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Carmine Sword

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Everything posted by Carmine Sword

  1. Knows that Bases > Growths. Alternatively, knows that Ests suck and Jeigans are awesome .
  2. Most likely prefers mounted units to archers, regardless of which Fire Emblem game it is. EDIT: Why does everyone love to ninja me of all people?
  3. Don't worry Glac, I still think you're cool even if you like Wolt . Really likes archers.
  4. After 8 facepalms I had to stop reading that guide at risk of causing serious injury to my face.
  5. Ended up picking my favorite Final Fantasy game.
  6. Doesn't like Ike for some reason. EDIT: Damn ninjas.
  7. Chapter 18: 6/112 Everyone helped out this chapter. Lute warped Cormag carrying Ross up north and Warped Ephraim carrying Eirika east. Gilliam and Colm took the long way north while Myrhh killed eggs and a gargoyle in the middle. Saleh spamed Barrier as per usual and also Hammerned the Warp Staff. Saleh ends the chapter just shy of B Staves, but one use of the Torch Staff next chapter will get him there. Chapter 19: 1/113 A combination of Torch, Warp, and Tethys allows Ross to walk right up to Riev and smack him with Garm on turn 1. Chapter 20: 1/114 Lute warps Cormag over to kill Morva while Saleh rescues Ephraim forward so that he can be warped onto the gate. Final, Part 1: 1/115 Lute warps Cormag up to Lyon and Cormag kills him with a Killer Lance crit pierce. Final, Part 2: 1/116 Cormag, Ross, and Ephraim take the Demon King down easily. I give Cormag the kill because Cormag's the best. Well that's it. Maybe I'll do a team evaluation later.
  8. Has an avatar of a character who is not nearly as nice as she would appear.
  9. Chapter 11: 7/81 Oddly enough, Lute dodge-tanking ended up being more helpful here than Gilliam's defense. Not much to say. Everyone killed stuff while Lute spammed Torch for staff exp. Lute hit S Rank Anima for an extra 5 hit and crit, yet somehow she still managed to miss a 91 displayed hit on the boss. Cormag got an extra level out of killing the boss instead of Lute though, so it wasn't all bad. In addition to hitting S Rank Anima, Lute also reached C Rank Staves and Gilliam finally reached A Rank Lances, so I can finally start using Seth's Silver Lance if necessary. Oh, and the Hatchet broke. R.I.P. Hatchet, you will be missed. EDIT: Chapter 12: 4/85 Cormag promoted to Wyvern Knight in the preparations menu. Cormag rushed towards the boss while everyone else went left for some self improvement. Colm spent the chapter getting intentionally hit by enemies so that Lute would have someone to heal. You all probably think giving Cormag the Angelic Robe was a stupid idea, but Cormag just barely managed to survive Turn 3 Enemy Phase with 1 HP, so it was a worthy investment. Cormag thankfully had just enough strength to take out the boss with an Axereaver hit + crit. In other news, Colm hit C Rank Swords and Gilliam hit B Rank Axes. EDIT 2: Chapter 13: 7/92 Lute, Colm, and Ephraim handled the left side, Cormag rushed towards the bottom of the map to get the Barrier Staff village and kill the enemies down there, Ross crossed the river and took care of the enemies in the middle, while Gilliam took the right side with help from Tethys. Ross hit S Rank Axes and Cormag is literally 1 weapon exp away from S Rank Lances. After the map, I gave Cormag the Talisman and the Goddess Icon, and Lute ate the second Energy Ring. EDIT 3: Chapter 14: 5/97 Other than rigging the status staves to miss this chapter wasn't too bad. Ross and Colm went to the treasure room in the middle while everyone else charged up the right side. Lute spammed Barrier and Unlock while Cormag carried Ephraim to the throne room. Cormag killed Vigard with a Heavy Lance pierce crit (which was overkill, as I only needed either a pierce or a crit, not both). Ross and Colm got the Guiding Ring and the Hammerne Staff. Lute killed Rennac so that I could get the Spear that he stole. I might need to use the Hammerne Staff once in the next chapter in order to get Lute to A Rank Staves. Hopefully I'll have enough Warp uses despite that. EDIT 4: Chapter 15: 6/103 A 5 turn clear was possible, but then Lute wouldn't have reached A Rank Staves. Cormag took Colm up to Callech's area to get the Warp Staff while Cormag just murdered everything up there. Eirika and Saleh took care of the top right corner, while Ephriam and Ross charged forward and took out everything down south with effective weaponry. Ross one-rounded Valter with Garm, and on the same turn Lute reached A Staves as well as obtained the Swiftsoles. Knoll, who had promoted to Summoner in the preperations menu, killed a merc. Saleh only got off one heal, but he has till Chapter 20 to reach B Rank Staves, so I'm not worried. EDIT 5: Chapter 16: 2/105 First warp-skip chapter. Due to the starting positions for this chapter on Ephraim Route, a 1 turn clear is impossible. However, the 2 turn clear only requires 1 use of Warp compared to the 3 uses of Warp needed to 1 turn this chapter on Eirika Route. Anyways, Cormag, who ate the swiftsoles in the prep menu, picked up Ephraim, got danced by Tethys, and then got warped to the throne room by Lute. On turn 2, Cormag kills Orson with the Horseslayer (Cormag crit him, but that was unnecessary since Cormag doubled Orson anyway), Saleh spams Barrier with help from Tethys, Myrhh kills a myrmidon, Gilliam reaches S Rank Lances, and Ephraim seizes. Eirika and Ephraim both promote afterwards. EDIT 6: Chapter 17: 1/106 Warped Cormag up to Lyon and Speared him and his Druid buddies to death. Saleh used Barrier. Ephraim killed the 2 Paladins near the start for no particular reason. Everyone else did pretty much nothing. Cormag maxed strength.
