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Carmine Sword

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Everything posted by Carmine Sword

  1. Named me after an animal I'm allergic to.
  2. Has kept her current theme for at least a day.
  3. Was incorrect about his previous assumption about me.
  4. Probably would promote Rutger over Dieck like most people.
  5. Presumably likes The Legend of Zelda franchise as well.
  6. But Knusperkeks, if you promote Donnel into a Fighter and give him an Arms Scroll on top of the Second Seal and nine levels worth of experience needed to get him to change classes in the first place, he can use Hand Axes to hit things at two range! Two range! That's as many as two ones! I'm joking just so you know. Donnel is terrible due to a multitude of reasons several people have already mentioned.
  7. Finds some of Sanaki's conversations humorous.
  8. Favors the first Fire Emblem game to be released in North America.
  9. I apologize if I upset anyone with my previous comment. I admit most of my knowledge pertaining to this game is from the perspective of in-game no-grind, and not postgame. I'm just kind of irritated from a combination of people on Gamefaqs who still claim that Armsthrift is the best skill ever in-game, where no-one will have a luck stat high enough to make it activate consistently(why do I still go to that site?), as well as some stressful tests I've been taking in real life. I'm sorry if I ended up making anyone feel bad.
  10. Armsthrift is crap too, but that won't stop anyone from claiming otherwise. Rational counterarguments to their claims that such skills are useful are meaningless since rationality means nothing to irrational people.
  11. Serenes Forest: 8/10 There are some irritating people *cough*Anacybele*cough*, but compared to a cesspit like GameFaqs, those semi-irritating people seem downright lovely. To give the Fire Emblem community on GameFaqs a score would imply that it is a community, when it is, in fact, nothing more then a miasma of bile and hatred of the highest caliber. A hive of scum and villainy that must be seen to be believed. The lack of a score is the only thing that they deserve, for, like GameFaqs' contributions to the Fire Emblem community or any game community, it too is non-existent.
  12. Posts on the Awakening boards frequently.
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