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Carmine Sword

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Everything posted by Carmine Sword

  1. Why is everything you say so quotable? First and current impressions of me?
  2. Lives in the country my ancestors came from.
  3. Knows that between Lot and Ward, the best early game axe-user is actually Marcus. EDIT: Fucking Hell, that's twice in 5 minutes!
  4. Gaius giving move on pair-up is arguably better than whatever Donnel does at any rate.
  5. Is aware of the fact that children like sweet foods.
  6. Should know that I would take out each individual marshmallow in boxes of Lucky Charms and eat all of them myself.
  7. I remember watching Dragon Ball Z on Toonami back when I was in Kindergarten. Good times. I don't really watch Toonami much anymore since I just watch anime online at my own pace mostly these days, but I'm glad it was brought back.
  8. My avatar is Shogo Makishima from Psycho-Pass. He's the main antagonist, but I could probably make an argument for him actually being a good guy. Knows I'm better with Captain Falcon then I am with Ike.
  9. Are you referring to Glac's avatar or my avatar? Prefers Dark Pit over Pit in Smash Bros.
  10. Actually remembered a past avatar of mine.
  11. Would probably promote Dieck or Fir over Gonzalez in FE6.
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