  10. Chapter 8: 6/56 Lute ate the Energy Ring and Gilliam promoted to Great Knight in the preparations menu. Lute and Ross took out the 2 soldiers at the start so that Gilliam could move ahead with a rescued Eirika. Gilliam gets the door key traded to him on the next turn so that he can enter the knight room, where he takes out most of them with a Steel Axe, leaving 2 alive for Lute to kill later. Ephraim shows up and spends the chapter killing dudes for levels since he's too far away to contribute with seizing the throne. Lute hits level 10 on turn 4, and she promotes to Sage on turn 5. Also on turn 5, Gilliam drops Eirika next to Tirado, whom she kills with 2 Rapier crits. Lute gets in one Mend use on Gilliam, Ross gets a shit level, Colm gets the Angelic Robe, and Eirika seizes. Since I'm going on Ephraim's route, I gave Eirika the Killing Edge for herself and a Heal Staff for Saleh to use in Chapter 15 when she returns. EDIT: Chapter 9: 12/68 Ugh, this chapter takes forever without mounts (Gilliam might be mounted, but he only has the move of a foot unit). Ephraim spent the entirety of the chapter in Gilliam's saddlebags except for recruiting Amelia for her speedwings. Gilliam didn't even care about the speed penalty, as he doubled knights and soldiers regardless and OHKOed cavaliers with the Halberd. Lute followed Gilliam and healed him when possible. Ross cleaned up leftovers while Colm opened the front gate and obtained the Ocean Seal. Gheb was taken down through a combination of Axereaver!Gilliam and Lightning!Lute, and Lute got a great level from the boss kill. EDIT 2: Chapter 10: 6/74 Much easier than last chapter. I brought Tana along to recruit Cormag, which she does on turn 2. Cormag kills his wyvern brethren while everyone else goes around the long way to the boss. Lute heals people for staff exp while Gilliam continues to give no fucks about any enemy using a physical weapon. The boss is again taken down through a combination of Gilliam and Lute. Ross reached level 11, so I promoted him to Berserker on the last turn since he had nothing else to do. Colm killed a merc for a perfect level and got the Torch village. I didn't get the Hero Crest village, but since I don't have any Hero Crest users it's fine. After the chapter, I gave all of my stat boosters to Cormag (Angelic Robe, Skill Book, Speedwings, Dragonshield).
  11. Chapter 5x: 8/40 Orson is the best. Oh, and Ephraim got 2 levels. EDIT: Chapter 6: 5/45 Gilliam, Ross, and Colm all team up to rescue chain Eirika onto the mountain on turn 1 while Lute starts moving towards the fort. Lute spends the rest of the chapter dodge-tanking for exp while Eirika moves towards the boss with the assistance of Ross. Gilliam kills a cavalier and Colm gets a level by chipping a different cavalier. Got the Halberd. Eirika kills the boss on enemy phase so that Lute can get more exp. EDIT 2: Chapter 7: 5/50 Colm and Ross rescue drop Eirika over the river while Lute and Gilliam head right for some exp. Ross Halberds the boss after making him switch to his javelin and Colm steals the Energy Ring. Lute hit B Rank Anima. Gilliam will promote to Great Knight next chapter.
  12. Orson is free though, and he saves the most turns in that chapter anyway. I'd personally not have 5x be free. I've never seen a draft where 5x was free.
  13. Chapter 5: 6/32 Lost a turn due to Eirika being 1 strength short of being able to kill fighters standing on a forest tile. Lute got magic and Ross hit level 10, so he will promote to Pirate in Chapter 6. Colm is slowly turning into a competent unit (his growths are better than Joshua's in nearly every stat, but Joshua has much better bases). Was able to get all the villages due to undrafted units being able to visit them, which is good, as I really need the Guiding Ring.
  14. Is a fan of Sword of Seals. I'm considering replacing FE8 with FE6 as my favorite Fire Emblem. I enjoy its added challenge over FE7 and FE8.
  15. Chapter 4: 6/26 Gilliam apparently did not get the memo that knights are supposed to be slow, as he proced speed three times in this chapter. Ross took the top left and Colm and Eirika handled the bottom left. Colm recruited Lute on the last turn but since everything in that area of the map was already dead she didn't get any experience. Gilliam now has B Rank Lances and Ross has D Rank Axes.
  16. I think the level ups that Gilliam and Eirika got in Chapter 2 are worth missing out on an Elixer and a Pure Water. Chapter 3: 7/20 I had to burn a RN so that Ross wouldn't die, as otherwise it would have cost me a turn. Didn't get any of the chests since I can just buy the stuff that they contained, and I needed Colm to help kill dudes so that Eirika could move forward. Level ups were bleh.
  17. That soldier won't attack anyone unless they end their turn standing next to him.
  18. Might know that the Brave Sword is an enemy-only weapon in FE6.
  19. Prologue: 2/2 Famiry Shame. Chapter 1: 5/7 Eirika blitzed towards the boss and Gilliam killed a few dudes for a level with speed! Chapter 2: 6/13 NPC Ross MVP for living on 1 HP after a hit from an archer and then killing said archer on the counter attack. I didn't know if undrafted units could visit villages, so I only got the red gem village with Eirika. Both Gilliam and Eirika got an almost perfect level (Eirika missed strength and Gilliam missed resistance). I want Horace to come in and evaluate our teams. His insights are always a good read. EDIT: I can't count. Prologue was 2 turns, not 1.
  20. The quote button doesn't work when I try using it for some reason, and I'm not sure how to fix it.
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