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Everything posted by EricaofRenais

  1. Yukimura got in! I am really surprised about him getting in and as a *5 at that. I am amazed Scarlet and Shura aren't here, but that shouldn't surprise me since IS loves leaving people out who really should be in (Elphin) among others. Still I am skipping since Fallen will be next and those units are always busted.
  2. Well I am going to guess that Veyle and Shez/Arval are pretty much a sure guess, M!Byleth is also pretty likely. The one unit I always hope for is Morva though I would be happy if they ended up making him a mythic instead. A Lloyd with actual good artwork would be great, though IS seems to not want to do that and I am afraid they will have the artwork be even worse if they do have Lloyd be GHB.
  3. Well I am planning on pulling on the fallen banner, I am thinking the first NH banner will probably be Fates at least that is what I hope. I wonder what are the chances of the HoF having Veyle on it since I assume Engage is next? Veyle is the only Engage unit in Heroes I'm missing and want, but I don't think she is happening this time. I am kind of surprised to see no mention of golden week on the calendar it starts on April 29th this year according to Google anyway.
  4. My regular beat everything team of S!Edelgard, Arval, Harmonic!Dorothea and W!Edelgard had no trouble with Emblem Ike just took a few tries to get the placements right.
  5. Honestly I wouldn't be surprised if it was Tiki, since they seem to be liking filling out games and she could be any color. As to who I want Hector, Sigurd and Dimitri are the only 3 I actually care about as characters, though I wouldn't mind Veronica but I am betting on her showing up near Brave Alphonse. If they go with the order you get the emblems then it would be Celica, but who knows if they will do that since I don't see them waiting that long on Lyn. Finally giving Celica her Awakening tome would make her green so it is possible.
  6. This banner slightly annoys me since the only characters I want from NM not in game yet are Lorenz and Etzel, and Etzel could have been in on here instead of Yulia. I never liked Castor all that much so all new units here are meh to me. Oh well I think I will use the tickets on colorless since I need merges for Etie I only need 3 more. Maybe next NM banner will finally give me Lorenz in Heroes.
  7. Ok saving until April first for Alcryst. Heres hoping I do good on that banner,
  8. Well I pulled harmonic Chloe very quickly and ended up pity broken after that very quickly by bow Florina when I was trying a bit for Sylvain. I think I will stop while I am ahead and give up on having all Blue Lions versions since I don't really like Sylvain all that much anyway and I need to save orbs for the rerun of Alcryst. Maybe Sylvain will show up on the double special banner when he reruns.
  9. Well that is sad, Dragonball is huge where I live so it was part of growing up here. At least he created something that brought happiness to many people.
  10. Peony won thank Naga because I did not want another Alear.
  11. Thanks at least there is a chance I can get someone useful, though sorry that Peony pity broke you.
  12. Please tell me Peony won her side because Alear won again and I will be set on destroying her it is now personal. I will cry if she is the free unit and everyone that wants her is making my very bad week even worse by making it seem like she is soo wonderful and I should want more copies of her. I don't want to hear how good her fodder is I have plenty of her and don't need/want anymore of her.
  13. Please don't. She is already on the banner don't make me stuck with her as the free unit. Please anyone not sure who to side with now please just anyone but Alear! I know she may have good fodder for some but she stalks me on the legendary banners and I am sick of seeing her show up and if she is the winner I will cry because I am that sick of her.
  14. Dang I was hoping Camilla would beat Claude. Oh well. Here's hoping Peony or Claude win because I really don't want another Alear she likes to pity break me on legendary banners too much, and I have Dimitri and you can soon get a combat manual of him so he is another unit I don't really need. I guess I should be happy that Edelgard lost, but it being 2 units I already have on the banner sucks. Looks like I may skip the banner because it won't be worth the orbs for me.
  15. For me I think I will go, FEH/Tellius, Jugdral, Awakening/Fates and FEH/Mystery/SOV since I don't have any of those arcane weapons. I am going to spark for Alcryst on his rerun so I won't need Tana.
  16. They could do anything related to spring. Flowers of all kinds, bright colors, cherry blossoms which is big in Japan, the equinox. It doesn't have to be a holiday most of the seasonals aren't tied to a holiday to begin with just tied to a time of year or they just decided to do that theme that month. I prefer the seasonals that aren't tied to holidays because they are just more fun. They call it a 'spring" banner not an Easter banner and every year it being only bunnies annoys me, same with the winter banner.
  17. I really don't like the bunny banner and every year I hope they do a different spring theme banner. Anyway my one hope is that Elphin isn't on this banner, since my plan is to skip it, but with my luck they will put him on the banner i dislike the most. Karel I can se happening since they seem to like finishing sets on this banner.
  18. If I had to say I think it might be legendary M!Alear and emblem Sigurd. I am kind of hoping the emblems come in the order you meet them and Sigurd would be next if they do it that way, plus we have legendary F!Alear but not M!Alear so I think he will be the next Engage legendary. Of course Engage had the mythic last month so it getting the legendary this time doesn't seem that likely. Honestly M!Shez sounds the most likely to happen since I don't really see Fates or Engage getting this month's banner slot but I do think they will be getting legendary units later this year. If it is M!Shez that means they would probably come with Emblem Byleth or the bracelet emblem of the 3Hs lords as the most likely options, though that emblem they will probably make as three emblems so they make more money. I see the bracelet emblems being used just like the ring emblems so there are actually plenty of options for the first year and a half before they have to decide on non Engage emblems there also the rings that aren't emblems but give bonuses which I forget the name of at the moment but they could also become emblems in Heroes as they are 'rings".
  19. I have Edelgard, Dimitri and Alear of those the one I want again the least is Alear since I have more then one copy and so her fodder won't be that good for me. As to the ones I don't have I would be happy with any of them. I may break my tradition of going against Edelgard and pick Sanaki's team because I don't want Alear on the banner at all.
  20. Morva would be the dream for me, I have been hoping for him to get added since the start of fallen banners even though I would prefer his non possessed form. I want Myrrh so hopefully this banner will be kinder then the desert banner which only gave my Tormod and no one else.
  21. Ok now after seeing the midterms I am going all in for Veyle, I just want her on the banner so I can spark her she doesn't have to win though it would be nice.
  22. Well I went with Lumera since I am just meh on all these characters, don't know who I will go with if/when she loses though. There are other moms in the game I like a lot better, Arya being one and Louise another and I wish they were on here instead.
  23. Well I like the boys side winners and don't care about the girls at all. I was hoping for Ivy but oh well. The rest of the channel was ok at least a few pity breakers that haunt me will no longer bother me. As to AHR my first vote went to Desert Altina since I failed to get her and am not using anymore orbs to try. I think I will use my other votes on ninja Sanaki since I really want her. Of course the one hope would be no Edelgards because I have all of them even though I didn't try for her and I don't want merges. I just hope like past years the freebie and banner is all units I don't have.
  24. No FE character has my name the closest is Lorenz but that isn't that close. FE8 was my first FE so I have a lot of fan fics in my head with my favorite pairings and the kids I picture them having.
  25. Well my user name comes from a fanfic i had in my head about Sacred Stones world after the game and my name is Erika and Seth's daughter in my story. As for my profile pic it is art from the manga Saiyuki and is my favorite character Genjo Sanzo. I just really love the character so he is the best choice for me.
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