out of 4 letter similarity though, but I didn't bring it up because that's still a different name, unless both of the wikis are wrong or if c is interchangable with k in japanese. Orsin from Thracia and Orson from Sacred Stones are an example of why I'm so picky about the one letter. Either way, the issue of gender still is the nail in the coffin as it were.

    Mark's name is written in katakana -- literal English transliteration/spelling is known to be ambiguous. Many English-sounding words and names are written in katakana.

    BTW, Morgan's non-English European name is Linfan. What does that sound like off of the English tongue?

  11. Can someone explain why anyone would buy what basically amounts to fancy wallpaper and custom icons, something that you can change for free on a PC?

    People just like to decorate their 3DS menus.

    And you can make your own 3DS home menu themes... that is, if you're willing blow more than 50 USD for a 3DS Gateway card if you haven't already before going through the trouble of setting up a home menu theme.

  12. At this point, there are many different themes with which you can customize your 3DS Home Menu if you're willing to spend 2 USD for one of them (free for the case of the Sonic Boom and Monster Hunter 4 Ultimate ones). Which ones have you guys gotten or planning to get and/or which ones are your favorites?

    I only have the free themes at the moment, but I'm enticed by the Slowpoke-themed one -- it's hilarious (Yahn).

  13. I mean...just think about how much time you spend reading in Pokemon vs Fire Emblem. Pokemon has more text than your average platformer, but it's still pretty light in comparison to truly text-heavy games.

    Pokemon doesn't have literally hundreds of support conversations, for one fairly easily quantifiable example.

    Not to mention the fact that a lot of the text seen in the main series Pokemon games can be seen as copypasta or scripts. "(Name) used (move)!"

    Also, many of the NPCs pretty much say the same things for at least most of the game, especially in postgame.

  14. Be glad that this is not like the first few Pokemon games -- Red and Blue arrived in America more than 2 years after the release of Red and Green, and Gold and Silver arrived in America 18 months after the Japanese release.

  15. Unless you're Chinese, kanji is a bitch. You need to be able to read thousands of characters, and looking them up can get very tedious. For the most part it shouldn't be too difficult to get by gameplay-wise, as long as you can read the few recurring characters that exist in stats and weapon names and whatnot. But there may be occasions where the dialogue contains a hint/piece of information required to accomplish a certain objective.

    If you expect to reach a level where you can completely understand the dialogue within a short period of time however.....yeah good luck with that.

    It's more accurate to say that if you're familiar with Chinese characters, then kanji would be easier to learn as a good number of kanji characters are pretty much copies of Chinese characters, like those for water, fire and sky -- one of the main differences would be pronunciations. However, there are other writing systems like katakana.

  16. See now you're speaking business language. Amiibo exclusives sold only at the park for $30. In the words of Anna Cha-ching!

    Amusement park exclusive goods is pretty much a given and can easily attract more guests (namely collectors and scalpers). Amiibo exclusives would probably feature popular characters though I can't put it past Nintendo to put in merch of franchises that would be recognized and known by more devoted fans.

    It can be cool if they were to sell older games/systems though that can be a pipe dream.

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